Feb 25, 2010

Best Weight Loss Supplement

by Rosemary Wright

That sounds a bit far fetched doesn't it? The best weight loss supplement sounds like a contradiction in terms. How can a supplement help you lose weight? Isn't it down to diet and exercise?

Are you overweight? Have you tried every weight loss program known to man? But still the weight remains. Or perhaps it did go, only to return?

In most overweight people, there is a digestive problem. Maybe your stomach rumbles or gurgles. Do you have stomach cramps or pain? Perhaps you're constipated. Or constipation alternates with diarrhoea.

Although these show that your digestive system is not working well, it goes much deeper than that, as without a healthy digestive system, you cannot function at a high level. At best, you manage. At worst you're lethargic, with no motivation. Maybe irritable, too.

One of the reasons for this is that without a healthy elimination system, toxins build up in your body, which obviously take their toll.

Another reason is that with a colon full of stagnant waste, nutrients can't be absorbed, nutrients essential to a healthy life.

As you've experienced, diets may not be the answer for you. Many are not healthy in the long term. And you slip back into your old habits when you come off them.

Changing old habits can be hard.

So what's the alternative?

Colon cleansers do help rid you of built up waste, but you may need them regularly, if the cause isn't addressed, or you don't take something to keep your intestines moving contents through.

And that can be expensive.

There are a few weight loss supplements about, but many do little to address your digestive problem, focusing instead on suppressing your appetite.

So the best weight loss supplements aren't really focussing on weight loss. Instead they focus on getting that stagnant waste that's clogging up your colon, going. Once you are eliminating regularly and efficiently, nutrients from your diet, essential nutrients to your good health, are now able to be absorbed.

As a spin off, weight starts to fall off.

About the Author:

Rosemary Wright is passionate about natural health. Why? Because you can cure so much with just knowing a bit about the best diet, the healthiest supplements and the enormous benefits from relaxing and/or meditating regularly. You don't need to know much. And you don't need to do much.
For more information, visit http://loseweightefficiently.com

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