Jun 28, 2009

What Are The Best Weight Loss Supplements?

by Ken Black

If you are struggling with your weight and looking for some extra help while you are following a healthy diet regimen of good food and exercise, a dietary supplement can benefit you greatly. A word of warning about any type of pill that you may consider taking: If you are currently on medication, please speak with you general practitioner before using any type of diet pill or dietary supplement, even if it is natural or derived from harmless herbal remedies.

There are many dietary supplements or diet pills available with many of them falling into one of two categories. These are over-the-counter diet pills and prescription only diet pills.

What Makes A Diet Pill Work? The ingredients that are found in a diet pill are what make the preparation effective. The ingredients will not only determine whether the diet pill is effective but will also give you an idea of possible side effects that may result from taking them.

The main reason that diet pills are taken while dieting is to help suppress the appetite or to help you not crave foods that contain high portions of fat, carbohydrates and calories. Diet pills aid the body in burning fat and increasing the metabolism, which is vital in weight loss. Lets take a look at some of the diet pills on the market and what their properties are in aiding your weight loss.

Prescription diet pills are most probably the safest type of diet pills on the market. This is because they are not only closely regulated, but have been tested thoroughly by the FDA and found to be safe and relatively low in severe side effects.

There are four main functions of prescription diet pills. These are appetite suppression, fat burning, increased energy levels and a way to suppress cravings. It is important to take a vitamin supplement while taking prescription diet pills. One of the side effects that are commonly encountered is the blockage of vitamin absorption.

Over-the-counter diet pills can have a varying degree of results because of the variation of ingredients used in them. The main ingredients found in over-the-counter diet pills are herbal extracts, so they are not addictive. Care should be taken to carefully select the types of pills that are relatively free of side effects and use safe ingredients. Cheaply made diet pills that are offering you miraculous results that sound too good to be true, most probably are.

Propolene diet pills work by suppressing the appetite and trapping fat, resulting in weight loss. The capsules are taken with water and, once they reach the stomach, they form a filling fiber mass that helps the stomach feel full. This results in the body burning fat that is stored since there is an absence of glucose in the blood to use as fuel. Propolene diet pills do not contain stimulants and are recommended for people who want to lose large amounts of weight.

The Hoodia Gordonii diet pills are natural hunger suppressants that are derived from a cactus-like plant found in the Kalahari Desert of Africa. These pills are said to have very good results and are considered to be free of side effects. There has been a lot of media coverage recently on the great results of these diet pills for those who want to lose weight.

Didrex diet pills work differently than most diet pills. Instead of suppressing the appetite, they work by stimulating the central nervous system. Didrex is also known in some cases to help lower blood pressure in some patients.

Phentermine diet pills are prescription only and are mainly used by people have a body mass index of over 28. The diet pill works by suppressing the appetite of the patient and mentally stimulating them. Results form this particular preparation are very rapid weight loss. Patients are monitored carefully by their health care provider and are treated with diet therapy to keep the weight loss stable and long term.

Cortislim is a natural dietary supplement that works to increase metabolism and balance blood sugar levels to help reduce food cravings. There are no known side effects when taking this supplement, although caution should be taken if you are on other medications or have any medical conditions.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) pills are used in many diet pills and weight loss supplements on the market. According to studies, there has been evidence to suggest that this preparation can reduce body fat, as well as lower insulin levels in those suffering from type 2 diabetes. However, there are some severe side effects that occur frequently while on this medication.

Meridia is a dietary supplement that helps lose weight by changing chemical reactions in the body. This preparation is only used for as a short-term supplement to diet and exercise in treating obese people. There are side effects that are common with this medication and it is not recommended for people who suffer from high blood pressure or heart disease. It is also recommended that people who are on medication should discuss taking Meridia with their doctor first.

Apple cider vinegar is a healthy weight loss supplement that has been used for centuries. It dates back as early as the ancient Egyptians. It is a safe supplement for anyone and can be used by children, as well as adults and has no known side effects. Apple cider vinegar is also a great supplement for many other illnesses and ailments.

There are even more kinds of weight loss supplements on the market. Find out the facts first, before buying any. Once you start using the right one for you, there is a good possibility you will start to lose weight.

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Jun 27, 2009

Proactol Tablets: the Best Weight Loss Supplement

by michaelrussell

As diet pills have become an extremely popular option among the people who aspire to lose weight, the reasons is that their use is absolutely effortless. Most of these are made of natural based products which do not cause any side-effects in the consumer's body. They are affordable and are also easily available without the need of prescription. If you look out for a reliable diet pills general review online, you will find that there is a large number of companies manufacturing different kinds of products, each claiming to be better than the other.

It has been found that most of the diet pills are safe to use as compared to other kinds of programs, methods and drugs used for the purpose of weight loss. They are able to help people in getting rid of their extra fats without causing any health related complications. While consuming diet pills, the consumers also do not need to take the trouble of exercising and reducing their diets. Another reason why most people prefer to consume diet pills rather than other methods of losing weight is that these pills do not make people feel irritated or nervous, which is the major side-effects of other weight loss products. These pills also do not contain any harmful stimulants which cause loss of sleep and other disorders such as loss of sex drive, stress and depression. Diet pills are also known to be faster and quicker method of losing weight than any other process.

Proactol is one of the best weight loss supplements available in the market. It contains NeoPuntia that forms a gel or bind around fat when both of them contacts with each other. As per the Proactol review, this weight loss supplement suppresses your appetite which results in less consumption of food throughout the day. It is considered to be one of the most effective and safest ways of losing weight. Coupled up with adequate exercise, this weight loss product has really knocked out those extra fats from your body. Available in the tablet form, it is extremely easy to consume and ingest. Without messing up with your metabolism, this product helps in losing weight without any adverse effect on your thermogenes. Being made of 100% natural products, you do not need to worry about its side effects. All you need to keep in mind is to take the tablets regularly, exercising properly and staying active, and the Proactol will take care of all the rest.

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Jun 24, 2009

Whats the Best Weight Loss Program for You?

by Gregory Wadel

Weight loss is extremely difficult when you feel like you are depriving yourself. Instead of being a positive and exciting experience, losing weight becomes a struggle against yourself. Weight loss is a mind game. If you think you can, you can. Weight loss IS important but health and fitness is developed when you lose extra weight and also exercise to increase muscle and cardio abilities.

Weight loss is simple, burn more calories then you consume. If you can fully understand that then you are on your way to losing weight. Weight loss is usually 15% below the person’s normal body weight. People suffering from anorexia are very skinny but are convinced that they are overweight. Weight loss is a basic equation based on eating the right foods and doing the right exercises. The Icon Diet is designed from the ground up to take full advantage of this concept.

Weight loss isn’t just about looking better. If you’re one of the nearly 130 million U.S. Weight loss is really hard to achieve by yourself. It takes encouragement, support, and a community of like-minded folks who are determined to make a difference. Weight loss is a multi billion dollar industry in America, Oliver notes, and this industry is trying to put a health spin on what is a largely cosmetic product. Diet doctors and weight-loss companies have established organizations with names such as the American Obesity Association to promote their interests.

Weight loss is the major focus of the many people nowadays. Being fat or having huge body seems losing their self confidence and could sometimes disturb ones peaceful world.It seems thats all this person thinks about, they are consumed by the very thought of losing weight.

