Nov 30, 2009

Powertea® for Weight Loss

by Shane Crafton

When purchasing any weight loss product, it is important to do your research. Many people are exchanging their opinions about PowerTea on

For an additional source, check out PowerTea on the very popular


The word 'natural' is something of a strange bird on the diet market. It seems as though all manner of products can be touted as 'natural,' even if they are anything but 'natural.'

Take PowerTea® for example. This "all-natural" formula is said to promote increased energy and weight loss. However, the ingredients combination responsible for these promising claims is somewhat suspect, and perhaps anything but 'natural.' As we will see below, the ingredients in PowerTea® might render the supplement an unsafe option for weight loss.

Ingredients at a Glance

PowerTea® contains Green Tea Polyphenal Extract, Green Tea Leaf Powder, Guarana, Citrus Aurantium, and Vitamin B12.

Ingredients in Focus

Green Tea is prized for a variety of reasons, not least of which is its EGCG, or Epigallocatechin Gallate, content. This is a catechin found in Green Tea that provides a source of antioxidants. But beyond this, Green Tea is thought to mildly increase metabolism and aid in fat burning. However the extract may contain significant amounts of caffeine and has been known to cause negative side effects including nausea, insomnia, nervousness, elevated heart rate and increased blood pressure.

Similarly, Guarana is an herbal source of caffeine that is supposed to increase alertness, fight fatigue, and increase stamina. And so, PowerTea® packs a bit of a punch. But the hazard comes when this caffeine-content is combined with the Synephrine in Citrus Aurantium. This Synephrine is a safe and reasonable metabolism-booster that doesn't deliver the negative side-effects of Ephedra. But when it is combined with caffeine, as it is in PowerTea®, Synephrine becomes unsafe as a weight loss option. And a hazardous ingredients combination is a decidedly un-natural way to go about losing weight. We would have thought the use of synepherine alone would have been the way to go.  It works very well as a fat-burner on its own.


•    None.


•    Potentially hazardous ingredients combination.

•    Conventional promises and formulation.

•    Unconvincing product presentation.

Final Thoughts

Consumers interested in healthy weight loss might not find PowerTea® to be the best option. It would be far better to look for a fat-burner that doesn't cancel out Citrus Aurantium's benefits by stacking it with caffeine. Combining such a product with diet and exercise could mean significant weight loss for the consumer.

About the Author:

Shane Crafton is a diet editor, who’s team specializes in health, fitness and weight loss reporting.

Nov 29, 2009

Is Phentermine a Good Weight Loss Product?

by beginet

Is Phentermine a good weight loss product?

In order to get the best results from a weight loss product dieting plays an important role and this is especially important when you are using Phentermine in order to lose weight. So to achieve the expected results from Phentermine you need to stick to the diet plan which has been prescribed by your doctor. You will also need to take the recommended doses of this product along with regular exercise and the perfect diet plan in order to achieve the desired results in the shortest period of time possible. When you are first starting a weight loss program that includes a weight loss product you will need to change your attitude towards yourself and how your perceive yourself. Unfortunately if you do not do this you will find it even more difficult to lose the weight.

However you should start any exercise schedule that you will be doing when using Phentermine gradually and then slowly increase the period of exercise that you do. So along with a good diet you can start just by walking for 1/2 an hour each day and this will allow your body to start tuning in to the Phentermine pills that you are taking.

The Phentermine pills affect the status of the neurotransmitters in the brain and help to control a person’s appetite. It also helps to stimulate the hypothalamus glands which control the nervous system, appetite and body temperature. The result from using Phentermine is that you suppress your appetite and this reduces the weight of a person.

You will find that there are 2 brands of Phentermine available one is Adipex and the other is Ionamin. As we have previously mentioned Phentermine pills affects signals in the brain but in order to cope with this you will need to change your behavior with regard to your diet and exercise regime. You will in fact need to adapt to the diet and exercises other the weight loss product Phentermine will not work and you will not begin to lose that weight. However if you experience any difficulties whilst taking Phentermine you should see your doctor immediately and do not continue with the pills unless your doctor says it is safe to do so. provides another alternative to the way for weight loss and dieting in leading to your healthy lifestyle.

How To Find The Best Weight Loss Products For Your Diet

by Trevor John

There are so many weight loss products on the market that it can be difficult to know what to choose.

Is Brand X really better than Brand Y?

How come you should cut out carbs with one diet yet eat as many of them as you want with another?

If that person really did lose 28 pounds in as many days, can someone like you do the same?

The claims sound good – but then no-one is going to tell you that their product sucks, are they?

So the first thing you need to do when looking for a weight loss product is to develop a healthy skepticism.

If there’s a claim, check it out. That’s easy to do nowadays with the internet but we often take the short cut of thinking that if a claim is printed, it must be the truth. It may well be true but it may not always be 100% honest. Someone, somewhere almost certainly lost weight using the product you’re thinking about. But could you do the same? Or would they need to wire your jaws together before you stood a chance of even coming close?

If possible, check with your doctor before taking a new weight loss product. This is especially true if a product wants you to severely restrict the number of calories you’re digesting. We need a minimum amount of calories to survive and if you go below the recommended level for too long, it’s simply not healthy.

If friends or work colleagues have been successful with their diets, ask them what they did. They’ll almost certainly be happy to share the details with you and you’ll know that the claims haven’t been put through some remote marketing machine and puffed up beyond all recognition.

Above all, keep your wits about you. If the claims of a weight loss product you’re investigating seem too good to be true, they probably are.

It won’t harm to put off the purchase decision until tomorrow (so long as you don’t always put it off until “tomorrow”).

If there’s a special offer to buy now, this minute, otherwise the offer will disappear forever… Realize that this is almost certainly a marketing trick. If the product is good for you and will help you lose weight, then sure the retailer wants you to buy it. But unless you can see the product disappearing off the supermarket shelf by the trolley load, it will still be there tomorrow. In fact, even if it’s selling fast it is highly likely more stocks will be bought in. Nowadays almost nothing is truly limited in supply.

One final trick: once you find a weight loss product that works for you, stick with it. Don’t jump onto the next bandwagon just because it’s there. As soon as you find a product that helps you lose weight, stay with it!

Whether you choose a diet book, a ready meals program, an exercise DVD or a metabolism boosting pill (or a combination of these) for your weight loss program, make sure you follow your chosen program. It’s all too easy to start off with the best intentions, only to let things slip a few days or weeks later.

You owe it to your health to lose that weight and keep it off!

About the Author:

Nov 27, 2009

Best Weight Loss Volunteer Techniques

by Alan Chai

When you volunteer to help people who have the same difficulties as you, you are actually aiding yourself to reach your goal. How does this work? For one thing, you will find a lot of common ground between yourself and others who are looking for the best weight loss regimen. Yo-yo dieting and diet plateaus, repeated attempts after failing, considering alternatives and identifying sensible and creative methods are often found to be the pattern that weight watchers go through. When you provide and receive understanding instead of judgemental reactions, it is easier to accept that each fall is a signal to get up and go ahead.

Form a group

If you are an extroverted personality, this should be easy. Arrange a get together with similar friends and lay down a theme based on weight reduction. For instance you could have each person bringing their favourite low calorie concoction along with a printed recipe for the others. You could arrange a discussion on individual experiences on the safest and best weight loss techniques that have been identified. Prepare a communication method that helps members to share their actual and targeted weight loss keeping their health in mind. Ensure that the group keeps in touch especially in moments of diet stress when circumstances are likely to cause the dieter to veer away from the discipline. If you are an introvert, on the other hand, you could start or join a virtual group on the internet. Communicating with others is one of the best weight loss techniques as it eggs you on to keep trying even if there is the occasional slip up. You will find it easier to forgive last night's sweet binge and know how to make up for it.

Get busy

Stop obsessing about your weight, reach out to others who need help in your free time. You could help weight obsessed teenagers who are prone to rash health decisions instead of researching the best weight loss methods. Volunteer at community centres that counsel people with weight problems. You will find yourself being able to empathise and propose solutions to people who feel they have reached the end of the tether with diet and exercise plans. Help others who are depressed and while you are at it, incorporate a walk or a little dancing to keep your limbs from stiffening.

Get help

Widen your horizons by striking up healing conversations with people who need help that goes beyond weight. Counselling can help deep seated psychological disturbances that are adversely affecting an individual's weight management effort. A background of childhood abuse may be associated with weight management difficulties. Do you find that you tend to eat when you are disappointed with yourself? You will find an increasing sense of self awareness about the triggers that lead you to binge eating. Was over critical parenting your childhood experience? If this is the case, hypnotism and psychological counselling are the best weight loss techniques to try. You can recommend this to your group and the larger community once you have experienced the good effects of professional help.

