Feb 27, 2010

Best Weight Loss Diet of 2009 - The Most Effective Diet to Get Accelerated Weight Loss With Ease!

by Avy Barnes

Have you have been looking for the best weight loss diet of 2009, but you just keep running into ineffective and over-hyped diets? Well, take 60 quick seconds out of your hectic day to read on and learn more about the most effective online diet to lose weight incredibly fast and easy!

Alright, first things first. If you want to drop your weight and fat fast, you have to make sure you get a natural diet. Please avoid fad diets (low carb, low calorie, low fat, celebrity hyped, etc.) by all means! That type of dieting will more than likely prompt your metabolism to decrease severely. A slow metabolism is what causes the “rebound weight loss effect” and RETAINED body fat!

Now, the most effective diet I’ve researched and used successfully for myself is the calorie shifting diet from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

What this diet will do for you is simple: SKYROCKET your metabolism to the maximum peak and provide your body with PROPER nutrition!

As far as proper nutrition, you will get a diet generator that creates a daily menu plan of 4 meals you’ll eat each day. As far as elevating your metabolism is concerned, the meals you’ll be eating are designed to boost your fat burning hormones, plus you’ll also learn the “shifting” technique which is what really gets your metabolism raised to the maximum peak. You’ll also receive a plethora of other tools, tricks, tips, and more to get you the results you’ve been wanting.

The end result with this diet is faster, consistent, easier, and PERMANENT weight loss.

So, if you want the best weight loss diet of 2009 that truly does work, then I highly recommend you tryout the calorie shifting diet today.

About the Author:

Lose 9 Pounds and melt away fat every 11 DAYS with the calorie shifting diet plan from Fat Loss 4 Idiots!

Click http://www.FatLoss4IdiotsDietSystem.info to read the full review of the calorie shifting diet from Fat Loss 4 Idiots, GET 50% OFF, and get started today!

The Best Weight Loss Plan = Natural Food With No Pills

by Stephan Weigandt

If you want to lose weight, then you need the best weight loss plan available. There are many benefits from losing weight, including better mobility and better health. However, you have to attack weight loss from the right angle. You can’t just pop pills to lose weight. The best weight loss plans tackle the real issue of weight loss and not mask it through pills.

The drug companies want you to think you can’t lose weight without a pill. Unfortunately, the only one benefiting from weight loss pills is the diet companies. A true weight loss plan will focus on supporting you and your health. They won’t push pills that only help you lose weight as long as you take them. The best weight loss programs definitely won’t suggest pills that make you worse off than before you began.

Have you even seen some of the side effects of the so called “Weight Loss” pills? Some of the side effects are worse than being overweight. If you look at a popular pill today (and I won’t mention which one), you will see a warning label saying that if you eat fat while taking this pill you can suffer severe cramps and possible anal leakage. What is the world is that all about? Who would risk anal leakage? Personally, I would rather be fat.

The best plans will have you eating natural and healthy foods. The foods will be readily available and fulfill your dietary needs. It won’t cut out a food group but instead will encourage you to eat a wide range of foods.

For More Details Visit : http://www.strengthenmyhealth.com/best-weight-loss-program

About the Author:

I am the owner of this site.

Feb 25, 2010

Best Weight Loss Supplement

by Rosemary Wright

That sounds a bit far fetched doesn't it? The best weight loss supplement sounds like a contradiction in terms. How can a supplement help you lose weight? Isn't it down to diet and exercise?

Are you overweight? Have you tried every weight loss program known to man? But still the weight remains. Or perhaps it did go, only to return?

In most overweight people, there is a digestive problem. Maybe your stomach rumbles or gurgles. Do you have stomach cramps or pain? Perhaps you're constipated. Or constipation alternates with diarrhoea.

Although these show that your digestive system is not working well, it goes much deeper than that, as without a healthy digestive system, you cannot function at a high level. At best, you manage. At worst you're lethargic, with no motivation. Maybe irritable, too.

One of the reasons for this is that without a healthy elimination system, toxins build up in your body, which obviously take their toll.

Another reason is that with a colon full of stagnant waste, nutrients can't be absorbed, nutrients essential to a healthy life.

As you've experienced, diets may not be the answer for you. Many are not healthy in the long term. And you slip back into your old habits when you come off them.

Changing old habits can be hard.

So what's the alternative?

Colon cleansers do help rid you of built up waste, but you may need them regularly, if the cause isn't addressed, or you don't take something to keep your intestines moving contents through.

And that can be expensive.

There are a few weight loss supplements about, but many do little to address your digestive problem, focusing instead on suppressing your appetite.

So the best weight loss supplements aren't really focussing on weight loss. Instead they focus on getting that stagnant waste that's clogging up your colon, going. Once you are eliminating regularly and efficiently, nutrients from your diet, essential nutrients to your good health, are now able to be absorbed.

As a spin off, weight starts to fall off.

About the Author:

Rosemary Wright is passionate about natural health. Why? Because you can cure so much with just knowing a bit about the best diet, the healthiest supplements and the enormous benefits from relaxing and/or meditating regularly. You don't need to know much. And you don't need to do much.
For more information, visit http://loseweightefficiently.com

What is Best Weight Loss Pills?

by Jennifer T.

Health is one of the most important factors that must be considered by human beings since from this we tend to live longer and spend more time in such a way that we should enjoy it to the fullest.

Health problems have been increasing from day to day and there are a lot of reasons for this; the causes would depend from one person to another. It is very important that people should always be aware and conscious about his own health and through this he will be able to prevent their body from having diseases and be safe from all of those sicknesses that they might get from other people.

Being healthy is not just about having a skinny body; it is also important to stay fit and live a healthy life – this only means that a person must always consider the fact that taking the right food and having a balance healthy lifestyle would be the best solution of being fit and healthy.

After several years that passed by, there are a lot of new facts gathered from inventions, discoveries and thorough studies that were conducted by professionals especially in the field of medicine.

One healthy problem that medical specialists tried to solve would be weight issues and with this they have collected too much information to find the best way to solve this problem. Obesity is one problem among hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people around the world and medical society has been trying to improve ways of losing weight.

There are different types of weight loss techniques that have been endorsed by medical specialists and those techniques differ from procedures. The most expensive way of losing weight would be through surgery; those surgical procedures were dangerous especially if it will not be done carefully and properly. This is the reason why this technique should only be done by those who are credible enough when it comes to surgical operations.

The next one would be through pills or best weight loss pills products which should be taken in a span of time so that effects can be seen. There are a big number of diet pills sold in the market today and a lot of them were claiming to be the best weight loss pills. Among those which are said to be the best weight loss pills were true but not all of those will give you a healthy way of losing weight – they can either have side effects that can just cause worst problems or some of those so called best weight loss pills were just ineffective.

Even though there are a lot of best weight loss pills that were discovered there are still some that can be considered as best, natural and most healthy way of losing the unwanted pounds – this is through exercise, healthy diet and so on. We all know that there is still no better ways than losing weight naturally because if you will take pills you still have to workout and exercise to lose those fats. There would be no better way than losing weight in a natural, inexpensive and healthy way.

About the Author:
What are the best weight loss pills? The ProHealthMind Members Community contains multiple techniques for increasing your metabolism, losing weight faster, and living a healthier lifestyle. Visit http://www.ProHealthMind.com for more information!

Feb 23, 2010

Treadmill Desks: a Healthy Alternative on the Heels of Fda Warnings of 25 Weight Loss Products

by Steve Bordley

Undeclared ingredients in weight loss products which could pose serious health risks motivated the FDA to warn American consumers to avoid more than two dozen weight loss products currently available in stores and online which did not need FDA approvals. Alarmingly, some of the undeclared ingredients included an anti-seizure medication and a potential carcinogen. There is a much safer alternative for weight loss which offers numerous health benefits as well: treadmill desks.

Potentially harmful ingredients contained in these products marketed as "herbal and/or natural" include phenytoin (which is an antiseizure drug), sibutramine (a controlled substance), rimonabant (not approved in the US), and phenolphthalein (suspected carcinogen).

America's quest for effective weight loss products often leads to harmful long term effects and to date little long term success.  “These tainted weight loss products pose a great risk to public health because they contain undeclared ingredients and, in some cases, contain prescription drugs in amounts that greatly exceed their maximum recommended dosages,” stated Dr. Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. “Consumers have no way of knowing that these products contain powerful drugs that could cause serious health consequences. Therefore, FDA is taking this action to protect the health of the American public.”

