Oct 31, 2009

Fun Core Methods For Losing Love Handles

by Barbara Woodward

A strong set of stomach muscles is one of the best and easiest ways to fight off unwanted tummy fat. Often people can be in fairly good shape but have tummy fat that they just can’t seem to be able to shift. Thankfully if you’re one of these people there is hope on the horizon.

The first thing to do is to avoid things like ab belts that promise to strengthen your core muscles by sending electrical impulses that make your ab muscles tighten. This is a fad product playing up to peoples hope that no work is needed.

 If you could just sit there on your sofa, drinking beer and eating burgers whilst your ab belt pulsated the pounds off you the world would be a better place. That is, obviously, a pipe dream that marketing companies play off.

One piece of equipment however that really will help you shed the pounds is called a Swiss ball. It’s also sometimes called a fit ball or an exercise ball. It was first introduced by back therapists but has since become one of the most popular fitness products in the world. Why? Because it works.

The beauty of the exercise ball is that you don’t need an expensive gym membership to use one. Most sports retailers sell them for less than forty bucks and all you need is around six foot spare space to get the best out of it.

The exercise ball will enable you to strengthen those core underlying muscles and provide a barrier against fat. This is not to say a healthy diet program is not needed. The fact of the matter is for the best results you must incorporate a healthy diet with a simple exercise program if you want to lose weight and create the ideal you.

One easy and convenient use of the exercise ball comes from just sitting on it. That’s right. You can sit down and build muscle. When doing this you use numerous muscles through your core to stabilise yourself from falling off of it. By merely sitting on your exercise ball for thirty minutes a day you will notice a change in your core within a few weeks. Sit and watch tv, read a book, anything you want.

Stretching and relaxation techniques such as yoga and Pilates are another superb core workout. You can buy DVD’s on the subjects or even take a local class. These methods are often seen as for “hippies” and new age spiritualists. However many people fail to understand just how good these are for getting into shape.

From a fat loss perspective Pilates and yoga have both one major advantage. They help your body to increase its production of endorphins which counter the effects of stress hormones such as cortisol. Cortisol increases the creation of belly fat.

Many people think that to have a flat stomach you need to work hours in the gym. The truth is that a simple healthy diet, coupled with a simple exercise program such as sitting on an exercise ball or actively getting involved in something like yoga or Pilates can get you the results you want.

Don’t look as weight loss as a chore. Go out there and have some fun with it. Not only will it keep you healthy but it may just turn into a fantastic hobby for yourself.

To improve your results even more, take this FREE Trial of a wonderful weight loss product that is gaining acclaim around the world: http://www.weightlossdietsuccessnow.com

About the Author:

Barbara has spent most of her life learning about weight loss products and researching their effectiveness so that she could keep on top of her own weight problem She has set up a blog that is full of useful articles and you can sign up to her newsletter and get a FREE ebook – 211 pages of great info and the super Lose 10 pounds in 10 days diet Click here

Oct 30, 2009

Guide To Finding The Right Weight Loss Products

by Richard Henderson

Weight loss is becoming an increasingly more important society issue in the modern era. The United States is the classic example of society that is fast becoming overweight. We are the champions of the fast food era and so much our daily life revolves around eating and snacking. Our fast food mentality is driving us to an early grave.

However I think more a problem of what we eat than how much we eat. Everywhere you look these days whether its a superstore, drugstore or the internet you will be bombarded with dietary products. A complete conundrum really how fixated we are with these products and their fitness benefits and yet we continue to make the health problems worse with our dietary preferences. Losing weight is a major problem that only seems to be getting worse.

When I was a kid I remember we would visit a fast food restaurant once every couple of weeks. This has changed dramatically, I saw a recent poll that showed we (Americans) now will visit them on average at least four or five times a week! See what I mean despite the volume of info telling us about the dangers of a bad diet and that it is the biggest cause of death in Americans we still seem reluctant to change our eating habits. Companies producing diet plans and diet aids are laughing all the way to the bank.

With an enormous number of products for losing weight on the market today what is the best way to choose which to use when dieting. The Internet has made it much easier in attaining much needed information on specific programs and diet plans. From the list of products for losing weight, Slim Fast seems to be a popular choice for many dieters. This company offers countless munchies and meals that keep your calories down.

Another popular business is Weight Watchers. This company not only offers a number of products for losing weight, but also provides a website where you can get support and even calculate the amount of calories you’ve eaten for the day. These are just a couple of weight loss companies and I’m not even going to include the magic pill manufacturers.

Of course the best plan is to be careful what you eat and to take part in regular exercise then hopefully these weight loss products won’t be as important for you. Just because we live in a world dominated byjunk food, doesn’t mean we have to eat it!

About the Author:

Richard henderson lives in Las Vegas and is a fitness fanatic. You can visit his website about Weight Loss here.

Oct 29, 2009

Best Weight Loss Plan Details: It's Now Online

by Carl Ringwall

The array of diets and weight loss products on the internet simply boggles the mind.  So how to you choose the best weight loss plan?  You should first be aware that many of the plans simply don’t work, or may not be appropriate for your age or level of health.

Stay away from plans that require you to starve yourself – you will lose muscle mass and this kind of crash diet could cause serious health problems.  The best weight loss plan will target a slow, steady weight loss over time.  You should lose just a few pounds a week or month.  

Internet ‘e-diets’ are one innovative way to keep on track.  Some of the best weight loss plans give you a web site to motivate you and coach you as you go along.  This is the best way to motivate yourself to stay on your diet.

Choose a diet with a proven track record, a large amount of users, and preferably a high rating with one of the review sites on the web.  By using common sense and keeping reasonable expectations, you can lose weight  and keep it off by trying one of the best weight loss plans available on the web.

Disclaimer: This article is based on information freely available in the popular press and medical journals that deal with health. Nothing herein is intended to be or should be construed to be any sort of medical advice. For medical advice the reader should consult with his or her physician or other medical specialist.

About the Author:

Our team tested 5 of the best weight loss plans. Read more about our surprising test results.

Oct 28, 2009

Planning Your 2-week Weight Loss Program

by Xylene Belita

Are you planning to lose weight in 2 weeks and achieve the ideal weight you always wanted? Then, you should put some active planning into your weight loss program before you start so you will definitely have a better chance of reaching your weight goal.

Here are four important tips:

1) Know how much weight you want to lose. This is very important because unless you have a solid goal in your mind then it makes it more difficult to achieve your 2 weeks weight loss plan.

2) Get professional advice before starting on any fat loss program for important safety and health concerns. If you are obese then you must absolutely do this! If you have any health problems, it is essential to discuss things with your doctor before starting any weight loss program as significant changes in nutrition and exercise can place additional loads on your body.

3) Request support of your friends and family to help you with your goal to lose weight. You should understand that it is very important to distance yourself from negative people and those who do not really offer you any support because there are always people around who do not want to see you improve in your life and reach your goal to lose weight.

Let the world see that you can lose weight in just 2 weeks!

4) Take a photo of your body at the start of your weight loss program. Stand in front of a mirror and look at your body while visualizing how you want it to look. Usually, we often forget how much progress we make. But with a photo, you can look back and it offers you the encouragement you need when there are times you feel like the going might be a little more tough.

You can start your two weeks weight loss program now by comparing the best weight loss products here: Natural Herbal Weight Loss Products

About the Author:

Give yourself a fighting chance! Buy only natural herbal weight loss products. Get more information here: http://www.naturalherbalhealthproducts.com

Coughing With Bronchitis

by July Somma

Coughing, most often, is the onset symptom of bronchitis. Being knowledgeable on matters regarding coughing can be most helpful in combating bronchitis especially chronic bronchitis.

A cough is an abrupt, frequently recurring contraction of the “thoracic cavity,” which results in an aggressive discharge of air from the lungs that comes with a distinguishing sound.

When the air passages in your body are irritated, a cough takes place to do away with the irritants.

Causes of Cough

There are two reasons why cough occurs – physiological and psychological. The psychological aspect of cough is termed as “habitual coughing.” In a medical perspective it is referred to as “steruphilia” wherein an individual loves the sound of coughing or sneezing that is why he practices the said condition. On the other hand, there is also a physiological reason why cough is evident to humanity.

The “vagus nerve” which flows through the lungs into the brain has a major role in the physiological act of coughing. Under this type, the following are broken down into sub-causes:

- Infection – the presence of bacteria, virus from a common cold or fungus triggers humanity to develop a cough.

- External factors – cough is evident when an individual is allergic to irritants such as dust, smoke from cigarettes or belches, pollens and some medicinal drugs.