Weight-loss medications alone are clearly not the answer. However, they are one tool physicians can use in combination with lifestyle changes to increase the success of long-term weight loss in selected patients. Weight-loss is a science and like any science it is made up of systems and all systems must be considered as a whole. Weight-loss surgery, however, is effective in bringing 80 percent of obese people to or close to average weight for their height, explains Dr. Even more impressive, most sustain that weight loss for at least 10 years. But there are much safer, healthier and natural ways to achieve your weight loss goals, finding the right one for you and your body and you’ll be shedding those pounds quickly.

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And The Best Weight Loss Cure Is

by Tisha Diaz

People always want to find out what is the best cure for this and the best cure for that. It is natural to want to know what the best of class is for something. Hence, wanting to know what is the best weight loss cure is a very natural question to ask. Let’s see if we can find the best weight-loss cure.

There are so many different weight-loss cures available today that it is absolutely impossible to look at them all in detail. What we can do is we can look at general principles that make a weight-loss cure good. That will definitely help us to find the best weight-loss cure.

The first principle I want to highlight is longevity of results.

A weight-loss cure is worthless if it does not give us long-lasting results. Who really wants to be in a continuous process of losing weight and gaining weight and losing weight and gaining weight? If this repetitive process sounds familiar to you, you probably have not yet found the best weight-loss cure.

Unfortunately, many of the weight-loss cures and weight-loss products put us in exactly this repetitive process. What is better for someone who wants to get their fingers into your wallet to give you something that will give you temporary results and have you come back for more soon?

The best weight-loss cure for giving us long lasting results is us modifying our diets and modifying our lifestyles.

The next principle I want to highlight is the effect of the weight-loss cure on our health and well-being.

It serves very little purpose if we use something to lose weight and that something damages our health.

The best weight-loss cure for our health would be a diet adjustment without supplements or herbal supplements, in that order.

Our bodies were designed to burn fat only when our energy needs exceed the energy contained in the foods that we eat.

Any weight-loss cure that attempts to circumvent or short-circuit that design of your body will probably not be good for your health.

The third principle I want to highlight is consistency of effort.

The best weight-loss cure is one that gives you predictable and satisfying results with consistent and dedicated effort.

Our modern lifestyles have spoiled us to want to expect everything fast with minimal effort.

Expecting that with weight-loss will definitely not give you the best weight-loss cure.

For anything worthwhile, whether it is a happy marriage, a bulk of muscle, a prospering career, or a washboard tummy, you have to put in effort and you have to do so consistently.

The best weight-loss cure by far is the one that gives you long-lasting results with consistent effort and is good for your health and well-being.

Best Weight Loss Idiots Diet Calculator-review of Fat Loss Idiot Proof Calorie Generator

by Robert Edmonds

The easiest and really quick way to lose weight is using an online diet calculator that works out the most efficient menu to shed pounds of fat. The best weight loss package that will guarantee you fast fat loss is the fat loss 4 idiots e book and calorie generator. This cleverly designed method of dieting is simply the most popular and most downloaded online. It has mastered the art of taming metabolism to burn extra body fat in your legs, thighs, chest, belly flab, love handles and abs.

Most people out there believe that losing weight means starvation and taking absolutely no fat. Many more think that a low calorie diet will do the trick but the reality is far from that. Infact, studies show that failing to take fats altogether, interferes with the digestive system since enzymes are produced.

Essential lipids are made of fat and are the base element that forms the digestive enzymes. Enzymes in your body act as catalysts in the digestive and absorption of food. With compromised digestion comes vulnerability to disease as your immune system becomes compromised from poor diet.

There is a little secret to fat loss that even the weight loss pill companies don't want you to ever know. This is how your metabolism works. If you knew this, then losing fat from your body would become such an easy task that you can add and lose a few pounds whenever you feel like it. Metabolism is the process that burns down calories in food into energy for body to use.

This rate is such that it burns just the right amount of calories you throw at it. No more no less. But you need the metabolism to be able to burn body fat in addition to the food calories you eat.

Fat loss 4 idiots has revealed this secret to losing fat that they don't want you to know by devising an accurate calorie generator that works on shifting the amounts of calories in each meal. Once the brain cannot predict your next meal's calorie content, it begins to randomly guess the metabolism rate needed.

The randomly shifting calories generated by the calculator ensure that there is just enough of metabolism to start digesting fat cells in your body and you start losing weight, guaranteed.

There are many people that have used the calorie shifting fat loss idiots diet generator with amazing results in under two weeks. One thing that the 5% successful weight watchers have learned is that food was never the enemy in the first place.

This method will actually get you on a 4 meal diet plan while most others lead you on to starvation, misery and disease vulnerability.

This is one of weight loss guide that I found highly recommended by most online critics: Everloss

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Jun 23, 2009

Best Weight Loss Programs for Combating Fat

by Nathalie Fiset

It’s coming. The signs are already everywhere and you just know the inevitable. With the market brimming with calorie- laden processed foodstuffs combined with the sedentary lifestyle of today, more and more people are facing the problem of getting fat. Not just plain fat- obese.

Obesity can’t all be that bad if it’s just the mocking and the inability to do most normal things like running and climbing a long length of stairs… then again, with obesity comes high blood pressure, heart diseases, respiratory problems, diabetes and arthritis among other ailments. If you want to live long enough to enjoy your golden years, gear up for another version of the Battle of the Bulge.

Obesity does not choose its victims. It can sink in as early as the age of six and decreases life expectancy by an average of 7- 20%, not to forget that the pollution and stress will make those numbers rise even higher. Factors to obesity include age, gender, genetics, stress, lifestyle and of course, food.

Most weight loss programs target the elimination of unnecessary calories or those calories beyond a person’s required basal metabolism- that’s the amount of calories needed to keep a person’s basic bodily functions up and running normally. However, with the fads and trends of “Kate Moss” models, some programs go as far as starvation and gastric bypasses.

These are not recommended for a lot of reasons but let’s enumerate some for good measure:

1) Quick weight loss tactics only mean quick weight loss- not permanent, not long- term and not healthy.

2) Complications can and will arise from drastic measures beginning with the lack of nutrients. Besides, obese people usually don’t do well under the knife unless the doctors say so.

3) Do you really want liposuction? Or cutting off a part of your stomach or intestine?

Some programs focus on removing the sources of fat from a person’s diet. The Eat More, Weigh Less does just that by encouraging fruits, vegetables, whole grains and little meat without any caloric restrictions whatsoever as long as the fat content falls below 10% of what you eat. The Pritkin diet also goes along these lines. But before choosing any of these diets, one must consider that fat- the unsaturated kind- is also essential to our body. Some critics have said that these diets are not for everyone, especially those who have high- fat bodies, as the diet will only lead to an inadequacy in fatty acids.

The Atkins diet promotes protein since Dr. Robert Atkins believes that carbohydrates are the main causes of obesity. The diet would allot a person meals consisting of 36% protein, 8% carbohydrates, 53% fat or for maintenance 24% protein, 40% fat, 31% carbohydrates. Another popular diet called the South Beach diet also makes meat a hero by advocating foodstuffs that are high in protein, high in fiber, low in carbohydrates and low in animal fats. Although the South Beach diet was developed for those with a high risk of getting diabetes or heart diseases, the aforementioned diet does not balance the basic food groups.