Americans have heard all this before yet the diet pill industry in this country is more pervasive than ever before. There has never been a healthy, long term, effective weight loss product that remotely compares to a balanced diet and the exercise benefits derived from walking. Study after study has shown that the weight problem in our country is correlated to significant levels of inactivity. Our bodies require much higher levels of physical activity than our busy schedules currently allow. Weight gain, ill health, depression and lost productivity are the end result and weight loss pills at best only delay and exacerbate the problem.

Treadmill desks offer a solution to the problem allowing employees the opportunity of completing their work and walking as much as 5-12 miles a day without sweating.

About the Author:

ABOUT TrekDesk : manufacturer of the first affordable full sized, adjustable treadmill desk designed to fit your existing treadmill and allow you to walk while you work, weight loss without sweating and health enhancement.

Feb 22, 2010

Best Weight Loss Diet Pill - 4 Tips To Lose Weight With Dieting Pills

by Kimmy Young

In order to lose weight, you have to use the best weight loss diet pill. However, you may not really know how you can lose pounds with these products. Let us discover the way to lose weight with them.

Lose Weight With Best Weight Loss Diet Pill

#1 First of all, you should understand how the pills work. There are different kinds of Weight Loss Pills. And different products will work differently. For example, fat binders will help you to reduce the absorption of fat. You lose weight because you get less fat from the food. On the other hand, Hoodia products will suppress your craving for foods. You can lose pounds because you eat less.

#2 You must think about your own lifestyle if you want to get rid of the unwanted pounds with the best weight loss diet pill. The best products are always products which suit your needs. If you need to suppress your hunger, you have to take Hoodia products. You will not choose an Acai Berry product if you want to reduce fat intake.

#3 You need to combine the use of dieting pills with exercising plan. This is the best way for you to lose pounds. You need to do both aerobic exercises and weight training. You will be able to get rid of the unwanted pounds a lot easier if you can have a complete plan to lose weight.

#4 It is important that you spend some time on searching for the best weight loss diet pill. You must read some weight loss pills reviews in this case. You can be able to understand more about different products from the reviews. When you are going to purchase a product, you should buy it from the official site. This will help to make sure that you will not be scammed.

So, Read Weight Loss Pill Reviews and Discover the Best Product to Lose Weight NOW!

About the Author:

Kimmy Young is well educated in the field of weight loss. She would like to help folks to get back into shape again easily!

Feb 21, 2010

Free Acai Berry Weightloss Supplement Try Acai Berry At No Cost

by Bob Mason

e looking for a great way to shed some unwanted pounds, you may want to look into acai berry for weightloss. This “super food” from the Amazonian fruit palms has several benefits to overall health and can also help lose weight!

Acai Berries are so loaded with nutrients that many athletes drink it while training. Acai is also rich in Omega-3, 6 and 9 oils. It\’s detoxifying properties are being talked about all over the world and yes…Oprah as well.

There is an acai supplement that I have tried that works very well for weightloss AND promotes overall good health. Here are some of the benefits:

1 Helps you lose weight

2 Helps increase your metabolism

3 Helps increase fat oxidation

4 Helps fight fatigue

5 Helps increase energy

6 Provides powerful antioxidant support

One great thing about this program (besides the fact that you can try it for FREE) is that you automatically become part of an online weight management club. This membership is free for life just for trying out this wonderful supplement. There are loads of excellent weightloss tips inside the club, such as customized exercise programs, diet plans, fitness tracking systems and so much more.

While the acai supplement will help you in your weightloss efforts, you cannot expect to lose weight just by taking a pill! You have to combine it with a sensible diet and an exercise routine. This combination is a sure fire way to get in shape and stay that way!

If you\’d like to experience the acai berry weight loss program for free, just visit the link below. You\’ll be able to test out this weightloss product first hand and no risk to you! How many other products out there let you try before you buy?

About the Author:

Click this link to find out more information on this wonderful weight loss product and how to get your free sample today! —-> Free Acai Berry Supplement

Top Over the Counter Weight Loss Products - Always at Your Disposal

by Robert Kokoska

The over the counter weight reduction products are the topic of countless discusses in internet dieting circles. Some of the scientists say that these products are not so good for the health, but we will be able to say the results show the opposite.

A few of these products are even better than some of the tablets for weight reduction taken by prescription. We will be able to indicate to you some of the finest known and preferred non-prescription weight reduction products.

The 1st and one of the most well liked is Xenical. This drug works as an enzyme inhibitor, obstructing their action causing fats to get eliminated instead of digested and soaked up. The great effect of this product is that it works by repressing the gut and pancreatic lipase enzymes and in this, the calories are eliminated. It is recommended to take Xenical before your main meals of the day. Of coarse, like any diet tablets, Xenical should be mixed with a well balanced diet loaded in fresh fruit and veg that contain an average of about 20-30% of daily calorie intake.

Xenical is also known under the name of Orlistat and belongs to the Alli product offering. Initially, Xenical was available by prescription only but now it is an OTC weight reduction product in the US, Australia and through Europe. Alli products generally come with a diet program for shedding pounds. You’ll need to entirely commit yourself to a new lifestyle to get the result you are after.

Alli stops your body from soaking up approximately a quarter of the fat that you eat. So if you follow a low-fat diet and use Alli capsules, you can make a genuine difference to your weight as you limit the total number of calories that enter your system from fats. Alli products have been clinically shown to help people to lose up to fifty percent more weight than by simply dieting alone.

Rather than losing only fifteen pounds while on a standard diet, you could instead lose twenty or more pounds if you also took the Alli tablets. One annoying side-effect of taking Alli is the incontrovertible fact that if you eat a meal with too much fat, you will have to go to the toilet in a rush. As you can see, these weight reduction products are sometimes quite safe.

Starlight products appear to also give in a similar way, good results. One of the more well-known products from Starlight Global is “Fat Free”, that appeared only quite recently on the market, and works similar to Xenical by obstructing the assimilation of fat into the body.

Finally, there also are many herbal diet tablets that help in reducing the appetite while enlarging your energy levels. The best fact is that they don’t have an affect on your health or have the same side effects, like the other prescription tablets.

The most common weight reduction herbs include the following: Sour Orange, Cayenne, Coleus, Ephedra, Garcinia Cambogia, Green Tea, Guarana, Guggul, Spirulina (Blue-Green Algae) and St. John’s Wort.

The oriental cultures discovered the way to a fitter and healthier life. If you’d like to shed pounds, you must try their systems with all of your trust. Once more, be determined, exercise, and make your intention for a healthful diet and along with these over the counter weight reduction products which are always at your disposal, you can succeed.

About the Author:

To begin losing weight fast we recommend using the new fail-proof diet from The Weight Loss Grail.

You can begin this fantastic new diet right here: http://www.theweightlossgrail.com

Read more weight loss articles:
Top Over The Counter Weight Loss Products

Feb 19, 2010

Liquid Vitamins and Weight Loss Products – Keeping you in Top Shape

by Amelie Mag

You may have wondered several times whether it is necessary to take liquid vitamins or whether weight loss products are of any use for a body facing overweight issues. Most of those who reject the mere idea of it bring as arguments for their point of view a number of activities considered healthy and completed on a regular basis. Their perspective is fair enough: could we not simply eat healthy, drink water as much as our body needs it and exercise daily?

According to all commonsensical rules, our body should always be in its best condition if it completes successfully, regularly, such "tasks" and thus nutritional supplements in the form of liquid vitamins would no longer be required. The same, it should deal successfully with any weight loss issues and eliminate them just by approaching the healthy way of conducting your lifestyle. Well, let us look at a couple of arguments supporting the adding of such nutritional supplements in our regular diet and see what their benefits are for a healthy manner of living.

First, have you ever considered the fact that our regular meals no longer include the nutritious qualities they should include? Owing to the increasing number of technological methods for food farming and processing, our nourishment, which should contain high levels of certain nutrients, no longer includes the necessary amounts of healthy nutrients. Most frequently, the products we buy, even vegetables and fruits, lose their nutrition value in the processing techniques.

In addition, the nutrition value of our regular meals decreases because of the cooking methods we apply. Boiling and frying food ingredients destroys most of the nutrients remaining after the processing of the product. Of course, in the case where you opt for unprocessed foods, you are exempt from the obvious disadvantages of cooked food. However, you do have to find a way toward a reliable supplier of such organic products managed and cropped in the most natural circumstances.

