Jan 10, 2010

Best weight loss diet- What's the best weight loss diet?

by Chance Navarro

To understand how simple is can be to keep weight off forever, you first need to know why is virtually impossible to buy the best weight loss diet. The diet and weight loss industry hopes you will never realize this, but all the facts point to the reality that two out of three Americans are still overweight or obese, no matter what diet product or progam they buy- and here’s why:

You can only lose weight one way- you need to burn off more calories than you take in. Basically, more energy needs to be used than you take in.

The sad thruth is, so few individuals know this, that they think the have to buy a programs for weight loss. Commercial weight loss plans [Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutri-Systems, etc.] all claim to have the best weight loss diet. These giant programs for weight loss can work in theory- as long as you use them to create the caloire deficit for you. However, most people that buy commerical weightloss programns, end up gaining back more weight than they lost.

So why can’t a commericial “best weight loss diet” help you permanently keep weight off? Simple: It’s quite simple actually, it’s because it makes it impossible for you to know how to keep weight off on your own. See the connection? When you stop using the diet as the tool for creating the calorie deficit, you go back to your old calorie surplus diet. Losing weight and keeping it off can be compared to learning how to swim. If you always swim with a life vest on, you never learn how to swim “tool” free. So if you’re always buying and using something- even if it’s the worlds best weight loss diet, you’re never learning how to keep weight off on your own.

However, just like learning how to swim, when you learn how to create your own “best weight loss diet” it’s gets easy- and you know how for the rest of your life. The reason keeping weight off is simple becaues it’s only possible with the calorie deficit. What makes weight loss feel hard is when you don’t know how to easily create your own calorie deficit.

Don’t don’t think the best weight loss diet is something you have to buy, because the facts prove the opposite. Instead of eating what someone else thinks you should eat, just choose a large group of natural foods that you enjoy. When do that, and get active in ways you like too, losing weight becomes so simple you barely give much thought.

There’s more! When you create your own best weight loss diet it help you not only change your body, but your life as well. How so? Because when you have control over your diet- you have control over some ever strong emotions. And when you control these emotions, the mental will power is there to control almost anything else in life that’s tempting you.

Here’s how I learned to create my best weight loss diet. It worked wonders for my life. I know it will do the same for you. Think about everything that’s at stake in your life- and start today before the damage to your heath is permanent.

About the Author:

If you want the truth, google New Body New Life

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