Then there’s the McDougall Project for Maximum Weight Loss, which is basically a vegan diet. Think greens and yellows as these should make up 1/3 of what you eat.

Another example is the Weight Watchers Winning Points program. Based on your statistics and details, the program will allot you “points” that you can use when choosing what to eat. All you have to do is to remain within that range by taking care to select what’s right. Vegetables almost have an equivalent of 0 while fruits have 1-2 points per serving. Complex carbohydrates and fats have the highest.

What you can do to get the best program for you is get to the root of the problem and attack from that point. Be idealistic when setting goals. The weight lost per week should fall in the range of ¾- 2 lbs and not exceeding 3. It will be slow at first. Weight lost during the early stages will be mostly water fat so a doctor’s supervision is really needed if you plan on losing a lot of pounds.

The body will adapt quickly to the diet so prep up the arsenal with a combination of aerobic (running) and anaerobic (weight training) exercise. In order to maintain this, exercise for at least 15- 30 minutes in increasing increments per day.

The program should also include help for when hunger anxiety attacks and depression urges you to binge. Losing weight involves the mindset too.

Those are just some examples of diet programs, which promise weight loss. But here’s catch, what works for others may not work for you. For example, there’s such a diet that dictates what you can and can’t eat based on your blood type. One can’t guarantee same results on such general terms. Weight and build depends on a lot of factors and not just on a single basis as blood type. Word of advice: have a weight loss program tailored for you. Specialists can aid you on this one and with their supervision you will win this fight!

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Jun 22, 2009

Herbalife Shapeworks Program The Best Weight Loss Solution

by Mike Calamus

Herbalife is the leading provider of herbal products throughout the world. They are often considered ‘A Premier Nutrition and Weight Management Company’. The company manufactures and distributes herbal products related to health, weight loss and skin care. Weight Management, Skin care, diet supplements, digestion pills, nutrition supplements are the main types of products that the company provides with excellence.

Herbalife is a global company headquartered in Los Angeles, CA and currently has over 1.9 million distributors serving people in more than 70 countries; with annual sales of around $3.5 billion dollars and a staff of more than 3,500. It goes without saying that Herbalife serves millions of satisfied customers throughout the world.

Herbalife ShapeWorks Program The Best Weight Loss Solution. That is one big time claim, and guess what we have big time success stories and track record to back it up. The Herbalife ShapeWorks Program has helped more people around the globe attain their weight loss goals than any other single weight loss program. You can read over 30 inspiring and impressive Herbalife weight loss success stories on Herbalwell.com

ShapeWorks Programs help simplify your purchase of Herbalife weight management “Meal Replacement” products by prepackaging their most popular products. There are 3 Program types (Quickstart, Advanced or Ultimate), each with Protein Powder (to Lose Weight) or without Protein Powder (to Maintain Weight).

The ShapeWorks system can be purchased individually and you can also select from one of the 3 already available products. ShapeWorks Quick Start Protein Plus, ShapeWorks Advanced Protein Plus and ShapeWorks Ultimate Protein Plus. The ShapeWorks Ultimate package includes; Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex, Formula 3 Personalized Protein Powder, Cell Activator, Herbal Tea Concentrate, Total Control, Cell-U-Loss, Snack Defense and a Variety Pack of 13 snack items!

The Herbalife ShapeWorks Plus programs help to regulate the protein intake levels of one’s body also helping you feel complete and also energized as you loss the excess weight. The idea of losing weight is now quit easier.You need to combine two meal-replacement shakes a day with your favorite Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix flavor and Formula 3 Personalized Protein Powder for hunger control. Enhance your intake of essential nutrients, with Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex and Cell Activator, and lose away those unwanted pounds and inches for good.

A full listing of Herbalife products are available online today at http://www.herbalwell.com Visit the site today for more information and the best prices on Herbalife products, free shipping options and full time customer phone support.

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6 Great Tips on How to Choose the Best Weight Loss and Fat Burner Products to Make a Significant Extra Income

by Ariston P Awitan,M.D.

There are several weight loss products in the market today and each of them claiming good results. So it is hard to decide which products or company will you choose to make an extra income. You see many of them on TV infomercials and on the internet.

But what factors should you consider before you spend your precious time, and your hard-earn money with a company that promotes this weight loss product?

You have to do your due diligence so that you don’t spend your precious time and money only to find out later that the product is not effective or the company folded-up and filed bankruptcy.

So you have to consider seriously the following important factors in choosing a company or products:

1. Stability , Expertise, Experience and Integrity of the Company. There are good companies out there that have successfully marketed their products for several years. Some of them are successful and became Billion Dollar companies because of good management, good leaders and effective marketing tools. This also includes the infrastructure of the company, capability of production and distribution of the products efficiently.

2. The Quality and Effectiveness of the Products. Do the products perform as they are claimed to do? Are they products of research ? Have they been tested with accepted methodology that follows research guidelines? Are the testing agencies credible with good integrity?

3.The Market Place or Demand of the Product. Is there an excellent demand of the product you are marketing? How big is your market? How many per cent of the population would use it ? Is there an emotional effect associated with the use of the product?

4. How Distributor-Friendly is the Compensation Plan? Is it easy to understand so that everybody can easily explain it to the prospect? How easy is it for a the distributor to reach the top of the compensation plan to maximize his compensation or bonuses?

5. Affordability of the Business and Product , Website Fees and Auto-ship Fees. During this time of global economic crisis, people cannot afford to spend if it compromises their spendable money for daily living expenses , for health, food and shelter. It is a plus if you can sign up with the business for free, free website and minimal or no auto-ship requirement.

6. Members Support , Sizzle Call, Live and Recorded Calls and Good Leaders

You cannot underestimate the importance of members’ support. The success of the distributors depends upon the support that he gets from the company for the performance of his business.

The availability of the sizzle call which allows the distributor to plug in a prospect to get an overview of the business facilitates availability of information readily. Live conference calls by good company leaders is the best recruiting information tool for prospects, and the recorded calls can be accessed by those who cannot avail themselves for the scheduled live calls.

If you make the above factors guide you in your choice of an online business, there is a good probability that you are going to succeed. You do your homework. Do your due diligence. Ask your friends who have experience in network marketing. Ask the online marketing consultants who have experience in the industry. Make use of the internet for your research for the available companies.

But let me tell you that among all things, the most important ingredient for your success is You–. your attitudes, your own drive, your desire, your dreams, your goals. and your determination to succeed and improve your life and the comfort of your family.

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Jun 21, 2009

Best Weight Loss Pills That Fit for Women

by Suki Tan

They start taking weight loss pills. But, don’t take the advice of your friend on what weight loss pills to choose, since they work differently for every person. You need to learn how they work, and then you can make a choice, based on what you expect from them.

When it comes to weight loss supplements, there are three main categories:

Calorie Burners:

They increase the metabolism and make you burn an increased quantity of calories, with the help of the stimulants they contain. The side effects include an increased blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety. They usually contain either ephedra or green tea, caffeine or guarana. Some women manage to take ephedra based supplements without any side effects.

Appetite Suppressants:

Besides some of the calorie burning supplements we talked before, they also include CLA and Citrimax. Both CLA and Citrimax are safe, but CLA doesn’t always work, while Citrimax usually helps women not to regain weight. Decreasing the appetite is the effect that many weight loss drugs have, like Buproprion, Meridia, Phen-Phen or Redux. It takes around half a year for the appetite suppressants to achieve maximum effect. The best way to see if it works for you, is to test a diet pill for one month, and if it doesn’t help you lose at least 4 pounds, let it go and choose another.