- Internal factors – as diseases in heart, ear, sinuses especially in the lungs progresses it causes a person to cough.

Types of Cough

1. Dry cough

Dry cough or sometimes termed as non-productive cough is described to be arid, stiff and exasperating. Apart from being bothersome, dry cough gives you a wearing and strenuous time.

2. Chesty coughs

Chesty coughs are commonly known as “productive coughs.” The common cause of this type of cough is infection from a virus or bacteria.

Phlegm is being taken away from the respiratory channels so that unwanted mucus and germs can be eradicated in the body. By doing so, your breathing will be normalized.

Effects of Cough in Chronic Bronchitis

There are a lot of consequences if cough is persistent and productive especially if you have chronic bronchitis. When you cough you will experience any of the following:

- There is aggravation in the “anus” which can worsen piles or crevices from within it.

- Headache oftentimes occur with persistent or aggressive coughing.

- Stomach-strain heightens which may lead to “hernia” or “scrotal sac.”

- There is increased pressure in your chest. Having so, “air emphysema” may occur.

With the above-mentioned consequences, it is best to know important ways for coughing to be reduced.

1. Medical studies show that smoking is the main culprit for the development of chronic bronchitis. Hence, if you are a smoker, it is highly recommended for you to stop smoking. Breathing for you will be easy if you decide to stop smoking. It is not only cough that will be reduced but you will have better lungs as well by putting an end to smoking cigarettes.

2. If you are a non-smoker yet you encounter people around you smoking, it is best to stay away from them because according to some medical findings secondhand smoking is more serious than firsthand smoking.

3. You need to avoid irritants. Some common irritants which can worsen cough are aerosol products, fumes from chemical substances and dust.

4. When there is a high possibility that you will be exposed to irritants, it is a must for you to wear masks so that there is less chance for you to breathe those. A visit to your physician is recommended for you to recognize the type of cough you have. The physician will also tell you if your cough is associated with chronic bronchitis or a symptom of other illnesses. Moreover, it is he who will tell you the means and ways for you to treat as well as prevent the cough you have. There is no need for you to delay a consultation with your physician. Cliché, as it may be “the sooner…the better.”

To some, coughing is but an ordinary illness. However, no one can tell when cough is mild or fatal. When health is being talked about, you need to be extremely concern about it for life is just but once.

About the Author:

Oct 26, 2009

Zylotrim® Claims to Contain #1 Weight Loss Ingredient

by Shane Crafton

When purchasing any weight loss product, it is important to do your research. Many people are exchanging their opinions about Zylotrim on DietBlogTalk.com

For an additional source, check out Zylotrim on the very popular Sensational.com


Too often, supplement manufacturers take liberties with the consumer's trust. There are companies all over the market that are willing to put out products with little or no proper information to support them. Consumers are left to sort out the hairy details for themselves. More often than not, some consumers fall prey to scams and potentially hazardous formulations.

Zylotrim® is but one example of such shady dealings. This product is advertised as a fat burning dietary supplement. It will supposedly increase the fat-burning enzymes in the body, thereby increasing fat loss and weight management. And what's more – it's supposed to run on the #1 active weight loss ingredient. But of course, information on this ingredient is not available on the product website. Instead, the website reads like endless advertisement. It's not so much a service to the consumer as it is an exercise in futility.

Ingredients at a Glance

It is unclear what Zylotrim® contains, exactly. There is mention of a Latin American "yam," but no further information.

Ingredients in Focus

Of course, the word, "yam," is hardly enough to go on when it comes to selecting a fat-burning supplement. Zylotrim's® manufacturer is sorely mistaken about how to produce and promote a dietary supplement. All in all, the impression is that this company is interested more in your wallet than in your successful weight loss.


•    None.


•    No ingredients information.

•    Obnoxious website.

•    Excessive and unconvincing promises.

Final Thoughts

Zylotrim® represents the darker side of the dietary supplement market. Unfortunately for consumers, there are far too many such companies, willing to pass off a bottle of pills as the next best thing without explaining what exactly is contained in those pills. We would recommend shopping around for a proven fat burner and appetite suppressant that comes from a reputable company. Combine this product with regular exercise and a balanced diet. This is the closest thing to a perfect recipe for weight loss. In the final analysis, Zylotrim® is good only for an example of what to avoid while you're hunting for that perfect weight loss supplement.

About the Author:

Shane Crafton is a diet editor, who’s team specializes in health, fitness and weight loss reporting.

Oct 25, 2009

Best Weight Loss Naturally

by Alan


Some people try to control weight with excessive exercise that impact muscles and joints and lead to permanent weakening of the system. Some people opt for drastic food reduction without realising that this can lead to brain damage or depression. You must understand the food types necessary for maintaining health at a cellular level. The best weight loss method is to recognise your body as an amalgamation of different cells that together form organs. These cells have specific food and habit requirements to maintain health and immunity.


Eat Right


Your cells depend on your food intake to maintain effective health through toxin reduction and cell repair. Processed foods pass through your body providing insufficient nutrients and high fat. High fat leads to reduced toxin reduction and results in low energy and a feeling of heaviness. The best weight loss plan is one that works towards regular detoxification of the body. It may be advisable to go through a detoxification under expert guidance and understanding your physical reactions to different foods. Regular consumption of water is another necessity in helping your body to heal itself. Dry fruits and fresh fruit consumption is essential to increase your energy levels and feeling of well-being.


Sleep Right


Regular rest habits along with good breathing techniques are essential to support your efforts towards finding the best weight loss option.  Excess sleep is as ineffective as a lack of it. You will know that you have slept well when you wake up feeling fresh. Ensure that you stretch your entire body as soon as you wake up in the morning. This will help you determine whether you are feeling good after your night's rest. If you feel drowsy after your lunch, allow yourself a ten minute nap and start work immediately after that.


Manage Stress


Stress is a state of disequilibrium that affects you at a physical and mental level. Poor food and rest habits are a source of stress and if you add mental stress to this, the body steadily weakens and regularly breaks down. Immunity is compromised and weight gain seems to occur without reason. The best weight loss method to be followed in this case is one that allows you to focus on finding methods to reduce your stress through meditation. Choose creative outlets that allow you to find alternatives to spend your time.


Exercise right


Your day should start with a set of stretching exercises that cover all your limbs. These should be done slowly to avoid injury. The best weight loss method is one that allows for higher focus on maintaining flexibility and less on high impact exercise. Any exercise that involves jerky motions is likely to lead to painful joints. Instead, choose dancing and yoga as methods to keep your body supple. If you enjoy games like football or badminton where impact on the joints is inevitable in varying degrees, support the joints and ensure that you give yourself a massage twice a week to strengthen your muscles and cleanse your skin. 


About the Author:

If you are looking for a website where you can get advice on arriving at the Best Weight Loss plan independent of expert advice, log on to http://www.fastweightlossplantips.com.

Oct 24, 2009

Best Weight Loss Solutions Revealed

by Alan Chai

Each one of us has a body that is unique and therefore on stereotype or standard solution that will never work for all, especially when you are talking about weight loss. Losing weight depends on multiple factors that are not limited to just your eating habits. This is determined by your genes. Therefore, you need to ask yourself what will be the best weight loss for you to take into consideration your body type, eating habits, lifestyle, etc. With the right kind of guidance and help arriving at this decision, it should not be difficult at all.

Who is your adviser?

All of the best weight loss plans will have advisers that will work with you every step of the way. Before you begin your routine, you need to figure out who these people are. Your program should have a panel of guides who will advice you on different parts of your regime. You should have a fitness instructor, a doctor; a nutritionist and a councilor are part of the team that is working with you. It is important to remember that weight loss is not just about one aspect of your life. It is a culmination of many factors and therefore you need to make sure that there are experts in the field to advice you.

What will your regime include?

The best weight loss plans will not provide you with solutions that are temporary. If you feel this is what is happening, then you are using the wrong solution. A good plan will not only help you shed all the excess fat, but it will also help you never regain it. The solution you choose has to be long term. There is no point in losing all the excess weight that you have put on only to put it all back. A good weight loss plan will ensure that you stay trim.

What is the main objective of your plan?

Before you start your regime, it is important for you to chat up your panel of advisers and find out what your plan focuses on. There are some weight loss plans that focus on just getting healthy and you lose weight as a sort of side effect of the plan. There are others however that concentrate mainly on losing weight. Some of the best weight loss plans will have the perfect balance of both. You can lose all the weight that you need too and make sure that you are staying healthy at the same time.