The fact is this: fresh fruits and vegetables contain the highest levels of nutrients if farmed in conditions as natural as possible. The more we delay the moment of eating them, after having picked them up, the more nutrients they lose. This nutrient depletion process aggravates if we cook such natural products. In addition, contrary to what most people assume, nutrient depletion does not lead to successful weight loss results. On the contrary, it will push the body forth into assimilating the necessary substances in disproportionate amounts, thus turning any weight loss prospects into unavailing efforts.

Second, an incredible number of unseen toxins are surrounding us. This happens daily and many of us are not even aware of the fact. Toxins are an unmatched source of stress on our body. Consider the fact that even water that we think drinkable and that we need so much includes toxins. Of course, the most appropriate manner of counterbalancing the effect of these toxins is by providing our body with the nutritional support it needs.

We have already seen that nutrient depletion in our regular meals is a common phenomenon. This is why we cannot provide the nutritional support our body needs when attacked by toxins by simply eating the processed and improperly cooked regular foods. Therefore, what you need, what your body requires is a strong basis of liquid vitamins that would provide the nutritional support we were mentioning. Moreover, to what concerns diet pills, they will not fail to supply the same support. Our weight loss products are natural and they will help you lose weight efficiently while maintaining healthy your body.

Liquid vitamins will counteract successfully low levels of nutrition value and high levels of toxins. The fact that our body absorbs easily such nutritional supplements comes to reinforce their advantages. As compared to other vitamins, i.e. those that we take in solid form, we do not risk wasting or not absorbing liquid ones. They reach rapidly the blood stream and begin their benefic influence immediately after that. If you want health at optimal levels, then such nutritional support is indispensable.

About the Author:

Maintaining optimal health should not be an issue if you consider the advantages of liquid vitamins nutritional supplements and of diet weight loss pills and products. They will provide your body with the nutritional support it needs to counteract the damaging influence of toxins that place it at high stress on a regular basis and, correspondingly, they will assist you in losing weight successfully.

Where to Buy Weight Loss Supplement Pills?

by Xylene Belita

One of the most popular ways of losing weight and getting rid of that fat these days is by taking weight loss pills. Unlike exercise and diet regimens, they offer a faster effective way of losing weight without changing usual eating habits.

There are several weight loss supplement pills that you can select from. These go from prescription drugs manufactured synthetically to natural products that are supposed to offer a safer alternative for the same effects.

But even natural weight loss pills can still have side effects. In some people side effects of weight loss pills resulted in severe reactions that can be extremely dangerous to their health.

To ensure that your health won’t be endangered in any way, always discuss everything with your doctor first, no matter if you are taking prescription or natural weight loss pills . Particularly if you have any other health issues that need to be discussed.

No matter what type of pill or product, natural or synthetic, you plan to take to lose weight, you really should discuss it with your doctor first. Ensure that your health won’t be endangered in any way. In particular, if you have any other health issues that need to be discussed, do so with a doctor before trying out the latest weight loss pills by yourself. If possible, bring a sample of the weight loss pills you are planning to take for your doctor to examine. They usually list the ingredients in their containers which may help the doctor spot any potential dangers to your health if you take them. Make sure to discuss allergies if you have any.

Anyway, you are going to have to go through your doctor with prescription drugs, so it would be a wise decision to talk about all the alternatives before deciding on what’s best for you.

So, you ask: Do weight loss pills work? Weight loss capsules can be highly effective when the right one is chosen for the patient. Many people have had outstanding results in burning fat in a relatively short time when they find a weight loss pill that suits their metabolism. On the other hand there have been many people who have had considerable problems with the weight loss capsules that they have been using. Either prescription or natural, some weight loss capsules just aren’t suitable for them. Just as we have different tendencies toward weight gain or weight loss, we also have different reactions to different weight loss pills .

The key is finding the most effective weight loss pills that works for you. Just remember to stay safe. Always see the doctor first. It isn’t worth putting your life at risk just to lose weight, but with perseverance and the right weight loss pill, you would be improving your life by getting rid of that fat once and for all.

About the Author:

Feb 18, 2010

Natural Weight Loss Products, Can you Believe?

by Casey Mccarthy

Experts estimate that millions of Americans are either overweight or obese. There is simply too much temptation wherever you turn. There are bakeries that offer luscious treats in every city and town across america.

For people who are trying to losing weight these establishments are torture, losing weight in not only good for their self-esteem, it is will also help with many health issues.

People who have tried the weight loss programs and failed, are now turning to Natural weight loss products for relief.

Natural weight loss is the process of loosing weight without any diet pills, or any other chemical aide.

As with any other diet program, consulting a physician before starting is absolutely necessary. Not only will a physician clear you of any possible health problems, but also he or she can create a Natural weight loss routine of diet and exercise routine that will best suit your needs.

Another option that you have is to consult with a nutrition and fitness expert for your Natural weight loss needs. They are specially trained in the field of Natural weight loss and can design a plan that is right for you.

With a Natural weight loss plan, it will take longer for the weight to come off. This is because you are not only changing your dietary habits, but also making lifestyle changes.

Weight loss products are designed for quick weight reduction. When you have achieved the weight goal, you stop taking the product. Most of the time, the weight returns and then some.

With a Natural weight loss plan, the weight comes off slowly and stays off. This is because with a Natural weight loss diet plan, you are not only controlling your diet, but you are using a exercise routing as well.

When you choose to use a Natural weight loss diet plan, you are choosing to effect lifestyle changes and modifications that will

assist you in achieving the goals that you set for yourself. The Natural weight loss is permanent. The weight loss will stay with you

as long as you follow Natural weight loss plan.

An exercise routine is also a very important part of Natural weight loss, going to the gym or fitness center has become an everyday routine for millions of Americans. With Natural weight loss, exercise will be the key factor in how much weight you lose.

Because you are on a Natural weight loss plan, you have to exercise.Going for a walk after dinner is cardiovascular exercise and is great for burning the calories and fat from dinner.

Natural weight loss takes into consideration everything you do during the day and can incorporate it into a healthier lifestyle.

Dieting is a short-term solution to weight loss.

Natural weight loss is the most recommended form of weight loss. It is a healthier more stable form of weight loss and it is permanent. It is agreed that is takes longer, but some feel that it is worth sticking with a Natural weight loss because the results will not disappoint you.

If you looking for the right weight loss product to help you in your natural weight loss program, please visit numovil.net, they have a large selection of the top nutritional products on the market.

About the Author:

Casey McCarthy
Please visit this site for more useful information.

Feb 16, 2010

Finding The Best Weight Loss Program

by Iprwire Staff Writer

As you probably know already, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of ideas on what is the best weight loss program on the market today. For every company that offers a plan, there is a different idea of what works best and what doesn’t work at all. It is no wonder that so many people are confused when it comes to choosing a weight loss program.

Nearly every one of us has tried to lose some pounds at some time during our life. For the most part, we fail. Yes, there are those lucky few who have succeeded in their plan and have shed the pounds and are now happily keeping those same pounds off. But for the rest of us, dieting can seem more like torture than anything else.

Losing those extra pounds can seem impossible. Even thought we starve ourselves, the pounds remain. It is no wonder that so many people simple throw the diet plan in the trash and go back to their old eating habits. They reason that it is no use putting themselves through this if they cannot see the results they were promised.

In many ways, we cannot blame them. Who wants to count calories day in and day out? Who wants to feel as if they are being denied the foods that they crave and so desperately want to taste?

It seems that in many cases this failure is not so much the fault of the person, but rather the fault of the weight loss program itself. Some of these plans will spend millions of dollars in advertising to get people to buy their products, knowing full well that the products do not work as advertised. Other companies will gladly take a person’s money, ship them some product, and then promptly disappear from the scene, leaving the person to fend for themselves.

Another issue that causes failure is lack of proper medical guidance beforehand. Anyone considering a weight loss program should begin by visiting the family doctor. Only your doctor can tell you exactly what you should do and how you should do it.

This is increasingly important for people with special needs. For example, diabetics require special needs in their diets and those needs must be addressed and understood by the patient before going on any type of food restriction regime. The truth is, your life might be at risk if you haphazardly begin a diet regime that does not meet your needs. This can harm your metabolism and organs and lead to serious problems.