Absorption Blockers:

They work by absorbing fats or carbohydrates, and they’re made from white kidney beans or soybeans. They might seem safe because of that, but they don’t work that well, while they make you lose zinc or copper from your body. Another side effect is that they also block the fat-soluble vitamings you might’ve ingested, such as A, D, E and K vitamins.

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Best Weight Loss Plans: 5 Things That'll Help You Choose

by James O’Day

With so many kinds of diets out there, especially clearly contradicting ones… it can tough sometimes to know which weight loss plans will actually help you to lose weight. But you know what the real difference is between a diet plan that’ll just waste your energy, time and money, and one that will let you reach your weight loss goals? Well, there’s a few simple things you can look for that all the best diet plans will have in common.

First Thing: You need room to breathe

If a diet is so horribly that it feel more like running a marathon than living life… what’s the point? Even if you make it through, You’ll hit the end without having changed any of the bad habits that will let you keep the weight off… the real goal is to start changing those old habits. The best weight loss plans are something you can actually live with and enjoy at least somewhat.

No sense taking away the joy from life, it’s not necessary… you can reach your goals and still have a few of the simpler pleasures.

Second Thing: Exercise. Period.

It’s possible to lose weight without exercising, but all the best weight loss plans will encourage you to do at least some. I know you’ve got a ton of things going… work, family,plus the need to relax of course… but the more activity you can bring into your lifestyle, the better off you are. the gym’s great, but not everyone can make time for it. Like watching football? Why not take the kids out and play ball for a while? Maybe head out on a hike on the weekends or something. Heck, even walking an extra 20 minutes a days can make a big difference, why not start looking for places where you can include an extra few minutes here and there?

Third Thing: Vitamins and Nutrients are good for you!

Any diet that cuts out huge categories of nutrients really isn’t the best way to lose weight. cut out too many calories and you can’t function… you body needs fat, (though there’s different kinds of fat) it needs carbohydrates, protein… take out any of those needlessly and you’ll end up worse off for it. The Atkins diet for example does work in the short term, but Atkins himself died from the health problems that come from a long term Atkins diet, and once you stop the weight will just come back.

Fourth Thing: Miracle Pills?

Looking for the easy way out? Think about what you’re wanting for a minute… Hoodia pills for example can help reduce cravings, but you’re sunk if you need an expensive crutch instead of really facing and changing bad habits. At some point after all, you’ll need to stop paying for the pills… and what happens then? The best weight loss plans will all have you eating healthy food you can enjoy.

Fifth and most Important thing: Always good to have some support

If you have a friend you can diet with, great… although different diets work better for different people. With the internet though, you can quickly make friends with all kinds of people going through exactly what you’re going through. Peer Trainer is an amazing free social networking site with a built in dieting journal system, you’ll want to use it.

Now, all of this is well and good, But some more practical step by step info can always help. If you’re looking for some more detailed information on things to try, check out some more specifics on how to make Diet Plans that Work. Plus, there’s some great info on how to go about use peer trainer… well worth the read.

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The Best Weight Loss Diet Ever Designed!

by Richard

The best diet to lose weight is certainly going to be one that does not consist of eating lousy unappetizing foods or taking weight loss supplements to try and satisfy hunger pangs. It is not going to be those exercise machines that look like body torture or appetite suppressants either! These ways of trying to shed pounds and inches is a miserable depressing lifestyle that you have set for yourself all in the quest to look good. Even for health reasons losing weight is miserable and you will do everything to find the easiest most effective and best diet to lose weight plan possible that will make losing the weight you desire pleasant. Being happy while losing weight with a diet that really works like it promises really makes those pounds and inches melt away. Finding the best diet to lose weight can take hours and even days of sifting through adverts that promise the earth in weight loss but you are so skeptical right now, that you really do not believe any of them anymore. You will have to be ready to see the truth when it is staring you in the face and this will probably be the best diet to lose weight without any pills, formulas, potions, exercise machines or other gimmicks.

 The best diet to lose weight without Punishment

Every person has a unique metabolism and no doubt you may have been envious of people that can eat a tub of ice cream of a dozen burgers and fries without gaining a single pound. Some people are blessed with a metabolism that burns up food constantly. You will also find that these individuals are fidgety and active because that is the way they have been designed. Others just think of a piece chocolate cake and gain an inch (Joke). In all seriousness though you may be unfortunate to add pounds even though you attempt to eat right and do all the things you are told to stay thin and trim. The best diet to lose weight without punishment will be formulated to what foods you like, the quantities and ways of eating that suit your metabolism with guidelines to follow. You will find that the best diet to lose weight will not come with unnatural supplements and a torturous exercise plan or calories counting which are all useless really if you know the real truth. When you do find out what this is then you will be rather taken aback as well even if you thought you knew it all already after reading hundreds of dieting articles, weight loss plans, and diet programs.

The best diet to lose weight is well worth investing in.

When you find the best diet to lose weight it will be worth every cent invested because you will find that it will show proven results within the parameters advertised. Companies that put their money where there mouth is with money back guarantees are even more confident investments in weight loss. Weight loss industries and manufacturers have brainwashed people and every new advertisement is designed to make you part with your hard earned money without a second thought. They will all promise you to be the best diet to lose weight and you will believe them. Afterwards you may blame yourself for them not working and perhaps these diet plans and supplements are so lousy after all who can really blame you for giving up before you reached your desired weight goals.

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Jun 20, 2009

The Best Weight Loss System With No Diet or Exercise!

by Steven Ng

Losing weight is a serious and unforgiving business. Play your cards the wrong way and you won’t be closer to your weight loss dreams…not even an inch.

So many things to do, so many facts and figures to keep track of…it’s confusing and stressful. BUT by going back to the basics of weight loss, you’ll soon realize that you don’t have to put up with this.

And right on this article, I’ll show you the best system and more importantly, you don’t have to starve yourself or spend 4 hours at the gym to achieve your goal of losing your weight

The best system I’m talking about is calorie shifting. We all know that diet and eating the right kinds of food are essential components of a successful weight loss program. BUT with calorie shifting, you can successfully shed your weight without skipping meals or staying away from your favorite foods.

Not to mention the relieving fact that you don’t have to put up with hunger pangs that make it impossible for you to even make it halfway through your loss weight program.

As for exercise, they’re still an essential component of any loss weight program you’re going through. The more exercises you add, the faster you’ll shed your weight.

That’s what we’re after, right? Faster and PERMANENT weight loss MINUS the pains and inconvenience.

Here’s a question you need to answer - why did you become overweight in the first place? Due to junk foods, right? BUT why did you eat A LOT of junk foods for the past couple of years?

Chances are you switched to eating junk foods to relieve yourself of some mental or emotional trauma that you’re suffering from. And by doing so, you finally became overweight.

Research shows that this is the case. And who knows? Upon a closer look, you may be stuck on the same situation.

By knowing the answers to these questions, we won half the battle. The answers will give us an idea how to attack the problems and more importantly, it will make us realize that eating is NOT the correct way of facing it…rather it will only worsen the situation as you will be obese!