About the Author:

Provide the best information about weight loss tips that you can find online. The website is setup for peolpe who are looking for the best way for permanent weight loss.

Nov 25, 2009

Do The Best Weight Loss Surgery Really Help?

by Lowell Mays

The truth is bad obesity is a uncomfortable continuing status that’s said challenging to deal. That’s why individuals tend to work with picks some as looking for the best weight loss surgery because it aids by limiting food consumption or breaking digestion. Even So some best weight loss surgery is something you must think double about. Before you even mean about it, you must see the pros and cons associated with the operations.

Some affair you should acknowledge is that operating surgeons will simply agree to weight loss surgery if you are seriously weighty, so you must have to be at least 100 lbs or over and adult females will need to be at least 80 pounds or over. If you don’t fit the minimum requisites then, operating surgeons may still think it if you have health troubles like diabetes, heart disease or sleep apnea.

For individuals who aren’t seriously weighty, the hazards of the best weight loss surgery operations could overbalance any prospective profits. That’s why it’s essential to read everything about the best weight loss surgery and since it’s a essential pace you want to be prepared to commit to the fresh modifications for keeping a good status. So even though this may look like an easy means to drop off weight, it still takes a great deal of endeavor.

The best weight loss surgery are generally took as a surgical procedure that shrinks the measure of fat around your body. Hence, it will enable you to drop off a substantial measure of weight. And like I said earlier, it will need a lifetime’s commitment in order to preserve a positive healthy status and lifestyle. So take sure you consult with family and friends and as well your physician before deciding to do some of the best weight loss surgery.

The operation will not just assist you towards losing weight, but it will as well assist you amend your overall health status. The best weight loss surgery functions by setting the level of food consumption. Lots of individuals, who have undergone operation, often lose weight nearly right away. And if you carry on with a working diet program including frequent exercising, you will be confident to hold the weight off easy.

Normally afterwards a patients gets through operation, you will be able to preserve with your usual living with spice and challenges. You may start to detect substantial switches towards the measure of food you’ll be able to eat. Because the best weight loss surgery cuts the stomach capability to a couple of ounces, you should as well notice that you will take fewer energy for your day-to-day actions.

Some Of The Best Weight Loss Surgery:

Liposuction is a popular case of best weight loss surgery. It’s a cosmetic operation that removes the fat from different portions of your body. This operation is done on some portions some as the neck, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and arms. A cannula (a vacant tube) and aspirator (a suction device) makes rid of the fat. It’s not actually an easy choice for diet and physical exercises. The quantity of fat taken depends on the method applied, but you will ordinarily drop off 10 lbs.

Different case of operation that’s as well ordinary is the gastric bypass. During this operation, the operating surgeons staple the smaller and upper part of the stomach which breaks it from the rest of the stomach. It outcomes in subduing the measure food intake content. And the recovery time will depends on your body status, but you should get back to normal inside a few weeks after the operation.

Even though, the results of the best weight loss surgery can be promising, you must preserve in idea that it arrives with prospective hazards and complications. Several weight loss and dieting plans will provide you better dietary and motivational support compared to others and may be dealt as great weight loss picks before you go for the best weight loss surgery try these different choices.

Try this link that you maybe desire to see tackling more about weight loss!!!

About the Author:

Im Lowell Mays,, Watch my some other articles about weight loss.

Epidril™ Cutting Gel

by Shane Crafton

When purchasing any weight loss product, it is important to do your research. Many people are exchanging their opinions about Epidril on

For an additional source, check out Epidril on the very popular


NutraSport's fat-burning cream, Epidril™, is sold as a natural and side effect-free way to cut stored up fat from under the skin. Like similar creams, Epidril™ is thought to liquefy and release fat cells so that they can be flushed out of the body. An examination of the ingredients in Epidril™ reveals a formula that is lacking in potent ingredients of any kind—it is made of substances that have no bearing on the reduction of unwanted fat, whether taken internally or applied to the skin.

Ingredients at a Glance

Epidril™ is a combination of Lecithin, Water, Octyl Palmitate, Alcohol, Glycerin, Aminophylline, Carmel Color, Fragrance, Ethylenediamine, Vitamin E, Propylene Glycol, BHA, Proyal Gallate, Citric Acid, DMDM Hydantoin, and Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate.

Ingredients in Focus

The only ingredient that may be considered a weight loss component is Lecithin. While thought to support a healthy metabolism when taken internally, there is no evidence the Lecithin bears any effect on weight loss when applied in a cream.

The remaining ingredients are either stabilizing/thickening agents or substances that condition the skin (vitamin E, for example). The safety of some of these components is questionable—Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate is a possible carcinogenic.


•    May moisturize the skin


•    No free sample or money back guarantee available for this product

•    No positive testimonials from customers

•    Difficult to find in stores after company accused of false advertising claims

Final Thoughts

It is easy to see why Epidril™ was the subject of false advertisement charges—this cream does not contain ingredients that are in any way associated with the diminishment of body fat. Using Epidril™ may be on par with expecting an ordinary hand lotion to cut fat and define the body. Epidril™ is good for one thing: it serves as an example of why consumers should check what ingredients are in their weight loss products. There are a number of amazing products currently on the market that are trusted by dieters because they yield results. If you are interested in trying a product that can naturally and effectively work for you, check out the links above.

About the Author:

Shane Crafton is a diet editor, who’s team specializes in health, fitness and weight loss reporting.

Nov 24, 2009

Weight Loss Products - 5 Top Inventions To Help You Shed Those Extra Kilos!

by Abhishek Agarwal

Check out some for yourself right here, in our new and interesting article on best weight loss products in the market so you know which is right for you and your body’s need for shedding that excess baggage. The new-age fixation with a trim, toned and fit body has as much to do with being healthy as it has with being happy, for we live in a social world and poor body image is something that is hard to live with and not easy to shrug off, but with a sensible approach to changing sedentary lifestyles, incorporating healthy eating habits and sticking to a proven technique, one can be on the road to good health, fast and effectively.

There really is not dearth of fast weight loss products that promise results quick; but not without some glitches, which can well mean undesirable side-effects on your physical or mental health, not to mention require deep pockets to purchase, which can be off-putting for many people looking for a long-term weight loss option.

If one just looks at the US, which has been tagged as the world’s fattest nation, there are over 50 million people that are overweight of which, only a lucky 5 % are able to lose those extra kilos. This small percentage compels one to think and realize the truth behind all those claims made by dubious manufactures of expensive weight loss products that simply take the weight off their wallets and not their body for they make empty, unsubstantiated claims that sometimes comes with harmful side-effects such as vomiting, mood changes, skin rashes, hormonal imbalances etc. Furthermore, with so many overweight people in the world’s most advanced and strongest economy, which has access to the latest medicinal and scientific techniques, wouldn’t it be easier to imagine that discovering a cure for obesity and tackling weight loss would be a certain fact rather than a possibility here? So, if it still eludes the most powerful and advanced nation in the world, .America, then perhaps the weight loss products are not quite what they claim to be?

We’ll hold on to that thought and tread with caution as we consider the various weight loss products available in the market that promise effective and fast weight loss, so we can make an educated choice as an informed consumer:

• The Diet Patch was a popular but dubious weight loss product that was banned by the FDA in the early 1990’s but still evokes an interest in many parts of the world, even though the top health agency in the US found it ineffective.

• Magnetic diet pills are another hoax even as they claim to flush out fat from the body.

• Dieters beware of the Guar gum (comes with the side-effect of internal obstruction), Electric muscle stimulators (ineffective for weight loss, simply tone muscles slightly), Appetite depressant eyeglasses or earrings (myth) and other such marketing gimmicks.

• The so-called health benefits of diet beverages with zero or low calories that are often used as meal substitutes are no better either, especially when weighed against the advantages of proper, healthy meal options for once a person gets off these, the weight comes on back again. Thus, they are not long-term options for weight loss planning.

• Even weight loss products such as Herbalife Nutritional Program, Mega-Thin 100 Formula, Nestlé's Sweet Success, Diet pills with Ephedra and PPA are only short term options where actual success comes from following the diet plan enclosed with it rather than the product value itself.

So, consumers need to re-think their lifestyle, opt for sensible dieting, balanced nutritional intake and exercise program to actually lose weight and keep it off, life-long.

About the Author:

Abhishek is a Health And Fitness expert and he has got some great Weight Loss Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 112 Pages Ebook, “How To Lose Weight…With The Right Food!” from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Nov 23, 2009

A Synergistic Approach for Natural Weight Loss Success

by George Best

While it is tempting to believe that a magic pill or potion is all that you need to achieve natural weight loss, the hard truth is that losing weight is just not that simple in most cases. For the vast majority of people, a combination of exercise, changes in eating habits, and perhaps the use of appropriate natural weight loss aids will be needed in order to lose weight long-term.