It is also important to understand what types of exercise activities you are safely capable of doing. An over-stressed heart or lung can lead to major health problems, such as heart attack or stroke. Your doctor can set you up with a safe exercise routine that will help shed the pounds while not endangering you.

About the Author:
Phoenix marketing (www.thedoctoristhin.com)” target=”_blank”>www.thedoctoristhin.com”>(www.thedoctoristhin.com) started in 2005 to develop a web presence in the health industry. Dr. Alan Jenks wanted to provide solutions to make smart choices about his weight” target=”_blank”>www.thedoctoristhin.com”>weight loss program.

Diets and Weight Loss Products

by Allison Jane

Many of us around the world are facing problems on weights. Most are suffering from excessive weight gain and obesity. Many try to lose weight but struggle to find an effective weight loss method. Unluckily, there is no easy way. One way to lose weight and keep it off is by making permanent lifestyle changes.

Nowadays, about 100 million people or more go on diet every year. But sadly, only 10 to15 percent tend to maintain the weight loss method. We can not deny the fact that many of us have some misunderstandings on what method of diet is healthy and what is not. As the rate of obesity has increased, so has the market for weight-loss products. Let us say, you choose to use an over-the-counter weight loss product or participate in a weight loss program, the bottom line is that you still must eat fewer calories than you burn to lose weight.

When selecting a weight loss product or program, gather as much information as possible. Just one thing, beware of high costs, pressure to buy special foods or pills, and fraudulent claims. There are a lot of risks on that. Some examples of ineffective or useless diet products include: diet patches, magnet diet pills, certain bulk fillers, electrical muscle stimulators, appetite suppressing eyeglasses and magic weight loss earrings.

How do we say that they are ineffective? Diet patches have been removed from the market by the FDA because they were ineffective as diet aid. Magnet diet pills on the other hand allegedly flush fat out of the body which is unhealthy. While certain bulk fillers may cause internal obstruction. Electrical muscle stimulators may remove by the FDA from the market if promoted for weight loss. Appetite suppressing eyeglasses and magic weight loss earrings are said to claim colored lenses project image on retina and decrease appetite and control hunger by stimulating acupuncture points respectively.

There are actually a lot of different kinds of weight loss products that are on sale. They are sold over the counter in various retail outlets such as pharmacies, health food stores, grocery stores and are also available online. Under the right circumstances, some of these may be safe and effective when used as part of a weight management program that promotes a reduced intake of dietary calories and an increase in physical activity. But if you are considering the use of weight loss products, you should be aware of potential risks so you can make informed choices.

Above all these, the best weight loss products come in one: natural diet. It is as simple as eat healthier, watch portion sizes, be responsible and be active.

About the Author:

Allison Jane Perez is working as a webmaster and as an online marketer.

Feb 14, 2010

Cybergenics for Weight Loss

by Shane Crafton

When purchasing any weight loss product, it is important to do your research. Many people are exchanging  their opinions about Cybergenics on DietBlogTalk.com

For an additional source, check out Cybergenics on the very popular Sensational.com


Muscle weighs more than fat. It is a simple fact. That is why most people who are looking to slim down and lose weight are not really looking to bulk up. Yet, companies like Cybergenics seem to want to have a hand both in bodybuilding and weight loss products. Sometimes it is better to do one thing well rather than try to tackle too many projects. Let's see how this company does when it comes to offering comprehensive weight loss assistance.

Ingredients/Program at a Glance

Along with its bodybuilding products and programs, Cybergenics offers a couple of weight loss programs, including the Cybertrim 6 Week Mega Weight Loss Program. This program seems to combine exercise information, nutrition guidelines and supplements.

Ingredients/Program in Focus

As mentioned previously, this company's weight loss programs aim to offer well rounded support by addressing the issues of fitness, nutrition and supplementation. Yet, the details are not clear on what sort of approaches are taken when it comes to these issues. The company also fails to post any clear ingredient information regarding the supplements used in the program.  We believe that such information is extremely important, and we have found that often the best companies are more than willing to provide such details for their consumers.  Without knowing what a product contains, it may be impossible for consumers to determine effective it may or may not be.  Instead of simply trusting such products like those offered by Cybergenics, we recommend that dieters look for supplements that contain safe, effective and proven ingredients like Advantra Z, Hoodia and Yerba Mate.


·    Encourages nutrition and exercise

·    Supplementation is part of the program


·    Ingredient information is not posted for their supplements at this time

·    Unclear if the supplements provide any fat burning support or appetite control

·    Customer reviews not posted

·    No free trial seems to be offered

·    100 percent satisfaction guarantee not mentioned

Final Thoughts

When it comes down to it, we believe that it is essential for consumers to know specific details when it comes to purchasing a product or a program. That is why a company like Cybergenics may truly disappoint a potential customer. Without providing any clear details about what sort of methods and ingredients the weight loss program is based on, the company leaves people in the dark, hardly providing them any motivation to make a purchase. Instead, dieters should spend their time finding simple and sustainable methods for exercise and healthy nutrition, and we believe they should spend their money on worthwhile supplements that provide a complete listing of their contained ingredients and extracts. The best supplement is usually one that offers an ingredient blend shown to safely increase fat burning potential while also curbing the appetite. However, we understand that some may want to learn more about Cybergenics and weight loss products in general.  To help with this we have posted links above that we believe are quite informative.

About the Author:

Shane Crafton is a diet editor, who’s team specializes in health, fitness and weight loss reporting.

Best weight loss pills for women

by Rebecca J. Thomas

Have you ever asked yourself this question: what are the best weight loss pills for women? A lot of women have already asked themselves this question, and the answer was not an easy to find. So many weight loss supplements on the market, so many women want to lose weight, yet it’s still all very confusing. When you add to this a fact that most of those diet pills have side effects, the choice becomes even harder!

But don’t worry! I have prepared here several important points for you to have in mind when looking for a weight loss pill:

Ingredients should be natural and without any dangerous components. Keep in mind that you should be using real & unaltered form of main ingredient and not an extract (for example find product with real & unaltered Hoodia Gordonii, not an extract!).

The weight loss pill shouldn’t have any side effects. Usually manufacturers will tell you that their weight loss pill have no side effects, but investigate this a little deeper. Ask on online forums, do a search on search engines, ask people in the offline world, read independent review websites etc.

There should be a reasonable money back guarantee. For example a 6 months money back guarantee sounds very nice.

Find out who the manufacturer is and how long they have been around. You want company that has been around for at least several years.

How big is the user base of this diet pill? Of course, there should be many satisfied customers. Try to search on various weight loss forums about this one.

Medical evidence. Who endorses this diet pill? Are they real doctors that honestly endorse a product or are they paid to say a few good words about this product? Any medical research about effectiveness of a diet pill? Can you actually download and see the actual research that has been performed on this diet pill or its main ingredients? Also try to find out if a product has proper certification (for example Hoodia Gordonii products must have CITES certificate, Organics Annex Certificate and Certificate of Analysis).

How much does it cost? The price of a diet pill is also an important factor. Keep in mind that a good product comes with good price. Don’t fall for “$9 for 60 pills” trap or similar. And don’t be afraid to pay a little more for good quality product.

Ok, so let’s see some suggestions for the most effective diet pills for women.

We selected 3 diet pills for you:

UniqueHoodia – main ingredient is Hoodia Gordonii. And it’s not an extract, but a real & unaltered Hoodia from South Africa. With 460mg of Hoodia Gordonii per pill, 90 pills per box, 6 months money back guarantee and having all the required certification, UniqueHoodia is our top recommendation for the best weight loss pill for women.

Proactol – this weight loss pill is fat binder. It will bind up to 28% of your dietary fat intake, which means that you can continue eating fatty meals and still lose some of your weight. Its main ingredient is Opuntia Ficus Indica which has shown some outstanding fat binding properties.

ProShape RX – this is also all-natural weight loss pill with no additives or fillers. It’s a doctor endorsed and herbalist endorsed weight loss supplement with main ingredients like Hoodia Gordonii, Green tea leaves, white kidney bean powder etc.


As you can see from the above, I gave you three recommendations for the best weight loss pills for women. You can have peace of mind if you choose any of those recommended weight loss pills, knowing that they do not have any unpleasant side effects. Don’t forget to add daily physical activity into your lifestyle and change your diet to a healthy diet – something that a lot of people should do anyways.

