Mar 16, 2010

Quick Slim

by Shane Crafton

When purchasing any weight loss product, it is important to do your research. Many people are exchanging their opinions about Quick Slim on

For an additional source, check out Quick Slim on the very popular


Quick Slim is the product of SlimDelices™, a European company trying to break into the American market. One would think this would be a relatively easy task, as many Americans are obsessed with all things European. However, SlimDelices™ appears to be having problems succeeding.

Quick Slim is one half-hearted effort that promises aggressive weight loss through thermogenesis. The product will supposedly enhance diet and exercise efforts. However, Quick Slim's ingredients formulation is rather conventional and may even pose a threat to the consumer's health. As such, we have a hard time recommending the product, no matter how chic it looks.

Ingredients at a Glance

Quick Slim contains Green Tea, Guarana, Bitter Orange, and Mate.

Ingredients in Focus

Green Tea and Guarana are common, though natural, sources of Caffeine. Green Tea is particularly popular in fat burning supplements. It's supposed to raise the body's metabolism, but it has also been associated with various negative side effects, including nausea and dizziness. But this is not the most troubling thing about Quick Slim.

The troubling factor is the combination of these Caffeine sources with Bitter Orange. Known for its Synephrine content, Bitter Orange is typically prized for its ability to boost metabolism without the negative side effects of a stimulant like Ephedra. However, when Synephrine is stacked with Caffeine, as it is in Quick Slim, then things become a bit dicey. We can't recommend such a combination and hope that consumers avoid it, no matter what the product promises.


•    None.


•    Combines a safe ingredient with Caffeine, rendering the product hazardous.

•    Lack of significant web presence.

•    Seems to be all style and no substance.

Final Thoughts

Quick Slim should be considered carefully. If it were effective and safe, one would think it would be easily accessible on the diet market. As it stands, however, SlimDelices'™ products are rather obscure, even though they're good looking. As a remedy to this lamentable situation, consumers could focus on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a fat burner that does not combine effective ingredients with Caffeine. Such products do exist, it's just that you have to get out there and look for them.

About the Author:

Shane Crafton is a diet editor, who’s team specializes in health, fitness and weight loss reporting.

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