There are many natural weight loss products available and additional ones come out all the time. Each promises to be nearly miraculous in it’s effects and people buy the latest and greatest weight loss aid with eager anticipation, hoping that it will finally be the answer to their weight problems. They want to believe that a pill, or a patch, or a tea, etc.. will be all they need to lose weight and that diet and exercise won’t be necessary (because dieting and exercising are difficult). Even though deep down they probably know that the latest weight loss miracle being hyped is no better than all the things they’ve tried before, they want to believe it will work, and so they buy it, only to be disappointed again.

Now this is not to say that natural weight loss aids are all completely worthless. The truth is, a lot of weight loss aids actually have the effects that their prooters claim. For example, hoodia gordonii (at least the real stuff) does seem to be a very effective appetite suppressant. So, if the main reason that you have trouble losing weight is because you have out of control hunger that makes you eat excssively, hoodia may be a big help. The problem is that most people are not overeating out of actual hunger. They may eat out of boredom, out of habit, out of a need to satisfy a craving, or out of a need to soothe some emotional issue they are dealing with, but they don’t eat out of hunger. Hoodia is not going to help you if you aren’t eating out of hunger.

Other natural weight loss aids may work by increasing the metabolic effects of diet and exercise. It kind of stands to reason that if you fail to incorporate diet and exercise the effects of these products will be pretty minor.

Some natural weight loss aids block the absorption of fat by the digestive tract and thereby lower the calories you absorb from each meal. While this does tend to help with weight loss, unless you stop eating everything except fat (which is not a good idea), you still are taking in other calories that, in excess, will be converted to fat AFTER they are absorbed from the digestive tract. For optimum results, again we see that a good eating plan and exercise are necessary.

At this point, you may have guessed that one of the primary points I am trying to make is that lsting natural weight loss, absolutely requires a healthy eating plan and regular exercise. No weight loss aid, natural or otherwise will by itself make you lose weight and keep it off. In fact, the ads for weight loss aids will usually state this very thing, even though it is in microscopic print at the bottom of the ad.

What it comes down to is that natural weight loss is built on a foundation of sensible diet and exercise. With a good diet and exercise program in place, you may get additional benefits from using one or more of the natural weight loss products on the market. But do your research to find a product that serves your particular needs. In other words, if you’re not overeating out of hunger, don’t buy an appetite suppressant. If you’re already minimizing your fat intake, don’t waste your money on a fat blocker.

Now, once you have your weight loss plan in place with your diet, exercise program, and whatever natural weight loss aids you choose to use, there’s one little thing that needs to happen for you to successfully lose weight. You have to stick to the program! If there’s one thing that renders the vast majority of natural weight loss efforts ineffective, it’s a lack of follow-through.

It has been my experience that very few people stick to a natural weight loss program consistently for more than two weeks at a time. Of course, some people may intermittently follow a weight loss program for months or years, but they get sidetracked over and over again and really are not consistent for more than one or two weeks in a row, so they never get any momentum and achieve their goals.

A new study that tested the relative effectiveness of several popular diet plans revealed a fascinating finding. The overall success rates of most of the currently popular diet programs were about the same. The success or failure of any given diet had little to do with what the approach was. In other words, low carb, low fat, calorie restriction, eating for blood type, etc., really didn’t matter. The thing that actually mattered was if the person consistently followed the program! To sum it up, it doesn’t matter so much what you do to lose weight (within reason), as much as it matters that you do it consistenty long-term!

To be able to stick to your natural weight loss program, it is critical that you take charge of your thoughts and emotions. A lot of different ways exist to get control over your own mind, and different ways have varying degrees of effectiveness from one person to the next. You can get a lot of help in this area with products from Anthony Robbins, Dr. Phil, and others, as well as through technologies like hypnosis, the Sedona Method and Emotional Freedom Technique. You may need to try several methods to find what works well for you.

Regardless of the approach you use, the true key to effective natural weight loss really has very little relationship to the hottest weight loss aid on the market, or the most recent diet book being promoted. The real secret is to choose a reasonable approach that includes diet, exercise (choose an exercise you are physically capable of doing – starting with advanced kickboxing if you’ve been a couch potato your whole life is not going to work!), and possibly one or more weight loss aids and then make that program a part of your daily life forever. And the way to make that happen is to take control of your mind and get your brain working with you rather than against you. Good luck!

About the Author:

Dr. Best provides free diet, exercise, and supplement information on his website covering natural weight loss. He can be reached via email at

Herbal Magic™

by Shane Crafton

When purchasing any weight loss product, it is important to do your research. Many people are exchanging their opinions about Herbal Magic on

For an additional source, check out Herbal Magic on the very popular


According to manufacturers, Herbal Magic™ is more than a diet pill, it is several programs designed specifically for individual needs and goals. While on the program, the dieter will learn about eating foods that are delicious and nutritious, have the individualized support of a mentor, and use effective supplements. The program strives to empower the dieter to achieve long-term goals and maintain a healthy weight for a lifetime. Prior to beginning the program the dieter will visit an Herbal Magic™ center for a personal interview to discuss goals, medical history, and any other concerns the dieter may have. Once in the program the dieter is educated on how to make smart dieting decisions, not just given a plan. As a result of the program, they claim that one will develop a slender and shaped figure and learn to change their lifestyle. Finally, they provide all of the supplements that one will use during the program.

Program at a Glance

Herbal Magic™ offers 5 weight loss programs tailored to meet specific goals. They consist of QLP 1-4, Diabetic, and Youth. In addition to their programs they offer several supplements consisting of herbs and vitamins.

Program in Focus

The first program of the Herbal Magic™ series, QLP I®, is designed for the dieter that has less than 60 pounds to lose and is under the age of 65. This program uses three phase to help the dieter achieve their goals, including: weight loss®, stabilization®, and maintenance®. Each of these phases has specific goals and educates the dieter about various issues of weight loss and how to maintain a healthy weight.

QLP II® is for the dieter that wants to lose more than 60 pounds. The program utilizes the same phases; however, they are much more aggressive. The diet is different and is tailored to help the individual lose a significant amount of weight.

QLP III® is for the dieter with a busy life and a limited amount of time. It focuses on making good decisions even when out to restaurants.

QLP IV® is designed for the dieter that has heart health issues or is over the age of 65. The individual will learn how to eat foods that promote heart health and good decisions.

The program for diabetics focuses on eating foods that are sensible for diabetics, yet promote weight loss. Finally, they offer a safe and healthy program for children that are overweight.


•    Herbal Magic™ is an intense diet program designed for people with specific goals and needs.


•    Herbal Magic™ is very expensive.

•    Herbal Magic™ makes a strong case for the dieter to purchase their products.

•    There are so many products to choose from in this program that it may become overwhelming.

•    If you do not live near an Herbal Magic Center, you are out of luck.

Final Thoughts

Herbal Magic™ is designed to meet the needs of every dieter, even individuals with heart conditions and diabetes. The versatility of their plan makes it ideal for just about everybody. However, not everyone may be able to afford their program. Once one pays for the consultations and the coach, weight loss products must still be purchased. They don't seem to promote anything new; that is, the heart of their program is exercise, diet, and personal coaching. Moreover, the products they sell are typical health food store products. Items such as protein and vitamins can be purchased at just about any store. While having a tailored program might be useful, the reward may outweigh the cost. And, if you don’t have a center near you, you will be out of luck.  We’re sure this is a fine program, but there are other programs available that offer the same type of thing for a fraction of the cost.

Remember too, there are weight loss supplements available that can be of help. Look for one that includes ingredients for fat-burning and appetite control. Add lots of exercise and a healthy diet and you’ll be on your way.

About the Author:

Shane Crafton is a diet editor, who’s team specializes in health, fitness and weight loss reporting.

Nov 21, 2009

Weight Loss Products and Treatments - Tips You Need

by Toni T

If you are overweight, you may have tried nearly all the weight loss products and treatments that are available. Some work, others don’t. Here are some helpful tips to help you choose the right product or program for you.

With any type of program, exercise is essential for tightening and toning the muscles and skin while you are losing weight. There are thousands of weight loss products and treatments out there, but exercise is essential with any of the plans you choose.

Many people first try out weight loss pills and supplements. Many of these contain natural herbs, vinegar, and other natural ingredients that are safe. Others contain chemicals such as phen-phen and other ingredients that pose danger to the organs, especially the heart.

Other weight loss plans include diet foods, especially name-brand products like Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and the LA Diet. While these are good diets, most cut back severely on calories, leaving you feeling hungry between meals and more apt to snack.