About the Author:

Do you need to lose weight for summer? Check out this web page: Best diet pills for men – you might find something useful there.

Feb 12, 2010

Fast Weight Loss Product – Losing Weight Is Easy Now

by Alan Chai

People are being affected daily due to their weight problems. They feel insecure of their weight as they think people look at them differently and that they don't look good while going to a party. They feel that they would have looked more convincing and elegant if they had lost some of their weight. To eliminate this problem they use fast weight loss products.

The best way of getting product for weight loss would be to search the internet for them or talk to someone who has used them before. Search the internet and talk to companies who provide these products and also review the comments on the product. This will make you realize that the product is effective or is it just the marketing of the company that has made the product so popular. You may find hundreds of very well rated weight loss products even at your gyms but no product works unless you exercise recurrently and keep a sound diet. Even the products guarantying 100% weight loss will have the instructions subscribed that you take different diets and execute different exercises on the daily basis to lose weight.

You can use different supplements and pills which would reduce your appetite to such extent that you would start to lose weight in a matter of days but make sure that you don't take those pills too regularly as they might bring dehydration into your body, even causing serious illness.

The fast weight loss product might make you lose your weight in no time but they might certainly have side effects. In my view, they always have side effects, so think about it for a second. That is your health and well being more important than your tendency to lose weight. You can always go to more less effecting and reliable ways of losing weight like losing your diet and eating less meat. But for some people that doesn't work. In that case, the fast weight loss product is the best remedy for you to be wiry and slim in very less time.

About the Author:

Get your Fast Weight Loss Product!!! Logon to http://www.fastweightlossplantips.com to get the finest product you can find online today.

Feb 11, 2010

Phenocal™ Dietary Supplement

by Shane Crafton

When purchasing any weight loss product, it is important to do your research. Many people are exchanging their opinions about Phenocal on DietBlogTalk.com

For an additional source, check out Phenocal on the very popular Sensational.com


Weight loss products promising to enhance metabolism, energy, and hunger control are a dime a dozen. The proof is always in the pudding, however, and so consumers are not without resources for making educated decisions. They simply have to investigate the ingredients that make up the product.

In the case of Phenocal™, we have a rather conventional weight loss product that makes the usual claims. Furthermore, it rests on a familiar formulation that is neither overly disappointing nor overly convincing. In short, it's just one option among so very, very many.

Ingredients at a Glance

Phenocal contains Hoodia Gordonii, Green Tea, Garcinia Cambogia, Chromium, Evodiamine, Glucomannan, Yerba Mate, Bioperine, Coleus Forskholii, Cocoa Extract, 7-Keto-DHEA, L-Tyrosine, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Hydroxocobalamin, Niacinamide, Biotin, Pyridoxine HCl, Folic Acid, and Calcium Pantothenate.

Ingredients in Focus

Phenocal is banking on the appetite suppressing abilities of Hoodia Gordonii – the diet ingredient of the millennium – as well as Glucomannan, a fiber. Together, these are thought to enable dieter's to eat less.

7-Keto, Theobromine, Yerba Mate, and Green Tea are all thought to promote fat burning, though Yerba Mate and Green Tea will deliver caffeine to the body. There's a chance that such ingredients will induce negative side effects.

The other ingredients are all common to dietary supplements:

Garcinia Cambogia, for example, is supposed to be a good source of Hydroxycitrate, which is thought to inhibit the enzyme, ATP citrate lyase. This enzyme helps synthesize fatty acids, so a product like Phenocal™ relies on the chance that this action will prevent the storage of fats, thus contributing to weight loss.

And finally, Phenocal™ employs some nutrients, like L-Tyrosine, Thiamine, Riboflavin, and Folic Acid.


•    Comprehensive formula.

•    No excessive stimulants – just good old caffeine.


•    Caffeine may induce negative side effects in some.

•    Conventional formula doesn't really stand out.

•    Product presentation is mediocre at best.

Final Thoughts

Phenocal™ isn't a terrible option for weight loss, but neither is it the best. As an addition to a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet, Phenocal™ might make a bit of a difference. However, choosing a proven supplement from a more reputable source might be a better option for healthy living.

About the Author:

Shane Crafton is a diet editor, who’s team specializes in health, fitness and weight loss reporting.

Feb 10, 2010

Weight Loss Products; What Every Dieter Should Know

by Mercy Maranga

There are hundreds of weight loss products available on the market. You have however to be careful because some of them may have serious side effects. It may be prudent for you to consult an expert before you go out and buy one. The products include pills and supplements. Proactol is one of the best diet pills on the market. It is made from natural and organic plant extracts. It is free from preservatives, artificial colors and salt.  It is a pill that can be used by all people including vegetarians and is said to have no side effects. It has been clinically proven to be effective and it is even recommended for long term consumption.

Hoodia is another weight loss product. It is one of the better- known herbal supplements. It is normally used as a natural appetite suppressant. It is estimated that more than half of hoodia products on the market are fake and therefore you have to try and make sure you get the real ones.

Phendrexin XR is another pill that is used to burn fats. Each capsule is said to contain effective pharmaceutical grade ingredients which help in suppressing hunger, stimulating metabolism and controlling appetite. Phendrexin XR is also said to provide the body with nutrients enabling it to function at the best possible level.

Chromium is another weight loss product. It is a supplement that plays a part in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It also helps the hormone insulin to move glucose into the blood cells. It plays a critical role in shading off weight and building muscles.

About the Author:

Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on weight loss and its management Weight Loss Plan

Feb 9, 2010

Weightloss Diet

by Owen Smith

Many health freaks have preached over how acai berry is a gift from God and how the benefits from going on the acai berry diet are endless. While the claims may seem slightly barbaric, there is evidence to back up the hype for acai berries.

So What Are The Benefits?

There are many benefits you will get from going on an acai berry diet. The main benefit that holds the most value, and makes acai berries unique, would be the substantial intake of antioxidants and omega fatty acids. The acai berry diet is also capable of cleansing your body and promoting a weight loss, all while supplying your body with all the right vitamins and minerals at the same time.

Antioxidants and Omega Fatty Acids

These two acai berry contents are capable of preventing and fending off heart diseases and some forms of cancer.  The acai berry diet is extremely rich in antioxidants so you're doing your body a lot of good by consuming acai on a regular basis.

Lose Weight

Most people that stumble on the acai berry diet will be looking for some sort of solution to their weight problems. If you're looking to lose weight, the acai berry diet is a great option. However, consuming acai won't necessarily guarantee you a successful weight loss. Acai is just a great addition to your diet that can help promote a fast, and healthy, weight loss. You will still need to eat healthy (a balanced diet) in order to see the results as acai can't do all the work alone.

Body Cleanse

You can also detox your body with the acai berry diet. With any juice, it's possible to cleanse your body to an extent. Acai products can work to eliminate unwanted toxins from your body and this is a great way to clean your insides and help work towards a healthier lifestyle.

As you can see, the list of benefits from the acai berry diet is virtually limitless. You will be doing nothing but good for your health by adding acai products to your daily diet as it's one of the healthiest products available. Don't just buy acai juice, or any acai product, if you're looking for a quick weight loss, but rather invest in acai products to work towards a transition to a healthier lifestyle.

About the Author:

"To learn much more about weightloss, visit http://www.FatLossMadeEasy.info where you’ll find this and much more, including daily fitness plans."

The Myth of the Best Weight Loss Plan

by Sandra Hishinuma

So many people these days are in search of the best weight loss plan to lose weight quick and easy.  Unfortunately, they will be sorely disappointed as there is no such thing as the best weight loss plan for quick and easy weight loss.  Because each individual is different, no one plan will be the best fit for everyone.  Successful weight loss can only be achieved when the weight loss plan is tailored to the individual, fits into their lifestyle, and is something they will be able to live with for the rest of their lives.  The following are a few factors that need to be considered when looking for your own best weight loss plan.

Be realistic.  If you’ve never weighed 100 pounds in your entire adult life, then don’t expect that you will be able to comfortably lose weight down to that weight.  Aim to lose 10% of your current weight and adjust accordingly after each increment of 10% that you lose.  A very rough estimate to use when finding your goal weight would be 100 pounds for the first five feet in height.  Add 5 pounds for every inch over five feet.  Therefore, if you are five feet 2 inches, a rough goal weight would be 110 pounds.  Talk with your doctor regarding what would be a realistic weight goal as there may be other factors that need to be considered (such as age and bone density) that should be factored into your goal weight.