As we’re al familiar with, most diet plans out there will force you to dramatically decrease the food you take. And if you’re expecting to shed your weight through that, think again!

The result is that you’ll feel hungry often which will make eating irresistible for you. And your body will stop burning fat as it will think that you might die of starvation. It will have the fat as ‘reserves’ to help you make it though.

The great news is, this doesn’t happen with calorie shifting! You can eat what you want and when you want to. Through the use of precisely varied food combinations and calorie amounts, it will boost your metabolic rate, which will in turn burn excess fats at a higher rate!

No workouts, no starving - truly the best weight loss system there is!

There are hundreds of loss weight programs that allow you to take advantage of calorie shifting. You can pick your choice of meals and adjust them accordingly to the calorie shifting plan. Or there are prepared lists of foods you have to eat.

Whichever path you wish to walk down, calorie shifting is the best weight loss system at your disposal!

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How to Choose the Best Weight Loss Program for Your Body Type

by Boris Tomson

How To Choose the Best Weight Loss Program for Your Body Type :

Loosing weight is a simple proposition right? Exercise more or consume less food and you’re there. If only it was that simple, but unfortunately it’s not. You have a much higher chance of seeing benefits from a weight loss program if you take the time to choose the right program in the first place.

The first thing to do before embarking on a weight loss program is to match the right program to your own individual requirements and profile. Don’t just assume a well-presented weight loss program will match your body type or needs.http://lose-weight-quick-365.blogspot.com

All weight loss programs bar none make a big deal of the potential weight losses you would see if you tried the particular program. To the best of my knowledge though, no single weight loss program tries to match itself to any specific segment of the population.

It’s probably not too difficult to figure out why this matching doesn’t happen. Making the product suitable to a narrower range of users effectively lowers the number of potential customers the product would appeal to, which means lower sales.http://lose-weight-quick-365.blogspot.com

In the rush to bring new programs to what is an extremely competitive market, addressing the individual needs of people looking to lose weight tends to get put on the back burner in favor of mass exposure. A weight loss program could well be highly effective for a certain type of person and less effective for somebody else, which is why choosing the right program is so important.

So how do you go about choosing the right weight loss program? It has to be more than just guess work. The main reason people fail in their weight loss is frustration. People get frustrated when they don’t see results fast enough or when they see lower results than expected. Frustration compounds, so imagine the effect if you went from program to program every few days.

Starting a weight loss program means making a commitment. A commitment to stick to the program, to reduce or eliminate certain foods, to make life style changes necessary for the weight loss to happen. Making a commitment to a program which isn’t right for you is far more difficult to achieve.

The correct way to choose a weight loss program should follow a simple path to arriving at the end result. Simple, because not everybody is a health expert or knows what to look for or even has the time to do a whole load of research into weight loss.

The following are the main points to keep in mind:

1. Calculating your Body Mass Index

2. Determining your weight loss expectation

3. Determining your time scale for weight loss

Using these 3 simple steps gives you the best chance of choosing a weight loss program which will be right for you and will give you the best chance of success with the particular program.

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How to Choose the Best Weight Loss Diet Program

by Apisri Sukpo

t people can be the laughing stock of society and can suffer from low self-esteem and self-respect as a result. If you are in this plight and want to say goodbye to the extra bulk, make sure that you familiarise yourself with the best weight loss diets that are available.

When you are looking for the best weight loss diet, one of the first things to do to lose body weight is to change your eating habits and watch your food intake. You have to learn to keep taste buds under control by avoiding junk foods that are high in oils, spices and bad cholesterol. These foods that are rich in carbohydrates are not only bad for your health, they can also lead to serious health complications. To make sure that you are free from obesity related health problems, it is essential to eat a healthy and a balanced diet which is rich in minerals and vitamins.

Atkins and Low Carbohydrate Diets

To lose weight instantly, follow a low carbohydrate diet which will give a systematic weight loss. In these diets, the foods that are a rich source of carbohydrates, such as breads and pasta, are replaced by proteins, fresh fruits, vegetables, soy, and meat products. Along with these low carbohydrate diets, one can also go for the well known Atkins diet. This is another popular diet which focuses on avoiding Trans fats. The Atkins diet is best described in four phases such as induction, continuous weight loss, lifetime maintenance and pre-maintenance.

In the fist stage of induction, the overall intake of carbohydrates is restricted to 20 grams during the day when fish, meat, shellfish, eggs and fowl can be eaten. The next stage of the Atkins diet includes further weight loss, where nuts, berries, vegetables and grains are introduced. In the pre maintenance stage, the intake of carbohydrates is increased by 10 grams and for lifetime maintenance continue with this rather strict diet regime which will ensure consistent weight reduction.

Detox Diets

Apart from the above two popular diets, another weight loss diet is a detox diet that is made up of fresh fruits, juices, vegetables and drinking more water to ensure elimination of harmful items from the body. This helps to increase the metabolism and avoiding foods such as caffeine, processed foods, alcohol, canned items, sugar, salt, red meat, deep-fried and fried food items, butter, cream and other fattening foods.

This diet is also known as fasting, and helps by cutting down on the calorie intake and focusing on a detoxification regime. Calories are reduced by eating only vegetables, fresh fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains. This is the best way to ensure a clean system that is free from toxins.

Choose the Best Weight Loss Diet

When looking at weight loss diets, it is advisable to follow the diet regimes and not to skip meals. Remember that modulating and regulating dietary patterns is the best way to keep good health and stay away from unnecessary calories. To ensure weight loss, one should stay away from cigarettes, alcohol and drugs as it weakens the metabolism system thereby adding toxic levels to the body. Get the best weight loss diets and get a fit body.

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Jun 19, 2009

Best Weight Loss Diet: How To Design The Best Weight Loss Diet For You

by Bestweightlossdiet.org

What exactly is the best weight loss diet for you? Is there even such a thing at all? The answer to that question is an emphatic YES, and you will know the answer to that question and how to answer many more by following the simply step-by-step process below.

Step 1 - Know Your Current Diet

Everyone is on a diet of some sort. If you decide to eat cheeseburgers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, it could be said that you are on a cheeseburger diet. Probably not the most healthy choice but I hope you get the point I am trying to make. You may not have paid any special attention to the foods you are currently putting into your body, so it is now time to become aware. Take some time out of your day to reflect upon your past and current dietary habits.

For example, how frequently do you eat? Do you eat three big meals per day or many smaller meals? Do the foods you eat contain more carbohydrates, fats or proteins? Try to come up with the best model for your current diet, Monday-Sunday. If you are trying to lose weight it is likely that you are not currently eating a healthy or balanced diet at all. You are probably eating way too much of one type of nutrient, and not enough of another. Most people tend to lean towards one kind of nutrient, and eat foods that contain that nutrient in greater quantities. You may not even be aware of this personal preference!

Spend some time (a week will be more than enough) to record what you are currently eating, and when you eat it. Please do not skip this step. Yes, it will take some commitment on your part to do this, and you will have to be brutally honest with yourself, but it is so important that you understand your current dietary habits before you can begin to understand what might be the best weight loss diet for you.

Once you have meticulously recorded this information for at least a week, it is time for the next step.