One method you don’t want to waste your money on -wraps. Being wrapped in saran or plastic wrap will cause you to lose inches, but it’s only temporary. It’s simply water that is in the body that is being lost, and you will regain the inches within just a few days.

The best method is a combination of natural weight loss pills and a good exercise plan. Also, a diet that changes from day to day fools the body, and increases metabolism causing you to burn more fat. Many people don’t know about this, but it works!

There are many programs out there, some work, some don’t. I hope these tips have helped give you some insight on weight loss products and treatments, so that you can make an informed decision.

About the Author:

I hope these tips help you choose the weight loss products that are right for you. To find out more about foods that fool your metabolism, please visit The Skinny on Weight Loss – lots of great products and tips!

Nov 20, 2009

Have You Thrown Your Money Away on Weight Loss Supplements That Don't Deliver?

by The Diet Guy

If you are thinking about using a weight loss supplement to help you lose weight, think again.  The majority of all non-prescription weight loss medications are simply diuretics – they simply drain your body of water weight, which you quickly put back on. 

To give you an illustration of how futile a weight loss supplement can be, imagine a diet which allowed you to eat a cheese burger and two slices of pizza for lunch, followed by steak and potatoes for dinner, and an evening snack of cookies and chips. If such a diet really worked, EVERYONE would be doing it.

Losing weight isn’t about taking a pill. If you ate the diet mentioned above on a regular basis, do you really think a pill could turn a cheese burger into something healthy? Weight loss supplement companies will often put a disclaimer on their label indicating that their weight loss supplement doesn’t work, or that their product hasn’t been evaluated by the FDA.

What does this mean? It basically means that supplement companies know their products don’t really work, but also that they can get away with selling them as long as they add a disclaimer to the label. Their products sell well because of the psychological impact weight loss supplements have on the consumer.

So, if slimming tablets don’t work, what does work? The supplement companies have already given you a hint: eating a healthy diet. If you really want to lose weight, change your eating habits. But what do you eat? A high protein diet? A low fat diet? A Subway Sandwich?

If you have no clue what to eat, there is an ebook you need to read called “Fat Loss 4 Idiots”. The reason it is mentioned in this article is because it uses online software which allows you to actually generate menus which tell you exactly what to eat. The authors of Fat Loss 4 Idiots even boast that you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days!

I was a little skeptical of Fat Loss 4 Idiots before I purchased it, but I knew it was a legitimate product because it offers very similar advice to what I read in Tom Venuto’s Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. The main difference between the two ebooks is that Tom’s ebook is very detailed, while Fat Loss 4 Idiots is so simple that even an idiot can understand it.

About the Author:

Dieting is never easy, thats why we have put together a online site for diets, dieting and diet products, visit but if you reqire a more natrual angle to loseing weight visit Apple Cider Vinegar. An Online guide to a health you!

Nov 19, 2009

What Are The Best Weight Loss Goals?

by Matthew Gendle

What are the best weight loss goals? For a start having a weight loss goal is essential to losing weight. Having a target to reach is a great motivational tool for shedding your extra pounds.

When you step on the scales each day to see how much weight you are losing is great, but to keep weight dropping having a varied amount of ‘goals’ is the way forward to continued healthy weight loss.

There is no point setting yourself very unrealistic goals, or goals you just won’t bother trying to reach. For example by just saying you will get ‘more regular exercise’ is not really enough, you need to set a goal of ‘walk three miles a day’. But then again if your not fit enough this could be changed to ‘walk for 30 minutes a day’.

Try and set goals that are suited to your lifestyle and situation. Walking for 30 minutes each day just is not possible if you have a full time job, remember set goals that are realistic.

You can’t best success! A great way to keep motivated during your weight loss program is to measure yourself at the start of your dieting. Measure your bust, waist, hips and thighs note down the sizes. Every couple of weeks re-measure and note down the decrease in size, it is great to actually see how your body size is improving! Set a goal using this technique.

Always remember that dieting takes time and must be carried out in a healthy manner. If you lose 2 pounds in a week you many think this is nothing, but 2 pounds a week is a very good weight loss goal. This amount of weight loss is very healthy, any more and you could be harming your body or changing your lifestyle too much.

For more weight loss information and reviews of proven Weight Loss Programs and Products visit my Weight Loss Programs website. Find detailed product reviews and dieting links:-

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About the Author:

My name is Matthew Gendle and for the last three years I have been reviewing and the most advanced and effective weight loss systems available.
For more weight loss information and reviews of proven Weight Loss Programs and Products visit my Weight Loss Programs website. Find detailed product reviews and dieting links:-
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Nov 18, 2009

Ten Important Things You Should Know About Weight Loss

by Mary Leahy

1) Rather than try diet after diet, you need to understand your body and how it uses the food it is given. Know which foods cause weight gain and which ones help you lose weight. This may vary from person to person.

2) You need to know and understand your metabolism. Your metabolism plays a major role in weight gain or weight loss. Your metabolism is controlled by the different types of foods you give your body. Some foods will cause the metabolism to become sluggish or shut down completely leading to weight gain. You need to have a good understand on which foods to eat to speed up the metabolism in order to lose weight, and which ones that cause weight gain.

3) When following a specific diet or a fad diet, certain foods may be eliminated, but this can lead to weight gain rather than weight loss. Our body requires certain foods in order to work properly. Understanding and knowing which these foods are will help you towards losing weight.

4) Today’s eating habits have gotten so out of control that it is not a wonder our bodies have gotten out of control. We have a tendency today to skip meals or even avoid foods that are necessary to maintain a healthy metabolism/body. But in doing so, for example, you skip meals or eat just once a day, then you risk putting your body’s metabolism into “starvation mode”. That means everything you eat goes to fat stores to be used later as your body does not understand food is available and it will be fed later.

5) Portion sizes have increased. With all the super sizing and bulk packages we now have we expect more. But by eating larger amounts at a time, our bodies can not use up all this extra food, which leads to ours bodies getting larger/fat. Getting back to eating smaller meals more often and eating the right combination of foods, should help you lose or control your weight.

6) Some diet programs require you to buy their products however, you will only achieve any weight loss while you consuming the product. This makes you dependent on their product. Wouldn’t it better to control your weight naturally rather than depend on products, which can become costly?

7) Diet pills and diet shakes may contain caffeine or amphetamines, which will artificially speed up your metabolism. Over time this can be harmful to your health or may become addictive. Get proper weight control naturally, not artificially.

When we are trying to control our weight, eating the proper foods should not be difficult. Losing weight should not be a struggle nor should it be difficult to introduce good eating habits into your lifestyle. But first, you have to want to understand how certain foods affect your body and also how the body uses the food it is given.

8) Teach your children/family proper nutrition and good eating habits. It is better and also easier to introduce healthy eating habits when your family are young rather than try to change their eating habits later. If your family is eating healthy it will be easier to lose and control your weight.

9) If you follow a diet that stops you eating foods you enjoy and forces you to eat foods which you do not like you will feel cheated and will fall back into your bad eating habits. Follow a program that fits your schedule and your metabolic needs.

10) Exercise is also needed for weight loss. This does not mean getting a membership at your local gym and fitness centre or running a marathon. You need muscle in order to burn fat. If you have been overweight for a period of time you probably have lost your muscle tone. You will have to work on getting some of that back in order to lose weight.

A few simple changes will help get you started. Walk up and down stairs rather than taking the elevator or escalator. If you have a dog, take it for a walk a couple of times a day. Instead of jumping into the car to go to the local shop or dropping the kids off to school, walk if it is within a reasonable distance. If you work or attend classes make time for a walk or a little exercise during your lunch break. If you have to sit most of the day, make a point of getting up periodically and doing a brisk walk around. If you have to stand in one spot for long periods of time, do some jumping jacks or jog on the spot.

Once you start incorporating some exercise into your daily routine, you will find you have more energy and you will also find you will start shedding some of your weight.

Healthy eating habits, knowing what foods to eat, eating smaller portions, and understanding your body and its metabolism is the long term answer for losing weight and also how to keeping it off. A very good program that explains the above and easy to follow can be found at

About the Author:
Mary Leahy a registered nurse has many years experience living overseas working and observing various cultures and their eating habits. With the help of her partner developed Eating for a Healthier Lifestyle and Lose Weight Program

Nov 17, 2009

The Best Weight Loss Program Focuses on You

by Chris Stirling

The best weight loss program goes beyond what you eat and focuses on why you are overweight. It is entirely possible the reason you are overweight has nothing to do with what you eat, but rather what is inside your body.