Take into account your likes and dislikes.  If you follow a weight loss plan that says you need to eat grapefruit every morning and you hate grapefruit, you will not want to stay on the plan for very long.  When choosing a weight loss plan to follow, take into consideration the kinds of food that are on the plan, and whether you enjoy eating them.  You won’t succeed on a weight loss plan unless you feel happy with the foods you are eating and don’t feel like you’re being punished for deciding to lose weight.

Consider this a lifestyle change and not a short-term goal.  Many people approach losing weight as a short-term goal.  They think that once they lose the 10 or 20 pounds that they can go off the “diet” and back to what they consider “regular” eating.  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  This can be said about successful weight loss.  Don’t expect to continue eating the way you’ve been eating and expect to lose weight.  In order to successfully lose weight, something needs to change and that change needs to be maintained for the rest of your life in order to maintain the weight loss.  Successfully losing weight and maintaining the weight loss is a life-long commitment.

This may not be what you want to hear but unfortunately, this is the reality.  There is no best weight loss plan.  A successful weight loss plan will need to take into consideration many of the factors listed above and will be a plan that you can live with for the rest of your life.  Good luck!

About the Author:

A self-proclaimed information addict, Sandi H. has come to the conclusion that knowledge is power when it comes to weight loss. The more you know, the better choices you make toward weight loss success. Go to www.weightlosssuccesszone.com to finally lose all the weight you want.

Feb 7, 2010

Calorie Shifting - Best Weight Loss Diet For 2009

by Alex

We are always looking for the best weight loss diet. Thing is that it’s really hard for anyone to keep up with most diets out there. In this short article, I’ll give you an overview of the top diet for 2009. A diet that has made quite a bit of buzz in the weight loss industry since it has been launched. Spend less than one minute find the best way to lose weight quickly in 2009 using a new revolutionary weight loss technique called calorie shifting.

If you want to lose weight immediately, then the first thing you must do is to stay as natural as possible. Avoid taking pills, low-fat diets, low-carb diets or even low-calorie diets as they will only make you feel weak and tired all day.  What if I would tell you that there is a diet that allows you to eat several times a day and doesn’t require exercising either?

After researching for more than 3 years, I have found the only easy, quick and healthy way to lose weight — the calorie shifting diet. By following this plan, you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days. Some people might be able to lose more weight or less, it really depends on each individual. I was amazed to see results after my first week. All in all, calorie shifting is by far the best weight loss diet for 2009.

The Benefits of the Calorie Shifting Diet

1) The Calorie shifting diet help you reduce your weight quickly, because it is based on two rules: Get appropriate nutrition and skyrocket your metabolism to work at a faster rate, thus lose weight much faster. It doesn’t require you to starve or deprive yourself from certain foods instead you get to eat 4 meals per day.

2) The best thing with this diet program is that you don’t have to count calories all day long as other diets require. Once you join the diet you automatically get access to the members area and to the online diet menu generator that does all the hard work for you. The software will automatically generate a menu-plan for each 11-day cycle based on your food choices. So you will not only get to eat the foods that you love most but you will save all the time that you would have normally spend when following other calorie counting diets. Calorie shifting aka Fat Loss 4 Idiots is one of the best and easiest to follow diets that you can find online. Thousands of customers would swear by this product’s results.

However one thing I didn’t like about this plan is that on one day you must eat only fruits and vegetables. It will take some time to get used to that system, but you will find it benefic because it will increase your metabolism to the maximum extent. You also get 3 days off the diet when you get to eat whatever you like so you can stop your cravings for maybe a chocolate ice-cream or a cheeseburger with fries. So if you are looking to lose weight quickly and easily I recommend you to try calorie shifting as it’s the best weight loss diet.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off for as long as you want visit this webpage:

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Calorie Shifting Method

For more information on the most popular weight loss diet visit: http://www.WeightLossLand.info

About the Author:

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off for as long as you want visit this webpage:

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Calorie Shifting Method

For more information on the most popular weight loss diet visit: http://www.WeightLossLand.info

Feb 6, 2010

Best Weight Loss Plan Selection: Here's The Scoop

by Carl Ringwall

If you have finally made the decision to go on a diet, getting healthy and simply feeling better about yourself, you can turn to the internet for advice, but most likely you’ll walk away confused. How do you find the best weight loss plan? Here is some advice for you:

It is a big, giant myth that all diets are basically the same. You could not be more wrong if you assume that is the case. Yes, all diets require you reduce the intake of food, but the method, frequency and technique of how you do this is all-important. Each type of diet takes a different approach, and you need to choose the one that is most compatible to your lifestyle and personality.

One example is the carb diet. You can choose high carb, low carb, low protein, low fat, and on and on. There are literally unlimited combinations. It’s not easy to choose the best weight loss plan, but some of the internet ‘e-diets’ can really help. They have online coaching, forums and chat where you can connect with others doing the same diet.

The diet that works for you may not work so well for me. But you can cross off your list diets that require you to starve yourself – as these are not healthy at all. Stay away, too from diets that make you eat just one type of food, like grapefruit, etc. You need a healthy balance of food to keep from having dangerous side-effects from your diet.

The most important thing when searching for the best weight loss plan is to look at the long term. Your goal should be to lose weight over a long period of time. Diets where you don’t lose weight at a controlled pace can actually make you fatter, as you quickly re-gain the weight from a ‘crash’ diet.

Try one of the internet e-diets and choose a weight loss method that seems sensible and safe to you. You will lose weight and keep if off, and stay healthy in the process.

Disclaimer: This information is based on information freely available in the popular press and medical journals that deal with health. Nothing herein is intended to be or should be construed to be any sort of medical advice. For medical advice the reader should consult with his or her physician or other medical specialist.

About the Author:

Our team tested 5 quick weight loss programs. Read more about our surprising test results.

Feb 5, 2010

Estrolean Weight Loss Product Review

by Charles Volcalatte

The Estrolean Concept

Based from the brand label of this product, Estrolean induces estrogenic hormones to provide weight loss results.

This product is manufactured by a company named Slimstore which targets the female market. This product is said to affect the body on the mental and hormonal aspect. The selling point presented through this product is the inclusion of phyto-estrogens in its formula which are known to induce fat burning effects for the system.

The advertisement for Estrolean states that this product contains a special formula which we found to be no different from the other weight loss products that are available on the market today. Let’s have a closer look at the ingredients and find out how much weight loss would it affect consumers.

The Power Contents

There are three key ingredients for Estrolean and they are listed as follows:

Phyto-estrogens which are aimed to control weight by normalizing the level of hormones and reduce hunger cravings. But take note that no scientific researches have been available to support this claim. It may indeed lower the cholesterol level and fortify the bones but food experts believe that the natural inclusion of this element in foods are better provider of results. For appetite suppression, we believe there is a better ingredient for the job and it is known under the name Hoodia Gordonii. This ingredient is not found in the Estrolean formula.

Herbal Metabogenics is labeled to be the heat-seeking herbal composed of Guarana, Green Tea Extracts, Yerba Mate Extracts and Citrus Aurantium. This blend contains a high amount of caffeine that produces negative effects including nausea, jitteriness and sleeping disorders. We appreciate that Citrus Aurantium was present in the formula but we think Advantra-Z® would have been better for the job; and “Super enzymes” which is composed of Lipase or that hormone naturally produced in the pancreas that assists in fat breakage. The Lipase ingredients are beneficial for the digestion of fats but would not yield so much as to molecule breakage of fats.

In-depth with Estrolean Ingredients

Based from the formula which has been presented we think that the weight loss is not that great of value. The best way to go for a successful weight management program is to have a healthy food plan and fitness exercise.

The ingredients in the formula contains very gentle dose but there are two from the list that almost irrelevant for weight loss. The inclusion of caffeine is not a plus for any weight loss products. This is because of obvious reasons that caffeine could induce negative effects that could affect the nervous system. Products that could affect the hormones are recommended to be undertaken with medical supervision.

Estrolean Online

We cannot rate the website provided for Slimstore high for it appears to be a typical kind of website. There is sort description of the product followed by a link that directs to a purchase order form. Consumers may also avail this product through phone means for such numbers have been provided.

