When purchasing any weight loss product, it is important to do your research. Many people are exchanging their opinions about HoodiaRush on DietBlogTalk.com
For an additional source, check out HoodiaRush on the very popular Sensational.com
With all the hoodia gordonii products currently sold as weight loss aids it is no surprise that each supplement company vies for their particular formula to be considered the best. The makers of HoodiaRush® approach seems to be that by keeping a supplement purely hoodia and increasing that dosage exponentially, they've created an appetite suppressant that is unbeatably effective. But can a ton of hoodia, at a rather steep price, solve the problem of weight gain for you?
Ingredients at a Glance
HoodiaRush® only contains certified hoodia gordonii.
Ingredients in Focus
Hoodia gordonii was once used by the Bushmen of the Kalahari to curb hunger on hunting trips. Since its introduction to the western diet market, hoodia has made waves as a natural appetite suppressant with no known side effects. Research has shown the chemical P57 in the gordonii variety of hoodia messages the brain that the stomach is full with food even when nothing is eaten. At this time, studies have revealed that hoodia gordonii causes no side effects other than a suppression of thirst and hunger. It has not been determined that increasing the amount of hoodia taken will necessarily increase this effect. We like hoodia however as it is without side effects. What this product is missing is an ingredient for fat-burning, the other half of the weight loss equation.
• Contains certified hoodia gordonii
• More hoodia does not necessarily mean an increased effect
• Does not include a fat burner or other diet supports
• More costly than other hoodia products
• Suppresses thirst
Final Thoughts
More money and more hoodia is not necessarily going to equal more weight loss. While it is great that HoodiaRush® contains hoodia gordonii that is fully certified, you will still need to do more than just curb hunger in order to lose weight. You will be able to achieve the greatest weight loss by making key lifestyle changes, primarily eating sensibly and exercising nearly everyday. A balanced, portioned diet is the best way to feel satisfied without overeating and staying active is the quickest way to burn off excess fat. You can enhance this process by taking well-made supplements, just be sure any product you use contains quality ingredients and addresses appetite as well as fat gain. Also be sure your product includes an ingredient for fat-burning, to ridthe body of excess fat on the arms, hips, stomach, thighs and buttocks.
Shane Crafton is a diet editor, who’s team specializes in health, fitness and weight loss reporting.
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