Nov 30, 2009

Powertea® for Weight Loss

by Shane Crafton

When purchasing any weight loss product, it is important to do your research. Many people are exchanging their opinions about PowerTea on

For an additional source, check out PowerTea on the very popular


The word 'natural' is something of a strange bird on the diet market. It seems as though all manner of products can be touted as 'natural,' even if they are anything but 'natural.'

Take PowerTea® for example. This "all-natural" formula is said to promote increased energy and weight loss. However, the ingredients combination responsible for these promising claims is somewhat suspect, and perhaps anything but 'natural.' As we will see below, the ingredients in PowerTea® might render the supplement an unsafe option for weight loss.

Ingredients at a Glance

PowerTea® contains Green Tea Polyphenal Extract, Green Tea Leaf Powder, Guarana, Citrus Aurantium, and Vitamin B12.

Ingredients in Focus

Green Tea is prized for a variety of reasons, not least of which is its EGCG, or Epigallocatechin Gallate, content. This is a catechin found in Green Tea that provides a source of antioxidants. But beyond this, Green Tea is thought to mildly increase metabolism and aid in fat burning. However the extract may contain significant amounts of caffeine and has been known to cause negative side effects including nausea, insomnia, nervousness, elevated heart rate and increased blood pressure.

Similarly, Guarana is an herbal source of caffeine that is supposed to increase alertness, fight fatigue, and increase stamina. And so, PowerTea® packs a bit of a punch. But the hazard comes when this caffeine-content is combined with the Synephrine in Citrus Aurantium. This Synephrine is a safe and reasonable metabolism-booster that doesn't deliver the negative side-effects of Ephedra. But when it is combined with caffeine, as it is in PowerTea®, Synephrine becomes unsafe as a weight loss option. And a hazardous ingredients combination is a decidedly un-natural way to go about losing weight. We would have thought the use of synepherine alone would have been the way to go.  It works very well as a fat-burner on its own.


•    None.


•    Potentially hazardous ingredients combination.

•    Conventional promises and formulation.

•    Unconvincing product presentation.

Final Thoughts

Consumers interested in healthy weight loss might not find PowerTea® to be the best option. It would be far better to look for a fat-burner that doesn't cancel out Citrus Aurantium's benefits by stacking it with caffeine. Combining such a product with diet and exercise could mean significant weight loss for the consumer.

About the Author:

Shane Crafton is a diet editor, who’s team specializes in health, fitness and weight loss reporting.

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