Some people find it difficult to stay focused on losing weight and give up very easily. This is very detrimental even to the best weight loss solution. It is very important to stay focused. Slipping could make all the hard work go in vain. If you are one of these people, then you also need to explore the option of spending some time individually with your councilor. Session with him or her can help you stay focused and achieve your goal faster.

About the Author:

If you want to find out what could be the best Fast Weight Loss Tip and solution for you as well as its pros and cons, log on to http://www.fastweightlossplantips.com for more information.

Some Weight Loss Product That You Might Want to Look at

by Jackie Serta

Are you interested in losing weight? If you are a woman who is concerned with your appearance, there is a good chance that you may be. Weight loss is an issue that many women have to deal with. While many women are able to lose weight “naturally,” there are others who need a little bit of assistance. The good news is that there are a number of weight loss products, available for sale, which can offer you that assistance.

One of the many weight loss products that you may want to consider investing in is that of weight loss pills. Weight loss pills, also commonly referred to as diet pills, have been used by many women, for years now, to lose weight. Although not all diet pills are the same, you will find that most work by suppressing your appetite. This is what makes you feel the need not to eat, thus reducing your calorie intake and, in turn, you weight.

If you would like to use weight loss pills or diet pills to help you lose weight, you will find that you have a number of different options. Weight loss pills come in a number of different formats and they sell for a wide range of prices. There are a large number of weight loss pills that can be sold over-the-counter and then there are ones that are available by prescription only. If you are interested in seeking a prescription for your weight loss pills, it is advised that you schedule an appointment with your primary care physician as soon as possible.

Even if you are interested in buying your weight loss pills over-the-counter, either locally or online, you may want to think about consulting with you primary care physician anyways. What you need to know about weight loss pills is that they are not all created equally. In addition to some weight loss pills not working, some may even be harmful to your health. If you are unable to speak with your primary care physician about diet pills, you may want to at least do a little bit of research online. This research should involve visiting the online website of the pill manufacturer, as well as reading product reviews online.

Another weight loss product that you may want to look into using, is that of a colon cleanse, occasionally referred to as a weight loss cleanse. Colon cleanses come in pill formats and in liquid formats. They are designed to detoxify your body by eliminating harmful or unwanted toxins from it. What is nice about colon cleanses is that they can be purchased from a number of different retailers, both on and offline, and you can even make your own cleanse formula at home.

As with weight loss pills, it is important that you research each colon cleanse or weight loss cleanse that you are interested in using. Be sure to examine how long you will have to take the cleanse for and if you will be required to restrict your eating. If you are in doubt or find a colon cleanse that sounds a little too good to be true, it may be best to move on and continue your search.

As you likely already know, colon cleanses and weight loss pills are two of the many weight loss products that may be able to help you reach your goal of losing weight. If you are unable to seek the assistance of a doctor, it is advised that you at least use your best judgment when buying and using weight loss products, like colon cleanses and diet pills.

About the Author:

For tips on obesity statistics and what is obesity, visit the Obesity Facts website.

Oct 22, 2009

Herbal Slim®

by Shane Crafton

When purchasing any weight loss product, it is important to do your research. Many people are exchanging their opinions about Herbal Slim on DietBlogTalk.com

For an additional source, check out Herbal Slim on the very popular Sensational.com


We have no shortage of overblown claims on the dietary supplement market. Day after day, the average consumer is confronted with millions of products that promise significant weight loss, a more beautiful body, and all without any effort on the part of the dieter.

That's why it's refreshing to read about Herbal Slim®. This product, by Nature's Way®, is an herbal formula thought to supplement a diet and exercise routine. Together, all three practices are well known as healthy, sustainable weight loss tools that can lead beyond fat loss to general wellness and longevity. The unassuming advertising behind Herbal Slim® would seem to prove that Nature's Way® recognizes the truth about weight loss: it's up to the individual to muster up the willpower and courage it takes to make a real change.

Ingredients at a Glance

Herbal Slim® contains Licorice, Dandelion, Beet, Kelp, Burdock, Parsley, Siberian Eleuthero, Fennel, Black Walnut, Papaya, and Hawthorn.

Ingredients in Focus

Licorice Root serves a soothing function, but some research has suggested that pregnant women ought to avoid taking it.

Dandelion Root is used as an appetite stimulant and digestive aid.

Kelp is rich in iodine and may aid in maintaining thyroid function, which effects metabolism.

Siberian Eleuthero, is an adaptogen linked to increasing endurance and memory, promoting ant-inflammatory action, and providing chemo- and radiological protection.

Fennel seed, aside from being delicious, is included to promote digestion and "support a healthy appetite."

Hawthorn Berry may improve heart function and may prevent the shortness of breath and fatigue associated with heart failure. In addition, Hawthorn Berry may combat chest pain, cholesterol, and perhaps even high blood pressure.

Pregnant or nursing women and those taking medication already should consult a physician before taking Herbal Slim®.


•    No stimulants.

•    Modest proposal and advertisement.

•    Promotes healthy living.


•    Does not contain a fat-burner – and safe ones do exist.

•    Doesn't necessarily stand out and recommend itself.

Final Thoughts

Herbal Slim® is a simple formula that could easily be incorporated into a regular exercise routine and a balanced eating plan. It wouldn't even necessarily preclude supplementing with a proven, safe fat-burner, if the consumer is interested. In short, Herbal Slim® appears to be a safe and sensible option. Just don't buy it expecting it to do all the work for you, because you're still going to have to live well. If you want a product that is more helpful, try a supplement with a proven fat-burner and an ingredient to help control cravings.

About the Author:

Shane Crafton is a diet editor, who’s team specializes in health, fitness and weight loss reporting.

Oct 21, 2009

Read Here About The Best - All Natural Weight Loss Product In The World

by Abigail Franks

Ephedra has been in the news lately. While the nutrition supplements in the weight loss industry is claiming the use of Ephedra is a right, the food and drug administration has stepped in to force it off the market!

At issue here is the current situation, where many tasks, nutritional supplements can make wild claims about almost anything and get away with it simply by adding a disclaimer that those claims have not been reviewed or approved by the FDA or other government agency.

We would naturally view with skepticism nor buy a set of wings that claimed we could jump off a building and fly viewing those claims as preposterous. We’re only too happy however to ignore the reality offered by this disclaimer. This is because we are so desperate for a solution to our weight control problem we will conveniently ignore a disclaimer with very significant information. This disclaimer is saying that everything said about the products effectiveness and safety has never been verified are validated!

Sure, there’s probably loads of testimonials. Testimonials however aren’t solid data but opinions by people who may or may not have a vested interest in the product. The point is that we simply do not know if a product is safe or effective simply from testimonials. To hear the Ephedra proponents, there is no other product that comes anywhere close to the effectiveness of this ancient Chinese herb. The claim is that over the course of just a couple of months Ephedra, along with other natural products such as caffeine can help someone lose 5 to 10% of their body weight. For someone 150 pounds, this translates to a 30 pound weight loss or almost one half pound per day over a two month period.

What they don’t tell you however is the reason the food and drug administration has been working diligently to remove Ephedra from the market. The reasons this natural herb was removed from the market was due to common complaints of headache, irritability, restlessness,nausea, increased heart rates and vomiting. In extreme cases where high doses of Ephedra was used, an increase in blood pressure, cardio rhythm disorders, strokes, permanent brain damage and even death has been associated with this weight-loss supplement.

So is Ephedra our best hope is a weight-loss product or is it a dangerous substance as claimed by the government? The answer of course is probably someplace in the middle. There’s no doubt that this is Chinese herb has been in use, at least in China for centuries. This doesn’t make it necessarily safe however, for Americans in our overweight condition and eating habits.

While it appears that Ephedra may actually be a good weight loss supplement, it’s clear that it has been subject to abuse which has caused serious physical symptoms and even death. As consumers, we should be wise enough to recognize that just because a product is packaged as natural, or claimed as used for centuries, doesn’t make it safe, effective or right for an individual. Words like Natural and Organic Do Not Necessarily Mean Safe or Effective.

In the end, we’re left with the reality that only lifestyle changes can truly deliver the results we desire. Only by eating less and exercising more can we expect to gain control of our weight once and for all.

About the Author:
Abigail Franks writes extensively on the issues of weight loss. Visit her site for valuable info on losing weight and weight loss pills

Natural appetite suppressants to help you loose weight

by rob

At some time or another you may want to lose a few extra pounds that you picked up on vacation and you have managed to get it right before by crash dieting with weight Loss supplements that are said to burn fat fast. Maybe there is an outfit you want to fit into for an upcoming date and you are in a panic so you start searching the internet for an easy solution. It is easy to imagine the panic you will start feeling when you see there are literally thousands of weight loss supplements and ALL of them promise an instant solution to losing those extra pounds in a flash. Lots of them will show before and after pictures which make it look even more attractive. There are some really good weight loss supplements on the market that really work and with a little research it is not too difficult to choose what will suit your desired weight loss.