There were no consumer views posted on the website and images that would show progress of consumers that have acquired this product before. The only images offered for the site are pictures of policewomen from New York City that is said to have consumed this product and then again linked with an order form but no consumer views from the said personalities from the photographs.

The Pro’s and Con’s

The Pro’s: The product seems reasonably priced at $24.99 per bottle and for a daily dose it would only require one pill of Estrolean.

The Con’s: There seem to be a number of consumers who have been unsatisfied with Estrolean and they have voiced out their concerns through online blogs and forums. To know more just click on Estrolean blog. It is also pretty alarming that there is a high concentration of caffeine for this product which lessen the possibility of inducing this product during the later parts of the day for it may induce some sleeping disorders such as insomnia.

How do we rate Estrolean

This product is targeting the female markets which are suffering from menopausal and post-menopausal and is in need of special weight loss treatment. The ingredients may not be supportive of great weight loss for we find it to be too typical and almost similar to most ingredients that are already common on the market. Such products are even valuable for same genders and affect great weight loss results too.

In conclusion, we recommend dieters to seek products that have appetite suppressant in the formula and at burning ingredients that need not rely on stimulant-based ingredients. The market offers a wide variety of such blend and all dieter need to do is to seek and be aware of the contents therein beyond the enticing propagandas most products would offer.

About the Author:
Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for www.skinnyasap.com. He writes and researches actively on Estrolean and shares his knowledge at www.skinnyasap.com where he works as a staff writer.

Feb 4, 2010

The Best Way to Burn Off Fats

by Tony Talbot

Beauty isn’t just about your cosmetics. Beauty also includes your outfits, jewelry and most importantly your body that carries it. Looking your best is always important. Due to excessive weight many people feel low and this reduces their confidence level. They think that they are not beautiful because for them beauty means only looks though beauty isn’t always dependant on how you look; it can also be about how you feel. But they fail to realize that and seek refuge in weight loss techniques.

Firstly, exercise was the only option for weight loss. Now, it has been proved that exercise alone may not help you. For some of us, quality weight loss programs and products are what we need in addition to our exercise routines.

In case you have no time to look after your fluffy body, you can use Acai Burn Detox; it is one of the best solutions for weight loss. It does not require much stress or hard work like cardiovascular exercise, you just have to sit on your couch and take Acai Burn Detox weight loss capsule for 2 or three times a day.

Acai Burn Detox is a successful formula for weight loss, and by just taking it, you are surely going to enter the world of the slim and fit. Acai Burn Detox will help you slim down fast and amazingly without any demanding exercise. There are excessive deposits of fats in certain areas of your body. First exercise was the only solution to get these unwanted guests out from our body, but now a simple capsule can do it all.

Acai Burn Detox is a boon to the figure conscious customers and even the price is low as in comparison to other slimming products. The body does not refuse natural products like Acai Burn Detox and hence, it will easily help you lose those extra pounds. Use of Acai Burn Detox helps in flushing out all the waste material from your body and finally giving you a perfect curve. Acai Burn Extreme for Men is also available

A lot of people start on a weight loss program with the best of intentions, but later come to a decision that they made the wrong choice. As soon as you choose a weight loss plan or product, gain knowledge of every single parameter of the course or product. It is best to judge the product or take the help of an expert before you start on with any slimming product as it is the matter of your beauty and health.

Acai Burn Detox is very beneficial as it is a natural product. So you don’t have to worry about any side effects with the use of Acai Burn Detox. It works as a genuine fat burner and helps maintain your metabolism rate. Acai Burn Detox is full of anti-oxidants and this protects you from a cellular collapse.

The next step is to find a weight loss program that will actually help you lose weight. You can log in at TNTLifeSolutions. They are the best source of help for those who are looking out for trustful and reliable slimming solutions and beauty care, as they deal in slimming and beauty products.

About the Author:
Well I have spent the last 6 months researching different health markets and products. I then created a review group with family and friends where we began to use the different types of products,see the results here http://www.tntlifesolutions.com

Rev Up your Metabolism and Keep Your Weight Down

by Jennifer Short

Rev Up Your Body's Engine

We eat food for fuel. When we burn it for energy to run our bodies, the process creates heat. Our ShapeWorks® products assist the body's engine to burn fuel efficiently, helping our metabolism stay revved and functioning well.

Daily Regimen Tips

Keep your metabolism revved with these tips:

Engage in 30 minutes of activity every day to help minimize weight gain and to raise metabolic rate. Tone your muscles by weight training three days a week. Start small–try walking with one- to two-pound weights. Do not eat fewer than 1,200 calories a day. Eating too little may slow your metabolism. Never skip breakfast. It may slow down your metabolism. Have a shake. It’s packed full of 114 nutrients and is Super-Food Use Herbalife products every day including Shapeworks Formula 1 ® and Herbal Concentrate. Have a supply of Herbalife’s products on hand and reach for these when you want a snack. Enjoy Protein Bars, Roasted Soy Nuts with Cardia®Salt, Herbal Tea

They’re easy, fast, tasty and most of all, nutritious! Hear why ShapeWorks® Formula 1 shakes are a healthy meal.

Q: What are the components that make Formula 1 a healthy, satisfying meal?

A: Formula 1 provides high quality soy protein, healthy carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients to provide the cells of your body what they need for optimum health. You will be able to tell the difference from your usual breakfast after the very first shake.

Q: Is the soy protein in Formula 1 beneficial to both men and women?

A: Yes, the soy protein in Formula 1 is definitely beneficial for both men and women. Numerous scientific studies demonstrate the benefits of soy protein for heart health when included as part of a healthy, low-fat diet, which is why Formula 1 has a healthy heart symbol on every label (except Tropical Fruit flavor, which contains less soy).

Q: How can one product, Formula 1, be ideal for both weight loss and weight maintenance?

A: Research shows that drinking two shakes a day and eating one healthy meal will lead to weight loss, while having one shake a day will keep the weight off for years. Formula 1 is the ideal meal for everyone, whether they want to lose weight, keep off the weight they have lost or just maintain their naturally healthy weight.

Q: If I’m lactose intolerant, can I use soy milk to make a shake?

A: Yes, simply add soy milk to Formula 1 and you should have no problem. By the way, most humans are lactose intolerant to some degree. You lose nothing when you substitute soy milk for dairy milk from a health standpoint.

Buy securely online at: http://www.getinshapenow.com.au

or email : jensetfree@live.com.au

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

About the Author:

Feb 3, 2010

How to Choose the Best Weight Loss Diet Program

by Apisri Sukpo

t people can be the laughing stock of society and can suffer from low self-esteem and self-respect as a result. If you are in this plight and want to say goodbye to the extra bulk, make sure that you familiarise yourself with the best weight loss diets that are available.

When you are looking for the best weight loss diet, one of the first things to do to lose body weight is to change your eating habits and watch your food intake. You have to learn to keep taste buds under control by avoiding junk foods that are high in oils, spices and bad cholesterol. These foods that are rich in carbohydrates are not only bad for your health, they can also lead to serious health complications. To make sure that you are free from obesity related health problems, it is essential to eat a healthy and a balanced diet which is rich in minerals and vitamins.

Atkins and Low Carbohydrate Diets

To lose weight instantly, follow a low carbohydrate diet which will give a systematic weight loss. In these diets, the foods that are a rich source of carbohydrates, such as breads and pasta, are replaced by proteins, fresh fruits, vegetables, soy, and meat products. Along with these low carbohydrate diets, one can also go for the well known Atkins diet. This is another popular diet which focuses on avoiding Trans fats. The Atkins diet is best described in four phases such as induction, continuous weight loss, lifetime maintenance and pre-maintenance.

In the fist stage of induction, the overall intake of carbohydrates is restricted to 20 grams during the day when fish, meat, shellfish, eggs and fowl can be eaten. The next stage of the Atkins diet includes further weight loss, where nuts, berries, vegetables and grains are introduced. In the pre maintenance stage, the intake of carbohydrates is increased by 10 grams and for lifetime maintenance continue with this rather strict diet regime which will ensure consistent weight reduction.

Detox Diets

Apart from the above two popular diets, another weight loss diet is a detox diet that is made up of fresh fruits, juices, vegetables and drinking more water to ensure elimination of harmful items from the body. This helps to increase the metabolism and avoiding foods such as caffeine, processed foods, alcohol, canned items, sugar, salt, red meat, deep-fried and fried food items, butter, cream and other fattening foods.