Step 2 - Understand What You Want

The very fact that you are here reading this article shows that you have some sort of idea what you wish to accomplish. You obviously want to lose weight and to do that, you are looking for the best weight loss diet to accomplish your personal goals. The point of this step is to come to terms with what it is you really want. You need to get specific in this step. This may seem like a really easy step to accomplish, but do it anyway.

So many people who start to work this step realize that they don’t have a firm grasp on what they want or even why they want it. Just wanting to lose weight is not enough of a goal. You need to decide how much to lose, how fast you want to do it, and then you need to find out the healthiest way to accomplish your chosen goals.

For example, hopefully one of your goals is to keep the weight off forever once you do lose it. If this is a goal of yours write it down and make note of it. You need to know these things to design the best weight loss diet for you.

Once you have written out your personal weight loss goals, and have a record of your current dietary habits, you will be armed with the information and knowledge you need to start building the best weight loss diet that will be completely personal to you and what you want. You will know where you have been and what possible dietary habits could be contributing to your current weight issues, and you will know what you want to achieve, and why.

Now you are ready to take it all your work into step 3.

Step 3 - Talk To A Professional

The best weight loss diet for you will be a diet that focuses on your personal weight loss goals, the kinds of foods you like and dislike, and will take into account all factors surrounding your current dietary choices and your current state of health. For instance, the best weight loss diet for a diabetic is going to be a bit different from the diet of someone who wants to run 5 miles per day. The best thing you can do for yourself at this point, is to seriously discuss these things with your doctor. Your doctor can help you decide the best weight loss diet for you, while taking into account all important factors to maintain your health.

Since you have recorded your current dietary habits down, as well as your personal weight loss goals, you will have a great amount of information to share with your doctor. Your doctor is the perfect person to help you come to sound and reasonable conclusions about your current diet and what you can do to change it and meet your personal goals. You will feel better not having to go this alone, and you will be able to avoid all of the pseudo-science and diet garbage that poses as sound advice today.


I hope it is obvious by now that the best weight loss diet for you, is the one you personally design. Although all of the best weight loss diets will involve some form of calorie control, you still need to come to terms with what kind of control you will need to use in your personal diet. Your optimal or ‘maintenance weight’ will not be the same as someone else. The most effective way to do this is to follow the three steps above. Do things right the first time and you will enjoy your new body for years to come.


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Chose the Best Weight Loss Program

by jitesh

If you want to lose weight I am going to tell you best weight loss program. I will tell you what a weight loss program should include. A real weight loss program should not promise fast or rapid weight loss. As rapid weight loss programs never give long lasting results. So prepare your mind if you want to have a success in your weight loss program. The real weight loss program will never be fast you have to be patient as losing weight is a slow process.

Always consult a weight loss doctor or a dietician before starting your weight loss program as performance of an individual varies. You should make some small changes if you want to have great results. Try to count your calories in every meal you eat. Stick to a regular exercise program which is a key part of a weight loss program. Try to enjoy your exercise program. You can exercise outdoors or you can exercise during listening music if you will enjoy your exercise it will boost your weight loss program.

Eat lot of green vegetables and fruits it will help you in your weight loss program as green vegetables and fruits give lot of vitamins and minerals. If you want to lose weight and if you want that your weight loss program should give you great results drink plenty of water. Successful weight loss program always need lots of water. If you want to lose weight water should be your best friend. Losing weight is a slow process a slow and steady weight loss program never promises losing more than three pounds per week.

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Jun 17, 2009

The Best Weight Loss Secrets

by Mathew Reinholt

The best weight loss secrets I know may not have anything to do with the diet plan or exercise program you choose. Rather how you motivate yourself to suffer the hunger that will surely come as you reduce or change the food you eat and the muscle soreness you are likely to feel when beginning any new exercise program.

There is hundreds of diet and exercise programs available that will help you lose weight if you follow them. I am not talking about taking pills that you can never get off and usually have less than desirable side effects. I am not talking about some fad diet where the menu is so restrictive that you are bound to fail. I am talking about diets that give you a balanced meal and exercise programs that fit your level of fitness. These you can do if you can just stick with it.

The best weight loss secrets are not really secrets, just common sense. Maybe these secrets will help you as they have me:

1. See your doctor before beginning a diet or exercise program.

2. Choose a diet that gives you balanced nutrition while staying with the foods you are accustomed to. Same foods just different portions. More fruits and vegetables and less meat and carbohydrates.

3. Have realistic expectations. Many people go into these programs expecting to lose 20 pounds or more in three to four weeks. It can be done but I don't believe it is healthy to do so. In addition these people tend to binge once they have reached their goal and are right back on another diet in a few weeks.

4. Do not look at the scale every day. That can be discouraging. If you stay with it you can expect to lose as much as ten pounds your first two weeks and 1-3 pounds every week thereafter until you hit your target weight.

The very best weight loss secret is this: we all fail at some point. If you get off your diet for a couple of days don't get down on yourself just get back on your plan. Remember losing weight is not easy and you should be proud of your accomplishments. You can do it!

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Jun 16, 2009

Best Weight Loss Program Plan - Weight Loss Program And Plan Made Easy With Software!

by Alex Mckenzie

Have you ever used a successful weight loss software program or plan? Did you know that it can make all the difference in having success in a weight loss diet system? Find out today how this specific software program will help you lose 20+ pounds and you won’t even have to think about what you eat because of it!

Easy to Follow, Permanent Results

Have you ever tried calorie shifting before? It’s a diet based around the idea of eating to boost the metabolic function of your body. Unlike all other diets it uses the idea that by focusing on the metabolism and not the calories consumed you will create a stronger and more efficient metabolism. This lends itself to better results once you come off of the diet and best of all prevents any form of a rebound effect which would allow for putting back on weight that was lost during the diet.

Calorie Shifting is Made Easy with Software

The interesting thing about calorie shifting is that it focuses on eating a wide variety of foods daily to keep the metabolism active. This varied diet though can become somewhat complex for many people. This is where the software comes into play, as it essentially tells you on a day to day basis what to eat next. As a result you can follow the diet perfectly without mistakes and permanently lose pounds of fat every day. Because calorie shifting focuses on your metabolism you will be able to eat the food you love without putting on the fat!

Lose 15 Pounds Before and After a diet with Calorie Shifting, Find out how to lose weight with no rebound effect! Click http://www.fatloss4idiotsdietplan.com/ for more information.

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Jun 15, 2009

Best Weight Loss Diet To Do - What Is The Best Weight Loss Diet To Do?

by Alex Mckenzie

So what is the best weight loss diet to do? You may be surprised that the best weight loss from dieting involves eating, not starving! Hopefully my diet comparisons and suggestions will help assist you in dropping more pounds. In this article I will explain which weight loss diet is best and the 1 major flaw that virtually every popular diet has.

So what type of weight loss diet is best?

First let’s take a brief look at some of the most popular;

South Beach Diet: Low GI diet, meaning you are removing or avoiding carbs for the most part. Eliminating many foods which would cause weight gain including those high in sugar as well as carbs. The focus of the diet is that you are to remain on a loosened version of it… for the rest of your life, or essentially the weight will return. A great diet if maintained for good.

Atkins Diet: The Focus of this diet is carbohydrate avoidance. You can still eat many other types of foods that are high in protein and fat, however all carbs are minimized or eliminated all together. An excellent diet, although don’t expect to keep the results unless you stick with the diet to some degree.