A few Pounds at a time

One of the most effective ways of losing weight these days is by using appetite suppressants Hoodia Gordonii  but there are very few of these weight loss supplements that really do work. Some appetite suppressants may make you nauseous or give you headaches and double vision and some may make you feel like all the energy has been sucked out of your body. The most important consideration in choosing weight loss supplements will be to find out what the side effects are and the long term results from s using them.

Pure  Hoodia Gordonii   is one of the weight loss supplements that lead the Field.

There is one highly acclaimed weight loss appetite suppressant known as Hoodia Gordonii   that has been clinically proven to work. This sensational product has no known side effects and the advantages are long term weight loss due to being able to train your body into new healthier eating patterns. Buying this product can be a minefield because there are dozens of fakes around and also legitimate Hoodia products  which do not give you the same results. Make sure you choose a South African pure Hoodia Gordonii other wise you are going to be let down.

Other Weight Loss Supplements

Besides Pure Hoodia Gordonii   which is the one most highly recommended for weight loss there are of course, many other types of weight loss supplements you can choose like Carb blockers, fat burners that work by increasing your metabolism,, Cortisol products and thyroid hormone increasers. You should take care to investigate each of these products carefully and if you are not happy with a certain product rather avoid it altogether. Ask for sensible advice from people in the know and your doctor If you are ready to purchase your product find out as much as you can first about it from family and friends that may have used it or from your doctor if possible. Some weight loss supplements can even be dangerous, while others a total waste of money. The new range of therm-genic fat burners are popular weight loss supplements as they do not contain Ephedra which resulted in people because hyper active and pushing up blood pressure levels and metabolism rates to dangerous levels.

Choose Authentic Weight Loss appetite suppressant’s

Weight Loss supplements can help you lose weight but it still takes discipline to follow the instructed diet program. Quality appetite suppressants like pure Hoodia Gordonii  will curb the desire to eat and even drink completely, so this will really result in the pounds falling off. Better still training yourself into new ways of eating will ensure that you do not regain the weight again.

Fat Burners and Carb blockers will not stop you from eating, so perhaps your weight loss may be more gradual. Whatever you choose, it is important to do research and get sensible advice from your doctor if possible, especially if you are sitting with a serious weight problem like obesity. The right types of weight loss supplements or appetite suppressants , and the dosage all depend on your body mass, your lifestyle and eating habits and how you will be able to implement your dieting plan into your lifestyle. 

About the Author:

Rob Thurnham to buy pure Hoodia Gordonii please click onthe following link http://www.urlnav.com/?u=868

Oct 19, 2009

Cosmetics Discount: Online Discount Store on Cosmetics, Fragrance and Weight Loss Products

by Alexei Carpov

Cosmetics and fragrance discounts online store – http://www.cosmeticsdiscount.net is a place to find and buy all kind of cosmetic and fragrance merchandise. Perfect place to shop for: eyecare, skincare, moisturizers,cleansers and toners, as well as problem solvers and anti-aging products. You will also appreciate our collection of discount on perfumes and fragrances and weight loss products as well as natural nutritional suppliments. Find out the best offers and discount on them. All the websites that we provided is a pool of the best sites that you can enjoy -discover product that suits you. Discounts and sales are right here at in our online store cosmetic database.

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Oct 18, 2009

Proactol Tablets: the Best Weight Loss Supplement

by michaelrussell

As diet pills have become an extremely popular option among the people who aspire to lose weight, the reasons is that their use is absolutely effortless. Most of these are made of natural based products which do not cause any side-effects in the consumer's body. They are affordable and are also easily available without the need of prescription. If you look out for a reliable diet pills general review online, you will find that there is a large number of companies manufacturing different kinds of products, each claiming to be better than the other.

It has been found that most of the diet pills are safe to use as compared to other kinds of programs, methods and drugs used for the purpose of weight loss. They are able to help people in getting rid of their extra fats without causing any health related complications. While consuming diet pills, the consumers also do not need to take the trouble of exercising and reducing their diets. Another reason why most people prefer to consume diet pills rather than other methods of losing weight is that these pills do not make people feel irritated or nervous, which is the major side-effects of other weight loss products. These pills also do not contain any harmful stimulants which cause loss of sleep and other disorders such as loss of sex drive, stress and depression. Diet pills are also known to be faster and quicker method of losing weight than any other process.

Proactol is one of the best weight loss supplements available in the market. It contains NeoPuntia that forms a gel or bind around fat when both of them contacts with each other. As per the Proactol review, this weight loss supplement suppresses your appetite which results in less consumption of food throughout the day. It is considered to be one of the most effective and safest ways of losing weight. Coupled up with adequate exercise, this weight loss product has really knocked out those extra fats from your body. Available in the tablet form, it is extremely easy to consume and ingest. Without messing up with your metabolism, this product helps in losing weight without any adverse effect on your thermogenes. Being made of 100% natural products, you do not need to worry about its side effects. All you need to keep in mind is to take the tablets regularly, exercising properly and staying active, and the Proactol will take care of all the rest.

About the Author:

The long and extensive diet pills index available on the Internet is evident of the fact that diet pills have become one of the most popular weight loss supplements. Also do read an article about proactol review before you are actually going to purchase the product.

Oct 17, 2009

Proactol Side Effects: are There Side Effects to Taking the Proactol, the New Weight Loss Product

by Chris Hawkes

Are there any side effects to taking Proactol, the new natural weight loss products on the market. Drugs such as Xenical have traditionally been a prescription only capsule prescribed to clinically obese patients. Recntly, the FDA gave the ok to a non-prescription version – Alli. Such medicines rely on Orlistat, a lipase inhibitor, which stops fat being absorbed into the body. But how do they work and are there any side effects when you take them?

When taken after eating, Orlistat reduces the amount of fat that is broken down in the body and absorbed into the blood system by about 30%. These fats are expelled naturally and so, with less fat being absorbed, weight is lost.

However, if you are not dangerously overweight, Xenical or Alli may not be the right option for you. You should always consult your doctor should you want to use either of these alternatives. Unfortunately there have also been some worrying side effects from these Orlistat based weight loss medicines.

Users have reported uncontrollable and embarrassing discharges. Taking these Orlistat based drugs could well result in an extremely embarrassing situation. Other possible side effects are oily stools, loss of bowel control, diarrhea, rectal pain, liver inflammation and fatigue. So whilst they certainly help weight loss Orlistat based products may not be the complete weight loss answer.

All natural Proactol is based on a patented fiber complex, NeOptunia. Rather than just preventing fat from being broken down Proactol takes fat molecules and binds them into a solution in the stomach. Fat is then prevented from entering the body without the embarrassing side effects of Xenical and Alli. Substantial user feedback of Proactol is extremely positive.

There are many weight loss products on the market, but few of them, especially natural ones, have been clinically proven to be effective. There are products on the market that are proven to have very similar benefits to prescription based medication in reducing fat in take, but with out the nasty side effects. Proactol is a relatively new natural weight loss product that also reduces fat from the food we eat by just under 30%, but in a different way.

With hundreds of "miracle pills" on the market, Proactol is one of the few that lives up to its claims of effectiveness. In a number of pre-clinical trials it has proven to be a highly effective alternative to Orlistat based products but with far few, if any side-effects. As with all weight loss supplements, Proactol’s best results come when used in combination with a healthy diet and active lifestyle. All in all offers all the benefits that the breakthroughs in have given but minus the bad points. Proactol seems to be a great natural weight loss alternative to prescription and medicinal drugs.

Oct 16, 2009

The Best Weight Loss Supplements

by John Howard

Weight loss supplements are those pills, diets, drugs and products that aid in fighting obesity and helping men and women to lose weight. These supplements help users to manage their weight efficiently and effectively. That is, they help overweight people to lose weight and return to their desired weights and they also help people contented with their weights to maintain them.

Taking supplements help men and women fight obesity and maintain good health. Just imagine the type of confidence you can exude because you are slim and looking sexy. Visualize yourself wearing those trendy and chic clothes you have always dreamed about wearing or used to wear [when you were still shapely and had no spare tire around your midsection].

Just imagine how you will feel to be able to sleep again without snoring, walk without getting tired, run or sprint without panting, wear bikini on the beach without a care in the world. Supplements will help you achieve all these in addition to being healthy and youthful looking.