In the past, diet and weight loss programs focused on the food, yet these programs don't work. Despite numerous diet pills, bars and shakes, people were getting fatter and fatter. Why is this? Why, with all we know about diet and exercise are Americans getting heavier? With all the diet pills and diet books, shouldn't people be getting thinner and more attractive?


This problem led Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst to research the true cause of obesity. Her research revealed a shocking and gross problem. She found that the intestines were full of plaque and little critters. The plague and critters block the body's ability to absorb nutrients. Since the body can't absorb the nutrients it needs to survive, the body sends a signal to the brain translates this signal as hunger. The person eats more food to get the nutrients, but the body still can't get the nutrients and the cycle of overeating continues.


The secret to successful weight loss then becomes ridding the guts of these ugly little critters. Once the plague and critters are gone, the body can absorb nutrients, and the yo-yo dieting can stop. The body will get what it needs with less food and the hunger signal will only activate with true hunger.


This discovery of the true fat loss secret can change your life. You can get rid of the toxins and start a new healthy life. It is possible to lose the weight once and for all. You weren't the failure. The fat loss programs failed you. They failed to rid your body of parasites and plaque, but you can change that. Now you know, and now you can make changes.


For more details:

About the Author:

I am the owner of this site

Nov 16, 2009

Ephedra Weight Loss Products

by Mark DeRosa

When it comes to weight loss products, very few items can match the effects of ephedra diet pills in the body. Ephedra diet pills come from a Chinese herb known as ma huang. This herb is a component of many traditional Chinese medications, and has been used classically in the management of the common cold and asthma. The active substances in the plant are actually the alkaloids known as ephedrine and pseudoephedrine.

Ephedra acts via several mechanisms. The drug is thermogenic, meaning it causes an increase in the heat produced by the body and subsequently burning more body fat and calories. Also, ephedra weight loss pills act as an anorectic by stimulating the central nervous system. It works on the brain’s satiety center, making the body feel full. These properties make it very useful in producing weight loss. Products containing ephedra are also occasionally used by athletes to improve their performance in games.

Weight loss products containing ephedra are usually admixed with other botanicals, such as salicylic acid and caffeine. Occasionally, manufacturers may substitute other botanicals for ephedra. These botanicals typically contain diuretics or sympathetic amines. On the other hand, ephedra products that are used for improving the athletic performance of individuals typically contain either ephedra alone, or ephedra mixed with minerals and vitamins.

When ephedra is used alone, it typically results in minimal, if any, weight loss. However, when ephedra is mixed with caffeine, it appears to produce a significant amount of weight loss. This was seen in several trials that took place for up to 12 months. Based on these studies, when ephedra was conbined with herbs that contain caffeine, a weight loss of approximately 2.1 pounds more was produced in a month compared to placebo. Another study combined ephedra with herbs other than caffeine. This study revealed that the product containing ephedra still produced a weight loss of about 1.8 pounds more every month compared to placebo. Meanwhile, athletic performance was only noted to be increased in the very short term, specifically 1-2 hours after taking one dose.

Ephedra weight loss products have been known to produce a number of side effects on the body. Increases in heart rate and blood pressure are quite common. Other side effects include dizziness, insomnia, changes in mood and palpitations. There have also been reports that ephedra diet pills can cause stroke or heart attack, mostly in individuals who have had consumed ephedra or ephedrine products prior to intake of the diet pills; however, a review of several controlled trials on ephedra diet pills conducted by the Evidence-based Practice Center in Southern California actually showed that no serious adverse event, such as heart attack or death, occurred while the trials were ongoing.

Before using ephedra diet pills or any other weight loss products, it is best to consult your physician first. Drug interactions are quite common with diet pills; ask your health provider if ephedra diet pills are right for you.

If you are one of those people who want to lose weight fast and effectively, try ephedra weight loss products.

About the Author:
To find out about all of the different kinds of weight loss pills, as well as the benefits you can achieve from using ephedra diet pills, visit

Nov 15, 2009

Best weight loss pill - The best weight loss pills That Work

by Timmy Hutchinson

There are several diet pills on the market that claim to bring out your hidden potential. There are several diet tablets that claim to give you leads to a matter of weeks if not months. Other diet pills claim to be the safest, healthiest, and most effective on the market.

The mandate of this article is not to select a diet pill for you, but to steer you in the correct direction.

Women, please be patient as we talk to the men for a moment. A man can increase muscle in his body as he loses weight.

Not to mention, a man can improve in his sexual performance. This kind of diet pill is for adults only. If this is among the best weight loss pills that work for you, then go for it!

However it is important to seek counsel and heed to the instructions that come with such a tablet.

Make sure that this best weight loss pills will work in balance with your chemistry and metabolism. Do not be concerned to lose pounds and get to that dream shape or figure.

Men, we now ask you to bear with us as we talk to the women. On the market there is a diet pill that addresses the physical and chemical makeup of a girl. As well as weight reduction, a lady can improve her breast size, clear her skin, and become more energetic.

If this is the best weight loss pills that works for you, move forward with confidence and enjoy the results.

Studies indicate that when an individual sleeps, their metabolism slow down. This kind of diet tablet curbs your appetite at night and works with metabolism while you are resting. In search of the best weight loss pills that work for you, we urge you to proceed with caution. Ensure this sleeping wonder will be of benefit to you as you pursue a body of perfection.

There is another diet tablet on the market that makes its claims to enhance your overall stamina. If you’re searching for the best weight loss pills that work to increase effectiveness, this is the tablet for you. What a combo that is to be productive and successful as you lose weight. Select your best weight loss pills wisely and enjoy your journey to a better you.

About the Author:

click here to discover the best weight loss pills or find the best weight loss pills here.

Nov 14, 2009

The Many Benefits of Premium Acai Burn

by Tony Talbot

The acai berry has been touted as a new “super berry” which has a great flavor and potentially many positive health effects. On talk shows and in news articles many are turning to acai berry products to lose weight by using a natural product. Acai berries are harvested from palm trees in Brazil, and like many berries have antioxidants and other substances thought to improve health. Premium Acai Burn is a product made from acai berries which its manufacturers tout as being able to help you lose weight. While acai berry products are so new that scientific studies of Premium Acai Burn are scarce, there is anecdotal evidence that acai berry products help at least some people lose weight.

While there are a lot of diet fads and pills being marketed to the American population which continues to become more obese year after year, the makers of Premium Acai Burn offer on their website a virtual free trial of the product for a month. This might allow some overweight Americans, who have tried other diet plans, to see if Premium Acai Burn is right for them.

The manufacturers of Premium Acai Burn describe many possible potential nutritive benefits of the berries themselves, which include a high protein content, high antioxidant levels, containing amino acids as well as healthy fats which may promote cardiovascular health. It is true that a diet consisting of berries, nuts and fish is thought to be especially healthy. Thousands of years ago humankind’s ancestor survived by eating mostly berries, nuts and fish. There wasn’t any processed bread products as farming hadn’t been invented yet. Many doctors and nutritionists believe that the current epidemic of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer can be blamed in part on a diet high in red meat, processed breads, and sugary foods. Certainly any diet that includes berries could be expected to have some positive health benefits.

Premium Acai Burn does not contain whole acai berries, but rather an extract made from acai berries which its manufacturers list as containing garcinia cambogia, chromium polyniconate, gymnema sylvestre extract. The manufacturers state that their product, when used with diet and exercise will cause 450% more weight loss than diet and exercise alone based on an 8 week clinical trial. As more people lose weight with Premium Acai Burn, there will likely be additional scientific studies to judge the effectiveness of Premium Acai Burn.

The manufacturers of Premium Acai Burn also state that while they cannot promise that you will lose weight by taking their product, which they are willing to give you a month’s supply of product free, you just have to pay for the shipping and handling. The instructions on using Premium Acai Burn describe it as a dietary

supplement, and state that you must take two capsules a day half an hour to an hour before your morning and afternoon meals. While there are many acai berry products available, be sure to thoroughly research any specific company before you make a decision about whether to try this latest weight loss supplement.

 At, we find the most current information about Acai products and provide you with current Acai information. We help you choose products and select quality products that deliver the most Results.

If you'd like to see more information about Premium Acai Burn and the benefits associated with these compounds. To find out more information about some of the most current studies, go to:

About the Author:

Well I have spent the last 6 months researching different health markets and products.
I then created a review group with family and friends where we began to use the different types of products,
we did weightloss,colon cleanse anti aging skin creams and serums. Premium Acai Burn is one of the Acai products we liked which is why I have chose, to offer this proucts to those who are serious about starting there journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Nov 13, 2009


by Lea Davies

There is only one thing more important to our survival than water and that’s oxygen, but given the fact that our bodies are made up of around 70% water, it comes a very close second, playing a major part in our health and well being, making it an absolute must for our everyday diet. Putting it simply, We cannot live without it.

