Aug 6, 2009

The Best Weight Loss Secrets

by Mathew Reinholt

The best weight loss secrets I know may not have anything to do with the diet plan or exercise program you choose. Rather how you motivate yourself to suffer the hunger that will surely come as you reduce or change the food you eat and the muscle soreness you are likely to feel when beginning any new exercise program.

There is hundreds of diet and exercise programs available that will help you lose weight if you follow them. I am not talking about taking pills that you can never get off and usually have less than desirable side effects. I am not talking about some fad diet where the menu is so restrictive that you are bound to fail. I am talking about diets that give you a balanced meal and exercise programs that fit your level of fitness. These you can do if you can just stick with it.

The best weight loss secrets are not really secrets, just common sense. Maybe these secrets will help you as they have me:

1. See your doctor before beginning a diet or exercise program.

2. Choose a diet that gives you balanced nutrition while staying with the foods you are accustomed to. Same foods just different portions. More fruits and vegetables and less meat and carbohydrates.

3. Have realistic expectations. Many people go into these programs expecting to lose 20 pounds or more in three to four weeks. It can be done but I don't believe it is healthy to do so. In addition these people tend to binge once they have reached their goal and are right back on another diet in a few weeks.

4. Do not look at the scale every day. That can be discouraging. If you stay with it you can expect to lose as much as ten pounds your first two weeks and 1-3 pounds every week thereafter until you hit your target weight.

The very best weight loss secret is this: we all fail at some point. If you get off your diet for a couple of days don't get down on yourself just get back on your plan. Remember losing weight is not easy and you should be proud of your accomplishments. You can do it!

About the Author:

Mathew Reinholt – Is committed to giving you the best information possible on Best Weight Loss Secrets Visit my review page where I have listed what I believe to be the top five diet programs available Weight Loss Reviews

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