There are many supplements in the market today. They all claim to help people maintain their weight and even lose weight. Their claims may be right or wrong. You are advised to study reviews of supplements before choosing the one that will help you lose weight and look good and be healthy.

There are many ways of losing weight and some of the ways are surgery, liposuction, exercises, diet programs and supplements. Out of these having the best supplements coupled with a weight loss program is the most popular method of losing weight.

Weight loss supplements can claim to raise your metabolism, increase your fat burning, suppress your appetite, and increase your energy. Along with diet and exercise, they can compliment your total weight loss program if you don’t abuse their use. Becoming dependent on these supplements or relying on them completely for weight loss can increase your risk of dangerous health side effects.

A good, all natural, healthy supplement that has been proven to decrease your appetite is hoodia. Hoodia is a South African plant from the Kalahari Desert that tricks the brain into thinking your full. If you’re feeling full, you’ll be less likely to overeat.

Hoodia has shown up in many over-the-counter weight loss supplements. You’ll see the most benefit from a pill that is 100% pure hoodia. Many knock-off brands will only have a certain percentage of this powerful supplement in their formula.

These supplements actually balance the required nutrients in the body. They do not have any great effect in reducing the weight. If these supplements are taken along with weight loss diet pills, exercises and a proper and balanced diet, you can be sure that you will significantly lose weight.

Make sure that you research for the best supplements for weight loss before taking them. You would need to find those supplements that suit your needs and requirements. This choice can be confusing as there are many supplements like these in the weight loss market. These supplements should only be taken after speaking with your physician

About the Author:

For your free course teaching you exactly how to succeed with your weight loss goals using simple and effective weight loss diets simply go to http://weightlossrevolution.net

Oct 15, 2009

The Best Weight Loss Supplement Ever Discovered

by Richard

The Most Incredible Weight Loss Supplement ever discovered.

Certified South African Hoodia Gordonii Here!

It is in a way extremely unfortunate that Hoodia Gordonii works as well as it does. Like many effective products that are introduced on the market there are dozens of fakes introduced to capture unsuspecting consumers. Even worse is when these consumers are caught by these counterfeit products and the resultant claims where the real authentic one is labeled with the same reputation.

What is Pure Hoodia Gordonii and which one is the real McCoy

Real Certified Hoodia pronounced (Hoo-dee-ah) is a powerful and completely natural appetite suppressant which has recently been highly praised in the media. Well known figures and institutions like 60 Minutes, Oprah, Today, and In-Touch have positively claimed this product as a wonderful and very effective means of weight loss. The only real Hoodia is a cactus plant actually a succulent in real terms that grows extensively in the hot climate of the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa, There are other areas where it can be sparsely found in the semi-desert regions of Africa such as Angola and Namibia.

This Hoodia succulent consists of spiny tubular cucumber likened shapes that makes it look similar to a cactus. This cactus plant takes from 5 to 10 years to mature like many other succulents in the family do, which results in it being expensive and also protected. People serious about losing weight will find that the real pure Hoodia is their final and lasting solution to their desired weight loss.

How does Hoodia Gordonii work in weight loss?

If you buy certified Hoodia Gordonii you will have a powerful and extremely effective appetite suppressant. When taking Hoodia Gordonii in any form you will feel full and have no desire to eat or snack in between meals. When you follow the instructions carefully Hoodia Gordonii allows you to shed those pounds and also train your body into new eating habits.

After placebo-controlled studies done by Phytopharm between two different groups of people, it showed unbelievable and certified proof that Hoodia Gordonii resulted in weight loss for those that were not taking the placebo. Remarkably those that were taking Hoodia reduced their calorie intake in excess of thousand calories or more per day. Why this is very significant, is the fact that average people consume up to 2500 calories per day in normal circumstances. What is even more exciting is the discovery that pure Hoodia Gordonii varieties can in some also lower blood pressure and even treat erectile dysfunction. However this is still under ongoing research.

The San Bushmen of the Kalahari desert in South African have been using Hoodia Gordonii for centuries when on extended hunting trips with no ill effects to date which is proof enough of the exciting properties of Hoodia Gordonii

Following a regimen of Hoodia Gordonii from South Africa allows you the discipline of following new eating patterns you will certainly shed those pounds just like thousands of others who have used it; and continue to do so to reach desired goal weight loss.

Why does Hoodia work for people that wish to lose weight?

P57 is the name that was give by Phytopharm for the active ingredient in Hoodia Gordonii, and it is this molecule that affects the hypothalamus area of the brain that controls your appetite and hunger. P57 works in the identical way that glucose you gain from food does in that it triggers a "satisfied and full" feeling after ingesting a meal. The huge difference here, is that P57 is about 10,000 times more powerful than glucose or in layman's terms (blood sugar), so even small amounts of P57 in Hoodia Gordonii will trick the hypothalamus into signaling the brain that you are not hungry because you are full.

Hoodia Gordonii Dosage for weight loss

The correct dosage of Hoodia Gordonii will vary from person to person according to body mass and other factors. During tests of Hoodia, select doses ranging from 80 mg to 2400 mg a day were given to volunteers. They discovered that some people needed as little as three 100 mg pills a day to produce the desired appetite suppressing effects. The majority of suppliers of Hoodia Gordonii suggest 500mg three times a day. This can be increased until you have the desired effect. It has also been found that the effects of Hoodia will kick in from as little to 20 minutes after taking a dose but in some cases it can also be a little longer as well.

The recommendation is to take Hoodia an hour before meals but people taking it should still ensure to drink plenty of liquids though they also may have no desire to either.

Does Pure Hoodia Gordonii have any Side Effects

After many different studies it has been shown that there are no side effects at all from taking Hoodia Gordonii as a weight loss supplement, and naturally weight loss is the result. Taking fewer calories per day and eating less will obviously result in you shedding unwanted pounds gained by unhealthy eating habits and snacking. It is pertinent to discuss any weight loss program first with your doctor. Diabetics must consult with their doctor when using this appetite suppressant. It works so well that the alarm signals that you need sugar are suppressed, and this could be dangerous for diabetic sufferers.

Certified South African Hoodia Gordonii Here!

About the Author:

Richard Researches health beauty and Weightloss products and the latest trends that are introduced on the market to keep people informed.There are tons of inferior products that you can waste your money on, so having accurate guides allows you to make a sensible choice.

Oct 14, 2009

Whats the Best Weight Loss Program for You?

by Gregory Wadel

Weight loss is extremely difficult when you feel like you are depriving yourself. Instead of being a positive and exciting experience, losing weight becomes a struggle against yourself. Weight loss is a mind game. If you think you can, you can. Weight loss IS important but health and fitness is developed when you lose extra weight and also exercise to increase muscle and cardio abilities.

Weight loss is simple, burn more calories then you consume. If you can fully understand that then you are on your way to losing weight. Weight loss is usually 15% below the person’s normal body weight. People suffering from anorexia are very skinny but are convinced that they are overweight. Weight loss is a basic equation based on eating the right foods and doing the right exercises. The Icon Diet is designed from the ground up to take full advantage of this concept.

Weight loss isn’t just about looking better. If you’re one of the nearly 130 million U.S. Weight loss is really hard to achieve by yourself. It takes encouragement, support, and a community of like-minded folks who are determined to make a difference. Weight loss is a multi billion dollar industry in America, Oliver notes, and this industry is trying to put a health spin on what is a largely cosmetic product. Diet doctors and weight-loss companies have established organizations with names such as the American Obesity Association to promote their interests.

Weight loss is the major focus of the many people nowadays. Being fat or having huge body seems losing their self confidence and could sometimes disturb ones peaceful world.It seems thats all this person thinks about, they are consumed by the very thought of losing weight.

Weight-loss medications alone are clearly not the answer. However, they are one tool physicians can use in combination with lifestyle changes to increase the success of long-term weight loss in selected patients. Weight-loss is a science and like any science it is made up of systems and all systems must be considered as a whole. Weight-loss surgery, however, is effective in bringing 80 percent of obese people to or close to average weight for their height, explains Dr. Even more impressive, most sustain that weight loss for at least 10 years. But there are much safer, healthier and natural ways to achieve your weight loss goals, finding the right one for you and your body and you’ll be shedding those pounds quickly.

About the Author:

Author:Gregory Wadel
Get The Resources here to help you make that life changing decision, Find Out The Real Reason Your Over Weight..
How to Lose Weight and Look Good.