It’s also a powerful aid in the seemingly never ending battle for weightloss. Overweight people the whole world over, are either joining slimming clubs, or searching the net for the best weight loss programme or for diet advice in general, all asking the same question, “how can I lose weight?. Simple, if you need help to lose weight, drink more water. It doesn’t contain any calories or cholesterol and if you drink a glass 30 minutes before eating, it will help to make you feel less hungry.

Without sufficient water intake, the kidney’s cannot function properly, so the liver has to come and lend a hand which then means that the liver will have a bigger workload and will not be able to work to it’s full potential. The purpose of the liver is to metabolize body fat but because it can’t work at full throttle, less body fat will be metabolized and more will be stored. Not the best news if your dieting eh!! But if you increase your water intake, guess what, problem solved.

Lack of proper hydration is a common cause for headaches (remember that hangover ?) and seeing that the brain is made up of around 70% water, it just make sense to replenish it with a glass or three. If you have a headache, try this before taking any medication. It would be better for you than putting any unnecessary chemicals into your body.

Your body flushes out many toxins and waste products, including body fat, through your urine, the colour of which is a good indicator as to wether or not you are getting enough water. If it’s clear, good, your on the right path, if it isn’t, then you need to drink more water.

So, if anyone ever asks you “what can I do to help me lose weight?” you can point them in the direction of the water tap, telling them that this is the best place to start for easy weightloss.

Try drinking at least 1-1.5 litres of water a day for Two weeks. Even in such a small space of time, I’m sure that you will feel many health benefits, especially if you could make it the only thing that you drink -:)


About the Author:

Lea Davies is passionate about reaching out to people with weight problems. Why not visit Lea at and discover how she successfully lost weight. IT’S ALL FREE SO YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR WEIGHT.

Nov 12, 2009

Acai Berry Secret- How I Lost 30 Pounds in Under 30 Days With the Secret Acai Berry

by Karlaage Guru Isaksen

At the time when all this happened in the past. When I was very overweight. I had absolutely no clue and didn’t know anything about Acai Berry. In these days, I found myself ugly, with a very negative attitude, because of my big body. Then suddenly, on my television. I saw Dr. O.Z , telling about the “Acai berry” On the CNN channel. I was so impressed about what I saw, that I immediately decided that I would try this amazing Acai Berry myself, and here I can tell you how the Acai Berry work on me. And how it helped me to lose weight, this little Berry have really changed my life. It is really amazing how great effect such a little Berry can have on the human being body, but anyway, here is my story.

To following this was very easy.

This program was very simple and easy to follow. I didn’t have to go to the bushes and peak up these berries.

Myself, all I have to do was going to my computer and find the site on the Internet ,of my choice then place an order. In that simple way. I have already started my new program. So as you can see. There was absolutely no. Trouble on starting with this fine product. And thats is the biggest reasons that many people never even get started with their weight loss program, if there is too much trouble to begin the result is that they will never get started.

The product is completely natural.

One other thing, that was very important to me, was that the product was completely natural, Most of the weight loss programs You can find today have all kinds of chemicals, and this is for sure.

not healthy for you or any other human, therefore I was very happy to find out that this Acai Berry product was absolutely. 100% natural and it had not any harmful side effect. That way I could, be sure that this product would not harm me. And there was no trouble using it

From day one I could feel the difference

From the first moment, I start using this amazing product. I could feel in my whole body that this would come to work. I didn’t have any doubt about that. This is how it started for me, and guess what. It worked, by the end of the month. I have lost over 29 pounds. It was totally unbelievable. That this was working so well. I did some things. Try some crosschecking and was very. Very happy with the results.

I guess the reason you are reading this article, is that you also is overweight, and other reason that. You are reading this article, is you want to do something about it. Like me, you probably try a lot.

Of difference weight loss programs, that didn’t work well. My life totally changed the day I saw. This Dr. O.Z telling about the Acai Berry in my television, there’s a lot of places on the Internet Where you can buy these “Acai Berry product.

About the Author:
I have found a great place to buy the Acai Berry at a very fair price and the product is first class. If you have decided to try out these Acai berry. I would suggest that you begin on this side, Good luck with your weight loss program Buy Acai Berry

Nov 11, 2009

The Best Weight Loss Exercise

by James Pswarai

The internet is a gateway to information but a lot of it is different so it is hard to choose who to listen to. Whatever subject you are interested in you will find at least three different ways of doing it from people online. Some may suit you, some may not. I have created this article to help those who are looking for the bet weight loss exercise. You don't have to read this article, like I said there are other ways online, but in this article I will explain what I think to be the best weight loss exercise.

Weight Training

That's right I think that weight training is the best way to lose weight. Let me go through it in more detail.

What is weight training

Weight training is using weights to increase muscle mass. These weights can either be weights in a gym, sand bags at home if you don't have enough time to go to the gym or you can even use your own body weight to build up your body mass.

How does it help lose weight

Weight training not only builds up muscles but it also goes on to burn a lot of calories as you workout. It is also known that by having muscle you also lose weight faster (plus it looks pretty nice).

Cardio workout VS Weight training workout

This is a pretty tricky one to pick but I would still go for weight training. Yes cardio does burn more calories than weight training the problem is when you stop cardio your calorie burner goes down. This is the exact opposite in weight training. Weight training may not burn as many calories during the workout however, when you finish weight training your body starts to repair the muscle fibres you damaged while working out and this needs energy which comes from calorie, therefore I think that if you are looking to burn calories fast and quick go for cardio, but if you are looking to burn them over a period of time and build muscle mass as well go for weight training. You can even mix them up if you really want to.

What to do whilst working out

whilst working out an important factor you don't want to forget is drinking water as it keeps you hydrated. Water has more uses than that though, it also helps you lose weight (didn't know that did you?). Water increases the efficiency of the kidney which aids the liver with metabolic reactions (metabolism). By fuelling the kidney you make it easier for the liver to covert stored fat into energy. Don't just drink water while you exercise. Drink it 8 times a day and keep your metabolism high (it also defines your muscles tone).

That is it. The best weight loss exercise in my opinion is weight training and with the help of drinking water, it is even better. You don't have to take my word for it, go and try it out and see the results that come from this which are not weight loss but an increase in muscle mass

About the Author:

James Pswarai is an enthusiastic internet marketer. If you want more information on weight loss and how to lose 10 pounds over and over again check out

Nov 10, 2009

Weight Loss Products

by petersonbran

Weight loss products usually have side effects when we use them. Some of those side effects are really annoying so we really need to be careful when we pick any of those products. Many websites always try to hypnotize us with telling that their weight loss products are the best in the internet. Meanwhile, they also try to give us some negative descriptions about their competitors' products. Well, this is a kind of subjective point of view. Don’t worry, we provide an objective point of view for you

There are different types of weight loss products available in the market. You can search out about the different variety of weight loss products provide by large number of companies to the people with the help of internet. There are websites, which provide you the information about weight loss products that you can use. You also able to know the different brands of these weight loss products by searching number of websites on the internet.

Lida daidaihua is a well-known brand that provides variety of weight loss products to the people. There are so many products manufacture by Lida to reduce the weight of people and you will easily find out the different products provide by Lida on the internet. If you are going to purchase weight loss products of Lida Company, then must confirm that you are purchasing the original weight loss products of Lida.

There are also examples of weight loss products:

Diet drinks that are mixed with beverages or food are used as meal substitutes. A downside of this is that once a person stopped taking the drinks, they would eventually regain the lost weight after a short period of time due to feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Another is diet supplements and medicines that also don't work long-term.

Herbalife Nutritional Program – good as two meals, dieters may rely on shakes and follow artificial dieting methods and just don't want food to work into their lives.

Mega-Thin 100 Formula – Its formula contains an anti-fat weapon, however, diet is not emphasized that's why it's concluded that it has an appetite suppressant.

Nestlé's Sweet Success – recommended to take three times a day and it does not promote healthy eating habits. Weight loss is difficult to maintain once intake is stopped.

Ultra Slim Fast – this plan requires regular exercise but does not teach good eating habits.

Diet pills with Ephedra and PPA – many of these have enclosed diet plans. Slimming can come from the diet plan and not the pill intake and there are risks of adverse side effects.

Chitosan products – contains fibers which were taken from shellfish that may cause diarrhea, bloatedness, and gas. This will only work if a low fat diet is practiced.

Chromium Supplements –claim that products will lower blood sugar, body fat and cholesterol but causes anemia and even memory loss. Studies show only minimal or no beneficial effect at all.