Acai Diet: Completely Flawed, acai has no evidence of fat burning properties although it can benefit overall health. The fiber shake you are to take helps with weight loss but it is by no means diet in of itself.

Calorie Shifting Diet: Eat a wide variety of foods, few limitations and encourages eating to see results. This diet has a normal calorie intake relative to what you would normally eat. Unlike all the other diets this one does not try to pile up results quickly only to have you lose them once you stop. It’s the total opposite. The goal of this diet is to focus on boosting your metabolism which is the real reason why you put on weight. So once you decide to stop the diet you actually continue to lose weight instead of having a rebound effect which every other diet has because of a lack of focus on the metabolism itself.

Lose 15 Pounds in Two Weeks by using Calorie Shifting Click http://www.fatloss4idiotsdietplan.com to find out HOW! 

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Jun 14, 2009

Finding the Best Weight Loss Program for You

by Andy West

Weight loss may seem like a difficult, if not impossible, battle. Many dieters find it hard to stick to a diet, rebounding or switching diets and creating an unhealthy yo-yo effect on their weight. Most people know that frequent vacillations in weight can have a detrimental effect on the human body, but what they don’t know is how to prevent it from happening.

The reason that many dieters are unable to stick to their diets is that their diets don’t stick to them. In other words, in order for a diet program to work it must be geared to the dieter’s individual needs and unique personality. What works for one dieter, another may find lacking in motivation. Just as the reason for your need to diet might differ from another person’s, so should the weight loss program you choose to help you achieve your goals.

For example, you may not know how or where to start in order to achieve your weight loss goal. Those who need help getting started should look for a weight loss program that teaches the basics of healthy nutrition and calorie counting. A diet program such as Fat Loss ‘4′ Idiots helps clueless dieters achieve their goals by helping them to understand why certain diet techniques don’t work, and teaching the techniques that do work. If this type of weight loss program appeals to you, be sure that the program you choose explains the “how” and “why” thoroughly and concisely, so that you know how to implement them in your everyday life.

Other dieters have a problem sticking to their diets because they don’t do well on “starvation” or “denial” diets, but then again, who does? Completely cutting your favorite foods out of your diet is a surefire way to create cravings, and the more you deny a craving, the stronger it gets, until it is impossible to ignore. However, there are a number of weight loss programs available that help dieters lose weight without depriving themselves of the foods they love. Diet programs such as the Sonoma Diet, the South Beach Diet, and the Mediterranean Diet provide scrumptious recipes that satisfy your cravings while helping you with your weight loss goals.

Or perhaps you are the type of person who wants your weight loss program to involve more than just a diet: you want advice on nutrition, exercise, and a comprehensive lifestyle geared toward your unique needs. Weight loss programs such as eDiets.com and Diet.com may provide just what this type of dieter needs: everything from a customized program and diet personality test, to meal suggestions and personalized weight loss strategies.

There are obviously many diets to choose from; the only problem is finding the one that is best for you. To improve your chances, make sure you thoroughly research the available weight loss programs before committing to a specific program. An Internet search for diet programs will inundate you with possible selections, but remember that many of the websites that you find in this manner will be advertisement driven. A much better way to find out about available diets is through the people who are satisfied with them: for example, online communities such as Review Place can give you a good idea of how effective other dieters have found a specific weight loss program by offering reviews on the dieting programs they have tried.

Remember that the success of your diet program is entirely dependent on how well the program suits you individual needs. This doesn’t mean that weight loss is a lost cause for you. Regardless of your personality and lifestyle, there is a weight loss program that is best for you, all you need to do is find it.

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Jun 12, 2009

Finding It Hard To Lose Weight? Here Are The Best Weight Loss Tips!

by James Wong

Doesn’t it feel like wherever you go, there are always those skinny people who seem to be either completely blessed or just know something you don’t? They eat everything and anything they want but still look great, no weight gain or anything without even having to work at it. Instead, you work your butt off!

Watch what you eat, workout for hours on end and still, you either don’t lose the weight, or worse, you continue to gain weight! Wouldn’t you want to look and feel the way those skinny people do? Wouldn’t you want to be able to strut around with a perfect, lean and sexy body?

I can already tell that your answer is a loud YES! Read on to find the best kept secrets to healthy weight loss:

1. Plan - you should always plan your weeks out with your meals and exercise. It doesn’t have to be extremely detailed. Just make sure you set aside time for both. It will help you greatly when it comes time to do them during the week.

2. Exercise - working out is so important to fat and weight loss! But ignore what those “experts” say. You do NOT need to workout for 1 hour each day, 5 days a week. The key to working out is to make sure you are pushing your body and increasing your heart rate. That might mean jogging on the treadmill for 15 minutes, 3 days a week or weight lifting for 30 minutes, 4 days a week. The goal is to break a sweat by increasing your heart rate.

3. Eat more small meals more often - yes, eat more often but make them small meals. When you are working out, your body will need more nutrients to sustain the extra work. Eating small meals 4-6 times a day will help build your metabolism and curb your cravings. But make sure the foods you eat are high in nutrients!

4. Cut yourself some slack - the occasional not-that-great-for-you snack is okay but make sure it is a rare occasion. It’s important to allow yourself a little room in your workout/nutrition routine because it keeps you away from caving in to your cravings completely. But, again, make sure your occasional snacks are very occasional.

5. Stick to it - your workouts and great eating habits should be daily things, to the point where it is deeply part of your life. But if on the occasional day or holiday, you “forget” about the gym, don’t stress. Get back to everything next time through. It’s important to keep your goals and plan in mind always because you will see those results you want even sooner and it will be easier to stay focused.

6. Water is your friend - keep yourself hydrated! During and after your workouts, make sure to drink lots of water. Make sure to drink lots of water throughout a regular day. Water is a great “filter” for your body because it whisks away the toxins in your body. It is a crucial part of healthy eating habits.

Now you know the secrets to weight loss. Pretty simple, right? Make sure to stick to your goals and keep your end result in sight. Pretty soon, you’ll be able to strut around just like those skinny people who also know the secret to fat loss!

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Jun 9, 2009

Best Diet for Weight Loss, Find the Best Diet for Weight Loss

by Valeri Tkatchenko

If you are looking for the best diet for weight loss and you would really like this diet to be the best diet for weight loss and be healthy and rapid at the same time then you really need to read this article as you will find exactly what will suit your weight loss dieting needs! I know that there are many diets that are claiming to be the best diet for weight loss and involve starvation, low carbohydrate consumption, Hollywood diets and other garbage diets that will harm your health and have no positive or visible weight loss results! There is no best diet for weight loss, well there are some good diets that can make a difference but the sour truth of the whole weight loss experience is you will not lose a pound without combining the right diet with the right system of exercises and good weight loss program to obey!

IF you are relying just on simply dieting or just exercising then you will never lose a substantial ammount of weight! No matter how hard you try m those stupborn pounds will stay right where they are. This is exactly the point i am trying to make here, if you do not follow a successful and tested weight loss progam and use the best diet for weight loss and combine all that with correct and easy to do exercises you will start seeing the difference within the very first month! Don’t try just looking for the best diet for weight loss just like you have just now, or look for the best ways to exercise to lose weight, it is all a huge waste of you time becuase those have to be combined and programmed into a good weight loss program! If you have already tried calorie counting and combining certain exercises with some kinds of diets and had no success, that is because the program has to be set up professionally and the program must facilitate for any time of organisms and any kinds of metabolism.