Oct 13, 2009

10 of the Best Weight Loss Tips

by Gareth Black

As the northern hemisphere winter starts in earnest, the furthest thing on the mind of most Europeans and North Americans is the need to start dieting now. That’s something that’s usually left until after the Christmas and New Year festivities.

But for those with the foresight to start thinking of next year’s summer holidays, and the need to be looking in top shape, then an early start will pay dividends.

In order to achieve something positive from your efforts, then apply the following tips in addition to the two principal factors contributing to permanent weight loss – eating a nutritious and well-balanced diet, and engaging in regular, daily exercises.

A nutritious diet consists of the following:

Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables daily.

Eat only very lean meat, poultry and fish in moderate quantities.

Keep away from saturated fats – check product labels carefully. These fats are mainly found in baked products, pies, pizzas, quiche etc

Keep sugar intake to an absolute minimum – out with fizzy drinks, ice-creams, and the like.

Eat only low-fat dairy products – milk, cream, yoghurt, cheeses etc

A minimum of salt and caffeine would be beneficial from the point of view of other health aspects.

Regular exercise means a brisk walk lasting an hour; swimming, squash, tennis, running or any exercise that gets the heart beating fast.

The tips are:

(1) Exclude from your diet all products containing saturated fats. This is shown on the product’s label. Saturated fats, together with sugar, are the biggest causes of weight gain. Eliminate all sugary products and junk food from your diet.

(2) Keep your consumption of alcohol is an absolute minimum. Alcohol slow down a body’s metabolism thus aid in storing fat.

(3) Low fat dairy products should be a regular part of a weight loss diet. Such products are milk, cheese, yoghurt, and anything whose principal ingredient is milk. As well as the low fat being beneficial, these products contain the proteins that build muscles.

(4) Drink plenty of water each day, between 8 and 10 glasses. Water helps to purify vital organs such as the liver.

(5) Eat fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. This ensures the heart stays healthy; is good for regulating blood pressure; and helps to increase the body’s energy levels.

(6) Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables as they are full of the ‘good’ carbohydrates. The slow digestion of these foods help to suppress appetite.

(7) Fiber in food is another product that helps to suppress appetite. It is found in raw products such fresh fruit and raw nuts, and legumes and pulses such as baked beans, kidney beans and similar.

(8) Nutritionists believe that eating smaller quantities of food say four or five times a day instead of three large meals helps metabolism and thus weight loss.

(9) After eating an evening meal allow three hours for the food to digest before going to bed. Going to bed on a full stomach does not make for a good night’s sleep.

(10) And the last tip is probably the most important – persevere. Keep at it. Don’t waver if you think you’re not making any headway. Weigh yourself once a week – weighing daily might make you think you’re not losing weight – not good for confidence.

Follow the advice above to supplement a diet and an exercise program and permanent weight loss will surely follow.

About the Author:

The author has a personal interest in a wide range of health and social issues and has contributed to web sites dealing with topics such as how to lose weight. He also gives his opinion about a newly released weight loss pill and the best way to lose weight.

Refined Carbohydrates - the Enemy of Weight Loss

by George Best

Although most dieters have heard that it’s a good idea to avoid carbohydrates (especially sweets, bread, pasta, cereal, etc.) when trying to lose weight, many not understand why carb avoidance is so necessary for losing weight. Even doctors may make the claim that calories are calories and to lose weight all you have to do is eat fewer calories than you burn through your activities. The thing is, hormonal factors can influence how easy or hard calories from a given type of food are to burn. With a little investigation, it becomes obvious that a high intake of carbohydrates, regardless of one’s total calorie intake, will make the body prone to depositing fat.

At the heart of the matter is the hormone insulin. The function of insulin is to stimulate the cells to take up sugar from the bloodstream (when blood sugar is high, as it typically is shortly after eating) and store it for reserve energy.

The surplus of sugar in the bloodstream is initially stored in the tissues of the liver and large muscles in the form of glycogen. Glycogen can be quickly converted back to blood sugar when needed for energy to fuel sudden bursts of activity. The available storage space for glycogen is pretty limited, and when insulin has caused the glycogen storage to be filled up, the remaining excess blood sugar is stored as fat.

There is considerably more storage space in the body for fat than there is for glycogen. There are billions of fat cells in the body, each of which can enlarge to over 100 times it’s original size to accomodate extra fat storage. As an aside, this is why it is possible to get fat again after liposuction – even if you remove many of the body’s fat cells, those that remain can enlarge considerably to store fat.

Insulin is extremely powerful in its fat storage effects. In fact, not only does it stimulate fat storage, high levels of insulin block the effects of the body’s fat burning mechanisms. It is for this reason that minimizing the intake of high-carb foods is so important.

High carbohydrate intake (and it really doesn’t need to be very high) stimulates the release of large quantities of insulin. Large amounts of circulating insulin will strongly inhibit the body from being able to burn fat for a period of 1 to 2 days! In fact, a single meal containing 20 to 25 grams of refined carbohydrates (about the amount in a slice of sandwich bread) can completely block your ability to burn fat for 1 to 2 days – regardless of what you eat and how much or how hard you may exercise during that time.

Some people mayhave doubts about that last statement as it is certainly possible to eat a lot of carbs and lose weight – for a while anyway. Notice that I said that high carbohydrate intake causes high insulin production that blocks FAT burning. It is still possible to eliminate retained water (which will produce weight loss), and it is still possible to burn calories, but the calories you do burn will not be from fat, they will be from glycogen and your lean body tissue, primarily your large muscles. As you may be aware, lean body tissue (muscle) is highly metabolically active, and if you burn that tissue, ultimately your metabolism will slow down, making it harder and harder to lose weight.

Because of the effects of insulin, minimizing carbohydrate intake is strongly recommended for sustainable fat burning and the most efficient and lasting natural weight loss. Now, not every person will do well to go on the Atkins diet and eat only protein and fat. Excessive protein intake can create its own problems that can ultimately interfere with ongoing weight loss due to detrimental effects on the liver. For the majority of people, the most effective diet is one that is high in fresh or frozen vegetables, nuts, seeds, moderate quantities of fresh fruit, and some protein from eggs, dairy, lean meat, fish, and poultry. The carbohydrates you do consume are best obtained in high-fiber forms from vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts, rather than from refined grains.

A few diet plans will recommend a low carbohydrate intake, yet suggest allowing yourself a “reward” of some high-carbohydrate food like a cookie or other sweet as often as once per week. I disagree with this recommendation as it can sabotage your natural weight loss program on two levels. First, as we’ve been discussing, the carbs will trigger a high insulin release which will shut off your ability to burn fat for up to two days. So, at once per week, you could lose as much as 8 days per month of potential fat burning – decreasing the effectiveness of your diet by as much as 25%! The other problem is that eating carbs tends to set you up for carb cravings. At the very least, such cravings will test your will-power, and they could cause you to cheat on your diet repeatedly. This could ultimately doom your diet to total failure. I recommend that you refrain from eating refined carbs except on special occasions (parties, holidays, etc.) and this ideally would be at a frequency of at most, once every 4 to 6 weeks.

Hopefully you now have a better understanding of why high carbohydrate consumption is so damaging to a natural weight loss plan. If you commit to a healthy diet and avoid the carbs for 2 to 3 weeks, you will likely find that you don’t really miss them after that period of time and so avoiding them becomes much easier. With a little extra effort early on, you’ll find that eating a healthy diet becomes natural to you and you’ll be able to reach your long-term weight goals.

About the Author:

Dr. George Best has been in private practice as a holistic healthcare provider in San Antonio, Texas since 1992. For more information, to obtain a free natural weight loss guide, and/or to access his E-Book, “Training Your Brain For Weight Loss”, please visit his website on diet and exercise motivation.

Oct 11, 2009

Exercise and Weight Loss

by George Best

While is is well-known that exercise is a necessity for effective weight loss, there is quite a bit of conflicting information as to what kind of exercise and how much of it will produce optimal fat burning. Experts often disagree as to what the “correct” exercise is for maximum weight loss. This disagreement is often due to a misinterpretation of research that only gives a part of the whole story. In addition, different individuals will actually benefit from different exercise programs, so universal exercise recommendations really cannot be made.

Let’s begin with what the current research on exercise physiology tells us. It is well-established that it takes approximately 30 minutes of any kind of exercise for the body to burn off its glycogen (stored sugar) reserves and begin burning fat. So, most experts recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise, and generally 60 minutes or more may be recommended to get a good amount of fat burning. Now, if you are going to be exercising for 30 to 60 minutes, or maybe more, what type of exercise would you be able to do for that length of time? It probably would have to be low to medium intensity. In other words, you’re probably not going to be able to run full speed or do any other type of high-intensity exercise for 30 to 60 minutes without a rest, unless you happen to be an elite athlete, and even then you’d be struggling. So, by default, the common recommendation for exercise to lose weight has been 30 to 60 minutes of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise. Aerobic translates to “in the presence of oxygen”, which in common language means that aerobic exercise is any type of activity that you can do without gasping for breath.