Green Tea Extract Products – known as strong anti-oxidants that help lower cholesterol and triglycerides, and promote weight loss, however, the caffeine content could cause insomnia and restlessness.

Algae Tablets – Spirulina contains significant nutrients that can be an acceptable food when used as part of a varied diet but are very expensive.

Read About Weight Loss Diet Also Read About Fast Food Obesity and Weight Loss Products

About the Author:

Nov 9, 2009

Fbcx® Fiber Supplement

by Shane Crafton

When purchasing any weight loss product, it is important to do your research. Many people are exchanging their opinions about FBCX on

For an additional source, check out FBCX on the very popular


We're all familiar with the typical rationale behind fiber supplementation: it makes you regular. And so we perhaps have an unfortunate stereotype in our minds when considering fiber supplementation: it's only for the elderly, it's only for people for heart problems, or, "Oh, I'm not that constipated."

FBCX® would have us consider fiber supplements in a different way. According to the product website, FBCX® – aside from being a healthy fiber supplement – is able to bind fats and eliminate up to 9 times its own weight in triglycerides (dietary fats). This binding is supposed to prevent the absorption of these fats by the body, thus contributing to weight loss.

According to the product promotion, FBCX® is able to lower bad cholesterol, increase adiponectin levels and insulin sensitivity, and contribute generally to a nutritious diet. Such benefits would seem to recommend FBCX®, or at least some form of fiber supplementation.

Ingredients at a Glance

Ingredients information on FBCX® was not readily available on the product website. There is vague mention made of an active ingredient, called Alpha-cyclodextrin, but it is never discussed properly. Instead, the website seems intent on giving the impression that things are too new and exciting to bother with such information.

Ingredients in Focus

Other sources reveal that Cyclodextrins are produced from starch and are used in food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. In the food industry, they're employed in cholesterol-free foods. It would seem that their function in such foods is similar to Alpha-cyclodextrin's function in FBCX®. In short, Cyclodextrins are indeed known for their ability to bind cholesterol and fats, and so FBCX® might be on to something.


•    Contains no stimulants, apparently.

•    Decently informative website.


•    Ingredients information is a little difficult to come by.

•    Not the only or best fiber supplement on the market.

•    Website is slightly obnoxious.

Final Thoughts

FBCX® is an interesting product, and consumers might do well to consider it carefully. A sensible fiber supplement can be a nice addition to a healthy lifestyle, so long as the lifestyle involves regular exercise and a balanced diet. Along with a proven fat burner, the consumer could be on the road to significant and long-term weight loss and management. FBCX® might not be the only choice, but it's worth considering.

About the Author:

Shane Crafton is a diet editor, who’s team specializes in health, fitness and weight loss reporting.

Nov 8, 2009

Cheap Weight Loss Products - How to Find a Cheap Weight Loss product

by Freddy Wells

There are several ways to have a cheap weigth loss products

More and more individuals are seeking to find inventive manners to preserve money these days and this takes on their weight loss diet. Whether it’s resting in more often for entertainment, switching to getting the bus rather than trusting on your car for transportation, or rethinking all the several subscriptions they have in their lives, one things for certain, saving is a priority.

Sadly, for many other individuals, this may as well imply a reduction in the food quality of their diet. As an effect of choosing cheap weigth loss products

Unfortunately, some of the safer food excellent picks for weight loss – fresh meat, fish, lean cuts of chicken, nuts, and so on, can bite a great chunk away of your bank account.

As much, if you’re concentrating on shrinking the size of your budget, you may swing from taking these foods and pick out cheap weight loss products alternatives, which are often more treated or of littler quality.

It doesn’t have to be this direction, even so.

Here are some hints to Formulate a cheap weight loss product for yourself.

Buy From the Bulk Bins

If nuts are on your weight loss diet program, look at buying cheap weight loss products from the bulk bins rather of purchasing them from a box.

Some times it is a serious deal cheaper this way, and there is no conflict whatever in nutritionary measure.

Furthermore, look at interchanging some of the more expensive nut varieties (almonds, walnuts, etc) with peanuts, which come quite cheap.

While the healthy profile will be more or less unusual, nuts are still very healthy – and much healthier than plunging into a bagful of chips or whatsoever you would probably eat on as a substitute.

Try On Applying Frozen

When it comes to your vegetable picks, think buying frozen products more often.

Sometimes cheap weight loss products seems not only do these not go bad – hence you won’t have to concern about wasting away money due to spoiling, they as well are priced more efficaciously too.

As an additional benefit, you can purchase frozen vegetables year round, while if you simply prefer to purchase fresh, you may be specific by the seasons.

Change Of Protein Sources

While shorting yourself on protein should not be an alternative (this is a huge mistake to get on whatever weight loss diet), you surely may switch the type of protein you’re taking without too many terrible fallouts.

For example, do you usually take tuna fish filets? Now should be the time to take switching this for canned tuna (some of the time – due to mercury content).

Also, egg whites are cheaper than chicken, so this can be another trade off you can do.

Most essential is that you are just taking the protein you need on your weight loss diet, so just make a concentrated drive in having this complete.

Get Oatmeal For Breakfast

As far as your breakfast (and also snacks) are related, nothing beats oatmeal for substantial value.

Not just is a great source of easy digesting carbs, which is essential on a weight loss plan, but it’s as well got a good dose of fiber and does hold protein too.

The best part about oatmeal – it’s only pennies a bowl. Almost anyone can be able to afford this (once again, you can purchase this from the bulk bins too).

So, be particular you keep these hints in mind when attempting to came up with cheap weight loss products.

Check this link to a great weight loss site!!!

About the Author:

Im Freddy Wells,, Watch my other articles about weight loss.

Nov 7, 2009

Programs for weightloss- Why no programs for weight loss that you buy work, and what to do

by Belinda Olson

If you cannot lose weight fast after trying diet industry programs for weight loss, you are just like millions of other people. 95% of people can’t lose weight on commerical programs for weight loss.

But you will be glad to hear that the blame doesn’t fall on you. The real reason you cannot lose weight with programs for weight loss is because you are buying something to help you. The giant companies that rake in billions don’t want you to know this, but here’s the simple facts: No diet or weight loss product is proven to work over the long term for quick weight loss. When you read something that says it will help you lose weight or body fat rapidly, you are getting a sales pitch that says this: Just spend some MONEY on our programs for weight loss, and they will rapidly lose the weight for you. However, there one thing wrong with that.

Millions upon millions of Americans have shown beyond the shadow of a doubt that buying professional programs for weight loss does not work to lose weight.Find that hard to believe? The CDC reports that 2 out of 3 Americns are overweight or obese while spending over 50 billion annually on diet and weight loss products.

Why can’t programs for weight loss work for weight loss? It is really very simple once you look past the advertsing and look at the facts: Diet prodcuts are either a total scam that will never work in a million years- pill, tea, herb, colon cleanse, etc. Or a short term fix that can’t work permanently. Examples here would be diet plan or even weight loss surguery. Naturally, it’s impossible for the scams to work since they don’t do anything. Now what’s the reason “real” programs for weight loss cannot help you lose weight?Here’s the truth you’ll never hear from someone that wants to sell you a diet product:

Any programs for weight loss will work, IF they make you have a daily calorie deficit. But, here’s what they’re not telling you:

Eventually, nearly everyone gets tired of using or spending money on those expensive programs for weight loss- and they go right back to the same foods or habits that made them gain weight in the first place.

Here’s what’s happening: You are using an external tool you create the calorie deficit for you. And when you stop using the tool that was creating the calorie deficit for you, you start gaining weight again. Now you know the truth. As a matter of fact, only one thing is proven to work when you cannot lose weight: You take what never fails when it comes to quick weight loss- and you adapt it to fit you.

Quickly losing all the weight you want and keeping it off forever is not as hard as you think. It’s getting ripped off by the diet and weight loss industry with a useless scam or a prodcut that can only work temporarly that makes you falsely believe that you cannot lose weight fast. It’s trying to eat special diet foods you hate, deprive yourself, or do workouts you don’t enjoy that makes you feel it’s just not worth it. But you need to believe me when I tell you this: Taking some time and discovering what works in reality- and then discovering how to adapt it to fit you is really, really, worth it. I guarantte that discovering how to take what works and make it a part of your life will rapidly change you and your future in ways you can’t even dream of.

Having a new body and life can never come in the form of a pill or diet. It’s in what you choose to do everyday. So don’t think you cannot put togeather your own programs for weight loss, you can. As a matter of fact, that’s the only thing that is proven to work. All it takes is some honest information and action on your part.

Here’s where I learned how to put togeather my own no fail program for weight loss.

P.S. Just step out on faith and get started, you will transform your life in ways you can’t begin to imagine.