This diet is also known as fasting, and helps by cutting down on the calorie intake and focusing on a detoxification regime. Calories are reduced by eating only vegetables, fresh fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains. This is the best way to ensure a clean system that is free from toxins.

Choose the Best Weight Loss Diet

When looking at weight loss diets, it is advisable to follow the diet regimes and not to skip meals. Remember that modulating and regulating dietary patterns is the best way to keep good health and stay away from unnecessary calories. To ensure weight loss, one should stay away from cigarettes, alcohol and drugs as it weakens the metabolism system thereby adding toxic levels to the body. Get the best weight loss diets and get a fit body.

About the Author:

Please visit Dietary Supplement and Weight Loss Diet for more information.

Feb 2, 2010

Weight Loss: Herbalife Weight Loss Product: How to Weigh in With Lower Fat

by Nicholas Tan

Genetics does play a role in obesity, of course, but not as big a role as you do. Most health experts say that the concept of genes compelling you to be heavy is a myth.

For the vast majority of us, genes may set the lower limits of our weight, but we set the upper limits by our food choices.

Nonetheless, we all know that most of us tend to put on weight as we age. In addition, if there is one thing we cannot prevent, it is the aging process. But we can prevent eating more and exercising less as we get older. And first of all, you have to have surgeries for food control in your life, strategies that work.

One of the known strategies is to take some weight loss medications. This does not necessarily mean those that are being advertised as diet pills but also those that fall under the category of herbal medicines. One of the fast-growing herbal medicines especially formulated to help you lose weight is the so-called herbalife weight loss product.

Herbalife weight loss product is one of the major breakthroughs as far as herbal medication is concerned. Herbalife weight loss products contain the necessary herbs in order to facilitate losing weight.

Some of the well-known herbalife weight loss products are herbalife formula 1 strawberry weight control powder, herbalife diet formula 1 tropical fruit, herbalife formula 1 vanilla diet slim lose weight, etc.

One of the best things about herbalife weight loss products is that they are great tasting products, easy-to-use, and is definitely effective in losing weight. Best of all, the prices are relatively affordable when compared to other weight loss products.

To know more of the benefits that herbalife weight loss products can do for you, here is a list of the advantages.

1. One of the best things about herbalife weight loss products is that you do not only lose pounds but also inches. This means that herbalife weight loss products do not just get rid of excess fats but also tone and shape the body built, curbing the imminent re-accumulation of fats.

2. Herbalife weight loss products do not only make you lose weight but also supply you with the nutrients that are needed by the body's cells on a daily basis.

3. Herbalife weight loss products are known to have excellent taste that is why more and more people who have tried it are satisfied with its yummy flavors.

4. Best of all, herbalife weight loss products lets you eat more of the foods you like without having to worry about accumulating more weight in the end.

5. Herbalife weight loss products are also known to help you lessen the extra calorie ingestion. Hence, losing weight will be more effective.

What's more, herbalife weight loss products give you the pleasing feeling that curbs your hunger while you lose weight.

The bottom line is that your mission for preventing weight gain, should you decide to accept it, is to eat fewer calories when you are not involved in activities that burn up those calories. Then, try to incorporate these herbalife weight loss products in your diet.

In the end, you will achieve the ideal weight you have long wanted to obtain.

About the Author:

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Feb 1, 2010

6 Great Tips on How to Choose the Best Weight Loss and Fat Burner Products to Make a Significant Extra Income

by Ariston P Awitan,M.D.

There are several weight loss products in the market today and each of them claiming good results. So it is hard to decide which products or company will you choose to make an extra income. You see many of them on TV infomercials and on the internet.

But what factors should you consider before you spend your precious time, and your hard-earn money with a company that promotes this weight loss product?

You have to do your due diligence so that you don’t spend your precious time and money only to find out later that the product is not effective or the company folded-up and filed bankruptcy.

So you have to consider seriously the following important factors in choosing a company or products:

1. Stability , Expertise, Experience and Integrity of the Company. There are good companies out there that have successfully marketed their products for several years. Some of them are successful and became Billion Dollar companies because of good management, good leaders and effective marketing tools. This also includes the infrastructure of the company, capability of production and distribution of the products efficiently.

2. The Quality and Effectiveness of the Products. Do the products perform as they are claimed to do? Are they products of research ? Have they been tested with accepted methodology that follows research guidelines? Are the testing agencies credible with good integrity?

3.The Market Place or Demand of the Product. Is there an excellent demand of the product you are marketing? How big is your market? How many per cent of the population would use it ? Is there an emotional effect associated with the use of the product?

4. How Distributor-Friendly is the Compensation Plan? Is it easy to understand so that everybody can easily explain it to the prospect? How easy is it for a the distributor to reach the top of the compensation plan to maximize his compensation or bonuses?

5. Affordability of the Business and Product , Website Fees and Auto-ship Fees. During this time of global economic crisis, people cannot afford to spend if it compromises their spendable money for daily living expenses , for health, food and shelter. It is a plus if you can sign up with the business for free, free website and minimal or no auto-ship requirement.

6. Members Support , Sizzle Call, Live and Recorded Calls and Good Leaders

You cannot underestimate the importance of members’ support. The success of the distributors depends upon the support that he gets from the company for the performance of his business.

The availability of the sizzle call which allows the distributor to plug in a prospect to get an overview of the business facilitates availability of information readily. Live conference calls by good company leaders is the best recruiting information tool for prospects, and the recorded calls can be accessed by those who cannot avail themselves for the scheduled live calls.

If you make the above factors guide you in your choice of an online business, there is a good probability that you are going to succeed. You do your homework. Do your due diligence. Ask your friends who have experience in network marketing. Ask the online marketing consultants who have experience in the industry. Make use of the internet for your research for the available companies.

But let me tell you that among all things, the most important ingredient for your success is You–. your attitudes, your own drive, your desire, your dreams, your goals. and your determination to succeed and improve your life and the comfort of your family.

About the Author:
Dr. Ariston P Awitan,M.D. is a retired ortho. surgeon,marketing consultant promoting weight loss products http://www.cniresources.com Click “Media” Listen to Conference Calls http://www.LoseFatAndGetPaid.com

Acai Essential - Revolutionary Method for Weight Loss

by SEO Global Expert

People are always looking for new simple methods to lose weight quickly and efficiently. A few years ago, scientists discovered the benefits of Acai berry for weight loss. They found that this small fruit contains lots of ingredients that can help anyone to lose weight quickly and fast.

The acai berry is full of antioxidants; the antioxidants help in collecting the free radicals from your blood and keeping the circulation clean. Healthy circulation means regular metabolism and eventual calorie burning. The Acai berry also contains nutritious fibers. The fibers fill the stomach so you feel full after a small portion of food.

Acai essential is one of the products that is made of pure acai berry extract; this means that it is all natural so it is safe for anyone to take acai essential. Acai essential comes with a bonus ingredient inside. It contains an all – natural colon cleanser, so this works in two different ways:

The first way is to urge the body to start burning more calories from those stored in the fat layer by improving the circulation and decreasing the consumed food. The second way is to clean your colon from the waste material and toxins stored in it so you will feel lighter and healthier.

This makes Acai Essential one of the best weight loss products in the market since it is:

all natural safe to use full of antioxidants Easy and quick way to lose weight Combined with a natural colon cleanser to flush toxins outside your body

The presence of all these benefits in one formula makes it one of the most preferred women weight loss supplements in the market. Women are known for their continuous desire to have a perfect body but most women do not to undergo surgical operations and other risky irreversible methods to acquire the shape they want. So why not use a simples and safer method to get the same results?

Taking a pill every day will help you lose weight quickly and regulate your metabolism: the benefits are countless. You will lose the extra pounds, regulate your stomach, avoid bloating, eliminate gas and other uncomfortable feeling of indigestion. Avoiding all these situations will give you a better and deeper sleep so you will be able to recharge your body and feel active every morning.

Acai Essential offers a perfect chance for every woman who wants to try the product for free. All you need to do is to fill in your contact information for your free 14 day trial sample.

About the Author:

This article is written by an expert at Acai Essential. Buy women weight loss supplements, Acai Berry Weight Loss product at Acai Essential. Take your 14 days risk free trial today! Acai Essential offers one of the best weight loss supplements.