In recent years, some experts have changed their recommendations to using a more intense anaerobic (”without oxygen”) exercise program for weight loss. This would include things like intense weight lifting, and something called “interval training”. Interval training involves brief bursts of high intensity activity with periods of rest or low intensity activity in between. For instance, your could sprint at full speed for 30 to 60 seconds and once you were winded, you could walk at an easy pace for a couple of minutes until you could catch your breath, then repeat the cycle several more times.. Since this type of exercise is much more physically demanding, it is done over a much shorter overall workout period – perhaps 20 to 40 minutes (with half or more of that time being rest or low intensity activity), as compared to the 30 to 60 minutes of continuous activity as recommended for aerobic exercise. The question is, how do the two types of exercise compare in terms of their ability to promote fat burning?

The aerobic exercise promoters point to the research that was mentioned earlier that has shown that any exercise, no matter how intense requires at least 30 minutes to use up the body’s stored glycogen (the body will normally burn glycogen before it will burn fat) before fat burning can begin. So, they say, short periods of even highly intense exercise won’t burn much fat and is therefore not a good choice for promoting weight loss. But they are only seeing part of the story.

It is true that you must exercise for at least 30 minutes to begin to achieve fat burning – but that’s at the time you are exercising. Brief bursts of intense anaerobic exercise does something that even quite a lot of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise does not. Intense anaerobic exercise stimulates the production of growth hormone, which is a strong stimulator of fat burning. The thing is, the release of growth hormone triggered by intense anaerobic exercise comes 24 to 48 hours AFTER the exercise, and then it produces considerably more fat burning than is possible with all but extremely long periods of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise.

Because of this effect, most people will lose weight much more easily by doing shorter periods of more intense exercise. 20 to 40 minutes of heavy weightlifting, interval training (which could be done on foot, on a bicycle, swimming, kickboxing, etc.Any kind of activity in which there are periodic bursts of intense exertion interspersed with rest periods, or periods of low intensity activity is typically preferable in the long run for weight control than even long hours of lower intensity aerobic exercise.

Now, you’ll notice that I said “most people”. There is an exception to the rule. People under considerable stress, either emotional or physical, or both, in their daily lives are prone to overworked adrenal glands. The adrenal glands do a lot of things in the body, but with regards to weight loss, they produce two hormones. One hormone is cortisol, which promotes fat deposition in the lower abdomen. This is typically a saggy, pendulous fat held below the waistline. The other hormone the adrenals produce is adrenaline (also called epinephrine), which actually promotes fat burning. Since the adrenals produce cortisol which causes fat deposition and adrenaline which promotes fat burning, you might assume that these two hormones cancel each other out. Unfortunately, cortisol production can be carried out by a much longer time by the adrenal glands than can the production of adrenaline, so long-term, the effects of high cortisol production (deposition of fat in the lower belly), will overcome whatever fat burning might occur from the short-term adrenaline production.

The adrenals are influenced by physical stress as well as mental stress, so for someone who is under a lot of stress in general in his or her life, high-intensity exercise will only add to the total stress and will tend to make the adrenals produce a lot of cortisol, and therefore will tend to promote lower abdomen weight gain. Yes, you read that right – excessive exercise for someone under a lot of stress can actually cause that person to deposit MORE fat around the lower belly! This can result in the frustrating situation in which one exercises more and more and harder and harder to try to get rid of that lower abdomen stomach “pooch”, but never can seem to get rid of it. Because the intense exercise is stimulating more cortisol production, that person is fighting a losing battle. Because of this effect, it is recommended that people under a lot of stress and/or who have most of their weight held in the lower abdomen stick to relatively low intensity aerobic exercise. This kind of activity is usually helpful for controlling stress and reducing the level of cortisol, thereby making it easier to get rid of the deposition of fat around the lower abdomen.

I hope that this article has given you a better concept of how to maximize your exercise routine for the best possible weight loss results.

About the Author:

Dr. George Best is a holistic healthcare provider in San Antonio, Texas. He provides information on natural weight loss through his website and is a consultant for MyFoodWithThought.com. For detailed exercise instruction, Dr. Best recommends Turbulence Training. He can be reached at DrBest@trainyourbrain4weightloss.com.

Oct 10, 2009

How to Choose a Phentermine Weight Loss Product

by Mark DeRosa

Phentermine is one of the best-selling weight loss medications all over the world. The drug acts as an appetite suppressant, conveying a feeling of satiety and preventing the individual from feeling hungry. There are different brands of phentermine that are available in the market. It is approved as an appetite suppressant to help reduce weight in obese patients when used short-term and combined with exercise, diet, and behavioral modification. It is typically prescribed for individuals who are at increased medical risk because of their weight and works by helping to release certain chemicals in the brain that control appetite.

Here is a comparison of the generic and the more popular brands of phentermine to help you in choosing the best one for you.

It is approved as an appetite suppressant to help reduce weight in obese patients when used short-term and combined with exercise, diet, and behavioral modification. It is typically prescribed for individuals who are at increased medical risk because of their weight and works by helping to release certain chemicals in the brain that control appetite.


Adipex-P, or known as Adipex for short, is the most popular brand of phentermine. It has been manufactured by Gate Pharmaceuticals since the year 1990. Adipex is the immediate-release form of the drug. This means that the drug instantly enters the bloodstream of the individual, and acts right away.

Adipex is available as both a tablet and a capsule, with a dose of 37.5 mg. The Adipex tablets are oblong and are colored white with blue specks. The name of the drug is embossed on the pill. The tablets are available in bottles containing 30 tablets. Meanwhile, the Adipex capsules are blue and white with blue stripes on the white half. The name of the drug is imprinted on the pill. The capsules are available in bottles containing 100 capsules.

A single 37.5 mg pill of Adipex is taken once a day, usually before eating breakfast. Some people need only half this amount and can drink only half of the tablet. Others may need to split the 37.5 mg tablet into 2 and drink two doses at different times.


Ionamin is the slow-release form of phentermine, manufactured by Celltech Pharmaceuticals. The active ingredient phentermine is mixed with a resin in order to create the time-released form. This means that it will take approximately 8 to 10 hours before the medication is released into the body. The effects of Ionamin are therefore usually milder but last longer than the effects of Adipex.

Ionamin is only available in the capsule form. You can choose from 2 strengths: 15 mg or 30 mg. The 15 mg capsules are yellow and gray, with the name of the drug imprinted on the pill. Meanwhile, the 30 mg capsules are entirely yellow, with the name of the drug likewise imprinted on the pill. Both capsules are available in bottles containing either 100 or 400 capsules.

One capsule of Ionamin is usually taken once a day, before eating breakfast.

Generic Phentermine

Phentermine is also available in a generic form. The generic form of phentermine is manufactured by several pharmaceutical companies, including Purepac and Sandoz.

Generic phentermine is available as 15 mg, 30 mg, and 37.5 mg capsules and as 37.5 mg tablets. The 37.5 mg tablet and capsule formulations are the generic equivalent of Adipex, while the 30 mg capsule is the generic equivalent of Fastin. There is no generic equivalent for Ionamin.

Generic forms of phentermine act in the same manner, with the same efficacy and safety as the branded forms. The major difference is the cost, with generic phentermine being much more affordable than the branded forms.

About the Author:

Oct 9, 2009

Herbalife Shapeworks Program The Best Weight Loss Solution

by Mike Calamus

Herbalife is the leading provider of herbal products throughout the world. They are often considered ‘A Premier Nutrition and Weight Management Company’. The company manufactures and distributes herbal products related to health, weight loss and skin care. Weight Management, Skin care, diet supplements, digestion pills, nutrition supplements are the main types of products that the company provides with excellence.

Herbalife is a global company headquartered in Los Angeles, CA and currently has over 1.9 million distributors serving people in more than 70 countries; with annual sales of around $3.5 billion dollars and a staff of more than 3,500. It goes without saying that Herbalife serves millions of satisfied customers throughout the world.