About the Author:

I write about real and honest weight loss products because the right ones will change your life.

Nov 6, 2009

How to lose stomach fat with 3 best weight loss products

by Michelle Long

What is the most effective ways for losing stomach fat? How to lose stomach fat within a given period? Yes, the answer is dieting and exercises. Belly or Stomach fat always became a serious concern for overweight people. Follow research, stomach area easier for fat storage especially for people whom practice lesser exercises. Those people whom doing sedentary work always face this problem.

High Waist Slimming Pants

Slimming pant is a revolutionary and lifting undergarment that will give you sexy and curvy figure instantly. Not all slimming pants can be used for losing stomach fat but most of it can be use. Can you get the points behind this statement? Then how to lose stomach fat with slimming pants? Again, slimming pants are specifically designed for fat burning in your specific body part like waist, thigh, buttocks and back. The most effective pants for losing stomach fat as we mentioned earlier is high-waist slimming pants. This is because of high-waist slimming pants cover most of the stomach area and in lieu with that it helps for fat burning process. In fact if you still not believe how to lose stomach fat with slimming pants then you should go and get one and start wearing it today. One slimming pant doesn't cost you much and it is last for use for years.

Sauna Slimming Belt

Sauna belt is a weight loss training tools that use for weight loss. The belt increases your body metabolism and improves your blood circulation. Many fitness instructor use sauna belts for muscle training and the belt really helps in building four or six abdomen muscle on your stomach. Maybe you still confused that how to lose fat on stomach with this small equipments, well if that's come out in your mind then you should take a quick references on the sauna belts application step-by step guidelines.  The concern now is on how to lose stomach fat fast with sauna belt always been reviewed by the experts but time and effects has proven that this product are really workable for weight loss.

Whey Protein Shakes

Protein shake id one of the best diet food that effective for losing stomach fat. But how to lose your stomach fat with protein shakes? The answer is if you manage to replace two meals daily with protein shakes then you can see the drastically fat reduce on your stomach. This is for sure. Protein shakes contained lower calories and is a healthy diet food. Some protein shakes include more than 20 types of nutrients like vitamins, mineral salts and fiber. You won't feel hungry if you substituting your normal meal with protein shakes as the shakes will helps to cut down the daily calories consume for your body. If you still not convinced how to lose stomach fat with protein shakes then you must watch some of the real stories from the testimonials.

About the Author:

Hi everyone, my name is Michelle Long; I’m from Malaysia, a healthy girl which stay fit with 48kg and 165cm. I’m started few sites on weight loss and all these sites shared my thoughts and experiences throughout my weight loss experiences. I would like to share with you, but are you willing to accept m sharing?

Please visit my few site below for more weight loss information:
Sauna belt – How to use it for desired effect?, Meal Replacement Shakes, Homemade Protein Shakes Recipes

Nov 5, 2009

Best weight loss diet- Why is the best weight loss diet for any age?

by Shawn Page

To lose weight and keep it off foever, you need to understand why it’s impossible to buy the best weight loss diet.The giant companies that make billions hope you never read this, but the facts show none of their products work permanently. Here’s why that is:

You can only lose weight one way- you need to burn off more calories than you take in. Simply put, you need to burn off more calories than you consume.

The sad thruth is, so few individuals know this, that they think the have to buy a programs for weight loss. Commercial weight loss plans [Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutri-Systems, etc.] all claim to have the best weight loss diet. These coslty programs for weight loss can work- if you allow them to help you create a personal calorie deficit.

So why can’t a commericial “best weight loss diet” help you permanently keep weight off? Simple: The answer is quite insteresting. It’s because if you buy a diet to help you, you make it impossible to know how to keep weight off once you stop using the program. See the connection? When you stop using the diet as the tool for creating the calorie deficit, you go back to your old calorie surplus diet. Leaning how to permaqnently lose weight is like leaning how to swim. If you always swim with a life vest on, you never learn how to swim “tool” free. So if you’re always buying and using something- even if it’s the worlds best weight loss diet, you’re never learning how to keep weight off on your own.

However, just like learning how to swim, when you learn how to create your own “best weight loss diet” it’s gets easy- and you know how for the rest of your life. The reason keeping weight off is simple becaues it’s only possible with the calorie deficit. What makes losing weight feel hard is when you never take the time to create a calorie deficit using foods that you like- vs eating a specail diet that someone else puts togeather for you.

Don’t don’t think the best weight loss diet is something you have to buy, because the facts prove the opposite. Keep it simple. Just eat natural foods that you like, and get active in ways that like. The scale will tell you if you’re eating right and getting active enough. When you just do that, losing and maintaining your weight happen with what feels like no specail effort whatsoever.

The best part is, when you put togeather your own best weight loss diet and stick do it, you do much more than transform your body, you transform your life. How so? Because when you have control over your diet- you have control over some ever strong emotions. And when you control these emotions, the mental will power is there to control almost anything else in life that’s tempting you.

Here’s how I learned to create a weight loss diet that’s easy . It worked wonders for my life. I know it will do the same for you. Quit getting used by the sellers of diet products, and discover how to change your body and life while you still have the opportunity.

About the Author:

If you want the truth, google New Body New Life

Nov 4, 2009

Want to Buy Natural Weight Loss Pills?

by Xylene Belita

With time becoming a more valuable commodity in the hustle and bustle of modern life, the latest weight loss pills seem to offer the magical solution for the overweight where they can simply take some pills and carry on with their daily schedules while still losing weight. No self-starvation regimens, no time-consuming trips to the gym, and no special medical procedures. Sounds good, right?

There is a wide range of fat burning weight loss capsules that you can select from. These go from prescription drugs manufactured synthetically to natural products that are supposed to offer a safer alternative for the same effects.

But even natural weight loss capsules can still have side effects. In some people side effects of weight loss capsules resulted in severe reactions that can be extremely dangerous to their health.

You need to be aware that the drugs you take to improve your health also have side effects. Even natural weight loss pills can still have adverse effects if not taken properly or if taken by people with allergic reactions to specific ingredients in the pills . This can cause severe reactions in some people that can be extremely dangerous to their health.

No matter what type of pill or product, natural or synthetic, you plan to take to lose weight, you really should discuss it with your doctor first. Ensure that your health won’t be endangered in any way. In particular, if you have any other health issues that need to be discussed, do so with a doctor before trying out the latest weight loss capsules by yourself. If possible, bring a sample of the weight loss pills you are planning to take for your doctor to examine. They usually list the ingredients in their containers which may help the doctor spot any potential dangers to your health if you take them. Make sure to discuss allergies if you have any.

The right fat burning weight loss capsules can be very effective to the right patient. In a relatively short time, they can give you outstanding results.

But that is not always the case, the wrong weight loss pill for the wrong patient would be virtually useless, and at worst, dangerous.

Weight loss should actually be enhancing your life and your longevity, so don’t risk your life, see a doctor first.

About the Author:

For the latest weight loss capsules, visit: Acai Berry Select and Alli Weight Loss Pill. Website:

Tips on Finding the Best Weight Loss Products on the Internet

by Lauren S Johnson

Finding the best weight loss products can be quite a struggle. There are numerous companies out there who claim to have the next best thing in the weight loss industry. Everything from diet pills to weight loss equipment can be purchased on the World Wide Web. However, the key to purchasing these items is being able to distinguish the real thing from just another bogus invention. It is no surprise that finding the best diet pills is the key to weight loss success, which is why it is important to find a reputable company, especially over the internet.

When purchasing the best diet pills on the internet it is wise to find companies which are not afraid to show the ingredient list right upon their website. Companies which hide such straight forward information usually have something to hide. A company which is reputable will almost one hundred percent of the time proudly illustrate all of the ingredients along with their benefits. And remember not to be fooled by the first page of any website, always browse around and make sure that the "weight loss guarantee" statement that is flashing on the front page is somehow backed up with evidence and studies. Another thing to look at is how long the company has been in business. If a company has managed to be in business for many years, they must be doing something right.

One of the most popular weight loss products that are being sold via internet right now are the Hoodia diet pills. These particular pills are known to suppress the appetite and reduce our calorie intake. Many people swear by this particular diet pill; however, once again, it is important to find the best product on the market. When searching for the best Hoodia diet pills, be sure that the product is 100% pure Hoodia gordonii. The pureness of the product insures its potency; therefore, you should make sure that this particular weight loss product contains no other additives, chemicals or preservatives. And if you still have any concerns regarding the products you find online, don't hesitate to call a representative (any reputable company will offer that option).

About the Author:

Lauren Johnson writes health articles about fitness and nutrition.
Some of her favorite passions include studying the medicinal benefits of herbal remedies for antidepressants,
diet pills, and hoodia gordonii.