Oct 25, 2009

Best Weight Loss Naturally

by Alan


Some people try to control weight with excessive exercise that impact muscles and joints and lead to permanent weakening of the system. Some people opt for drastic food reduction without realising that this can lead to brain damage or depression. You must understand the food types necessary for maintaining health at a cellular level. The best weight loss method is to recognise your body as an amalgamation of different cells that together form organs. These cells have specific food and habit requirements to maintain health and immunity.


Eat Right


Your cells depend on your food intake to maintain effective health through toxin reduction and cell repair. Processed foods pass through your body providing insufficient nutrients and high fat. High fat leads to reduced toxin reduction and results in low energy and a feeling of heaviness. The best weight loss plan is one that works towards regular detoxification of the body. It may be advisable to go through a detoxification under expert guidance and understanding your physical reactions to different foods. Regular consumption of water is another necessity in helping your body to heal itself. Dry fruits and fresh fruit consumption is essential to increase your energy levels and feeling of well-being.


Sleep Right


Regular rest habits along with good breathing techniques are essential to support your efforts towards finding the best weight loss option.  Excess sleep is as ineffective as a lack of it. You will know that you have slept well when you wake up feeling fresh. Ensure that you stretch your entire body as soon as you wake up in the morning. This will help you determine whether you are feeling good after your night's rest. If you feel drowsy after your lunch, allow yourself a ten minute nap and start work immediately after that.


Manage Stress


Stress is a state of disequilibrium that affects you at a physical and mental level. Poor food and rest habits are a source of stress and if you add mental stress to this, the body steadily weakens and regularly breaks down. Immunity is compromised and weight gain seems to occur without reason. The best weight loss method to be followed in this case is one that allows you to focus on finding methods to reduce your stress through meditation. Choose creative outlets that allow you to find alternatives to spend your time.


Exercise right


Your day should start with a set of stretching exercises that cover all your limbs. These should be done slowly to avoid injury. The best weight loss method is one that allows for higher focus on maintaining flexibility and less on high impact exercise. Any exercise that involves jerky motions is likely to lead to painful joints. Instead, choose dancing and yoga as methods to keep your body supple. If you enjoy games like football or badminton where impact on the joints is inevitable in varying degrees, support the joints and ensure that you give yourself a massage twice a week to strengthen your muscles and cleanse your skin. 


About the Author:

If you are looking for a website where you can get advice on arriving at the Best Weight Loss plan independent of expert advice, log on to http://www.fastweightlossplantips.com.

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