Herbalife ShapeWorks Program The Best Weight Loss Solution. That is one big time claim, and guess what we have big time success stories and track record to back it up. The Herbalife ShapeWorks Program has helped more people around the globe attain their weight loss goals than any other single weight loss program. You can read over 30 inspiring and impressive Herbalife weight loss success stories on Herbalwell.com

ShapeWorks Programs help simplify your purchase of Herbalife weight management “Meal Replacement” products by prepackaging their most popular products. There are 3 Program types (Quickstart, Advanced or Ultimate), each with Protein Powder (to Lose Weight) or without Protein Powder (to Maintain Weight).

The ShapeWorks system can be purchased individually and you can also select from one of the 3 already available products. ShapeWorks Quick Start Protein Plus, ShapeWorks Advanced Protein Plus and ShapeWorks Ultimate Protein Plus. The ShapeWorks Ultimate package includes; Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex, Formula 3 Personalized Protein Powder, Cell Activator, Herbal Tea Concentrate, Total Control, Cell-U-Loss, Snack Defense and a Variety Pack of 13 snack items!

The Herbalife ShapeWorks Plus programs help to regulate the protein intake levels of one’s body also helping you feel complete and also energized as you loss the excess weight. The idea of losing weight is now quit easier.You need to combine two meal-replacement shakes a day with your favorite Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix flavor and Formula 3 Personalized Protein Powder for hunger control. Enhance your intake of essential nutrients, with Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex and Cell Activator, and lose away those unwanted pounds and inches for good.

A full listing of Herbalife products are available online today at http://www.herbalwell.com Visit the site today for more information and the best prices on Herbalife products, free shipping options and full time customer phone support.

About the Author:

Mike Calamus, a well known dealer from New York has revealed the platform of herbal products with affordable prices. He is a direct shipper from the owned and operated warehouses of herbalife. Feel free to visit his website at http://www.herbalwell.com to get superior health for lifetime.

Oct 8, 2009

Top Weight Loss Products for Women

by Robert Kokoska

As we all know, ladies are more worried about their shape than men. They try all kindS of diets and tablets to feel happier about their image. They’re prepared to do whatever it takes to beat the battle with the calories. Being awfully competitive, the weight reduction product market has special products for everybody, particularly women.

After doing a little research, we have made a listing of the top weight reduction products designed particularly for ladies:

the 1st is Xenical, which is a drug particularly for obesity. It doesn’t reduce the appetite like most other diet pills, but rather is a powerful fat enzyme inhibitor. The results of this product depends on the indisputable fact that it works by inhibiting the stomach and pancreatic lipase enzymes, and in this manner, the fat in foods you eat aren’t soaked up into the body.

The endorsed dosage of Xenical is one capsule of approximately 120mg that should be taken with your 3 main meals. Xenical must always be used with a controlled diet rich in veggies and fruit. It’s also known under the name of Orlistat and it belongs to the Alli family of weight reduction products.

Initially, Xenical was available only through prescription, but now it is an OTC weight reduction product in Australia, Europe and the US. Alli products come along with a weight loss plan for shedding pounds. You’ll have to commit yourself to a new way of life to get the result you need. Alli stops your body from absorbing about a quarter of the fat you eat.

So if you eat a reduced-calorie or fat-restricted diet and use Alli capsules, you can make a genuine difference to your weight as you limit the total number of fat calories that enter your system. Alli products may help you to lose as much as fifty percent more weight than by dieting alone. So, rather than losing ten pounds from a standard diet, you might lose fifteen pounds if you took Alli tablets as directed. Alli is much safer than stimulant based products as it doesn’t put any stress on your heart, it works only in your guts.

Alli weight reduction products will help you pass out (excrete) undigested fat. The most typical side-effect of Alli is the incontrovertible fact that if you eat a meal containing too much fat, you could have to go to the restroom shortly after.

Starlight products appear to also give good results for girls according to user feedback. The well known product from Starlight is known as “Fat Free”, which has appeared latterly on the market, and works like Alli, by stopping the assimilation of fat into the body, thus helping you to lose pounds, naturally if you take under consideration the undeniable fact that exercise and a controlled diet are elements that usually should be included.

There also are many alternative herbal diet tablets that act to scale back the appetite. If you’ve a more natural desire, these types of tablets are counseled. They can not be considered drugs, because they work different in the body. Many herbal diet tablets have a stimulant-effect on the body that make you burn off more calories than ordinary.

Zenatrol is a weight loss product that has in its composition ephedrine. It accelerates and maintains metabolic functions inside the body and supplies the body with the right level of energy to keep you active during the day. It is typically commended for sportsmen and is to be taken 30 mins before doing any exercise. Zenatrol has more important components, like: Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5), Ma Huang (homogenized to 10mg of ephedrine), Sour Orange and Guarana Extract.

Xenedrine, Dexatrim and Zantrex-3 are also recommended for those that need to regain a slimmer waistline. These tablets are a mix of ephedra and caffeine which will help most folk to lose fat. These ingredients will supply you with energy and the will to maintain your dieting plan.

Women, all of these tablets are waiting for you. They are going to stay by your side, giving you the strength and the energy to battle with your additional pounds. Just attempt to select the best ally, so you can bring your weight battle to a close.

About the Author:

To begin losing weight fast we recommend using the new fail-proof diet from The Weight Loss Grail.

You can begin this fantastic new diet right here: http://www.theweightlossgrail.com

Read more weight loss articles:
Top Weight Loss Products For Women

Oct 7, 2009

How to Make Calories Work for you for Quick Weight Loss

by Claire Call

How To Make Calories Work For You For Rapid Weight Loss

Whether concerned about being somewhat overweight; general physical fitness; or obesity; thousands of us at one point or another have had to deal with dieting and losing weight. Anyone that has been on a weight-reduction plan before is familiar with all the headaches and uncertainty that are associated with dieting. Which diet is best? What can I eat? Should I cut out fat? There is pleasing news when it comes to losing unwanted pounds now. There have been wonderful improvements in the past few years toward information, merchandise and approaches of healthy weight loss.

Up until recently, losing extra pounds and dieting was focused on keeping track of calories. scientific advances show that it’s beneficial to instead use calories to your advantage instead of against you for optimal weight loss. The obstacle is not the calories. We all need to have foods and the calories they contain to live – we can’t just quit eating. What we can do is to control and manipulate calories so they are able to actually help trigger weight loss.

A good way to start is to use types of food which encourage losing weight. In the past, weight loss foods consisted of mostly fruits and veggies due to the fact that they are generally lower in calories than other foods. But, very few people can be healthy only eating fruits and vegetables; and not for long periods of time. So, it is fortunate that advances in science have found methods to recognize a much greater variety of foods that improve weight loss based on our body chemistry and metabolism. This is an ideal approach because not everyone is the same and calorie control and manipulation through the use of weight loss foods is advantageous as it’s effective and natural. The old “one size fits all” way to dieting has not been that productive.

Those who wish to supplement their slimming progress through food that promotes weight loss ought to consider healthy weight loss supplements such as suppressants to diminish appetite and meal replacement shakes. Although there are many for sale, it is best to choose an appetite suppressant or meal replacement shake that is completely natural and preferably herb based. They are generally healthier and have no unpleasant side effects.

Of the top products for weight loss for this goal, completely natural meal replacement shakes usually give the most rapid weight loss solution. This is because the best natural meal replacement drinks allow you to regulate the protein and macronutrients you must have for your specific body metabolism or chemistry.

If diet drinks are not for you, you should think about supplementing your weight loss progress through food that promotes weight loss with the use of diet pills. Once again, it is healthier to just use a diet pill which is all natural and helps to curb appetite. Completely natural herbal appetite suppressant diet pills can be quite convenient and just as strong as their non-natural equivalents but leaving out the undesirable side effects.

No plan to lose pounds is complete without considering weight loss motivation. All people experience difficulties with motivation at some point or another and weight loss motivation is no exception. Anyone that has been on a diet before is aware of how our emotion could greatly affect our dieting. Fortunately, the best weight loss products to use include supplements and products to aid weight loss motivation. Basically, motivation for anything must have two (2) things:

1. The ability or guidance to revise or guide ones individual emotional mind set as a rewarding tool in finishing their job. 2. A proper or clear route to take or vehicle to use to accomplish the task.

Diet motivation isn’t any different:

1. It is important to have the power to manage or shape your emotional condition to feel positive about weight loss. 2. Use the most logical and desired pathway to loosing those unwanted pounds – is food.

You can not survive without food and it is something most all of us enjoy. The only modification needed is the ability to have food work for you rather than against you.

About the Author:

J Smith is a content writer for http://www.mycaloriescount.com that writes about how to make calories work in your favor as opposed to against you in weight loss. See tips and information on making calories work for you to help your diet be beneficial and successful.