Jan 1, 2010

Acai Berry Maxx

by Shane Crafton

When purchasing any weight loss product, it is important to do your research. Many people are exchanging their opinions about Acai Berry Maxx on DietBlogTalk.com

For an additional source, check out Acai Berry Maxx on the very popular Sensational.com


We've got some pretty creative advertisers on the diet market. Somewhere along the line, some of them got the idea that the superfood, Acai, could sell as a detoxification supplement. One tiny problem: Acai Berries aren't really known for their ability to cleanse the body.

Acai Berry Maxx has tried this ploy, and judging by the product website, it remains one colossal and unconvincing failure. Little real or useful information is available on the product. Instead, the website reads like an advertisement for Acai Berries, leading us to believe that Acai Berry Maxx is just hoping people will be fascinated enough by Acai Berries to fall for the product.

Ingredients at a Glance

Acai Berry Maxx evidently contains Acai Berry extract, though there is no formal ingredients information on the product website.

Ingredients in Focus

Acai Berries are known for their nutritional content. They can deliver good fats, protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and even antioxidants. As superfoods go, Acai Berries are rather average, but theyr'e still good for you.

Perhaps this is what Acai Berry Maxx is banking on – that consumers will see Acai Berries, think of the nutritional value of the berries, and then accept whatever the product website says about the product. Such marketing rationale is less than convincing, however. In the end, it seems like an insult to the

consumer, who needs more than a superfood for significant weight loss. But even if Acai Berry Maxx really were an effective detoxifier and weight loss enhancer, the consumer would never know. The useless website muddles everything rather than clarifying.


•    Acai Berries are good for the body.


•    Acai Berries don't contribute directly to weight loss.

•    Acai Berries don't contribute directly to cleansing.

•    Acai Berry Maxx seems like more of a scam than anything else.

Final Thoughts

For significant cleansing and/or weight loss, consumers can turn to reputable companies that offer safe supplements for detoxification and/or fat burning. When combined with regular exercise and a balanced diet, such methods can greatly enhance a healthy lifestlye – one that even includes Acai Berries. But Acai Berry Maxx doesn't cut the mustard, and it probably never will, so we recommend against it.

About the Author:

Shane Crafton is a diet editor, who’s team specializes in health, fitness and weight loss reporting.

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