Making up your own weight loss program and finding best diet for weight loss to go with correct exercise techniques is very tough! Most fail to make their own weight loss program that is successful and find the best diet for weight loss, so likely there is an excellent weight loss program set up for people like yourself who are having trouble following your own weight loss program or setting one up in the first place! This weight loss program is set up professionally to facilitate for anyone with any kind of body and tested professionally supported by heaops of testimonials! This weight loss program is called Strip That Fat!

This Weight Loss program truelly does combine the best diet for weight loss and the correct exercises and ensures that you follow the right schedule to ensure optimal results! You will see results extremely fast when you start using this weight loss program! All you need to do now is Visit Strip That Fat Weight Loss Program Here And Start Today!

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Jun 7, 2009

Water: Your Best Weight Loss Friend

by Joey Dweck

Water is one of the key components to a healthy diet and a long-term weight loss undertaking. It not only nourishes your body by keeping your cells hydrated, but it fills your stomach so that you are less hungry. Here are some quick tips for consuming a weight-loss-friendly amount of water without feeling like you are a human water drain.

8 Glasses a Day

Just about everyone has heard that it is important to consume at least 8 glasses of water a day as part of a well-balanced diet. The 8 glasses of water will help to hydrate your body and leave your skin feeling moist and supple. What’s more: it is important to understand exactly what those 8 glasses of water are doing to your body.

As the water enters into your system, it hydrates your cells. Not only will you feel more energized, but it will help to keep your cells strong against illness, headaches and fatigue. Imagine that the body’s cells are a plant. Without water, the plant will wilt and be less strong against daily elements. However, with the proper amount of water and care, the plant will be strong and healthy.

Water relieves the body of harmful toxins, such as those that are caused by illness and stress. By infusing hydration into your system, your body pumps out unwanted chemicals that will slow you down and make your body function less healthily. 8 glasses of water is the minimum if you wish to retain a properly functioning machine.


Many people get their water from fruits, such as apples, watermelons and berries. One piece of fruit, depending on the size, can count for as much as half of a glass of water. The added benefit of fruit is that in addition to helping to hydrate you, fruit can add healthy amounts of vitamins and minerals to your core diet.

Fruit also fills the stomach and energizes you. Because fruit contains very few calories, it is a good food to fill up on. However, fruit does contain fructose, which is a type of sugar. Fructose will spike the level of sugar in your blood stream, which will give you energy. Yet, if that energy is not consumed readily, the fructose will turn to fat (if only a small amount of it.)


There are beverages and activities that dehydrate your body quickly so that your essential amount of water intake needs to be increased. Beverages that deplete water from your body include sodas, coffee, tea and alcohol.

In order to ensure that you stay properly hydrated, drink one glass of water for every glass of soda or other dehydrating beverage. Also, for every half-hour of sweat-inducing exercise, you should drink at least one cup of water. If you are exercising in a particularly humid environment, you may have to drink more water in order to avoid headaches, illness and overall dehydration.

Water truly can aid your weight-loss process if you are diligent about consuming generous portions of it. Many people find that carrying a water bottle with them everywhere they go is the best way to remain tempted to treat your body right.

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Jun 6, 2009

The Very Best Weight Loss Skill

by Carol Solomon, Ph.D. MCC

What’s the best weight loss skill?

Very simple.

What researchers have found is that most overeating occurs when you are in the state of “tense tiredness”.

If that is the case (and I think most people would agree), then fighting fatigue is a worthy goal.

It just makes sense that if you can work on being less tired and less tense, overeating will decrease.

If you are reaching for food in the late afternoon and evening when you aren’t physiologically hungry, then you are feeding your fatigue, not your hunger.

Many people use food to push through the day, or to give themselves a little “pick me up” or a “treat” for working so hard.

Yes, you do deserve something good. But there are better ways to be kind to yourself.

Remember, diets are broken in the late afternoon and evening, when mood and energy levels are low.

Today, I will teach you the best way to stay in touch with yourself, so that you can avoid mindless overeating when you start to get tired.

There are a lot of good life skills to learn that will aid you in losing weight. One of the very best skills is to learn to stay in touch with yourself throughout the day.

I know that it sounds simple.

But it’s easy to lose touch with ourselves.


Do The “Check In”


The easiest way to reconnect with yourself is to do the “check in.” Simply “check-in” with yourself at least 10 times per day. (Yes, 10 times!). It only takes a few moments to do.

Ask yourself these 2 questions:

1. How do I feel?

2. What do I need?

Accept whatever answers you get without judgment. Then try to meet your own needs in whatever way is possible.

And be honest with yourself.

For instance, suppose you are tired and what you really need is a nap. But it’s not possible at the moment.

What could you do instead?

You may not be able to take a nap, but you might be able to honor your need in some other way.

Perhaps you could just do some breathing exercises, or take a short walk to feel a little more refreshed.

You could use energy techniques, such as Emotional Freedom Techniques - to reduce stress and fatigue. It only takes minutes to do, and can be applied specifically to food cravings and weight loss.

Be especially concerned if you are starting to get that “fuzzy” feeling . . . or if you are numb and having trouble identifying how you feel. That is an indicator that you need to take a break.

You may even need to schedule your day differently once you start to identify your patterns . . . in order to meet your needs better.

Now there’s a concept!

Start using this skill on a regular basis and you WILL notice a difference.

You won’t be as tempted to eat in the late afternoon and evening when you start to get that tense, tired feeling.

When you can take care of your needs more directly, it’s easier to make progress with weight loss.

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Jun 4, 2009

Best Weight Loss Tips

by Darren O’Connell

Weight loss has become a very big issue amongst obese Americans. It is the main reason why many resort to crash diets and quick weight loss drinks, in the hope of losing that extra body weight. Crash diets and quick weight loss solutions can be effective if done correctly and safely, but if too much is expected too soon then they are not the healthiest of weight loss options.


Here are few weight loss tips that may help:


The first weight loss tip is to stick to the measuring tape. Increase the physical activity and change the eating habits. Exercise is a good option, since it helps build muscle mass. The muscle tissue is more active metabolically as compared to other tissues. Hence, the more muscles that a person has, the more is the weight loss capacity.


Eat more Soup - A bowl of any soup, especially the one with beans and vegetables is best for weight loss. Always make the soup a habit for dinner or lunch each day. This eliminates any need for late night supper or mid afternoon lunch.


Improve mental state - Without realization, many people consider food as a distraction, comfort, pleasure or as a buffer for other negative emotions or stress. Just as other alcoholics and smokers, some people are addicted to food psychologically. It is important to talk to a mental health counselor, in case people habitually use food to feel better.


Other Important Factors:


Rather than focusing on the things that obese people have to deny or limit themselves to lose body fat, it is important to rejoice the new food that they can add, to shake up their meal plans. To do this, try new vegetables, fruits or whole grains each week. In addition, always maintain a running list of favorites.


Always select those foods that take time to cook. It is a wonderful tip for anyone who tries to lose some weight, especially those who eat too fast. Think of those foods that take time to pick apart or peel apart, for instance, pomegranates, crab, kiwi, shellfish and even a boiled egg.


Also important is to restrain the taste buds. It is a known thing that, while giving up on salt, even the lightly salted foods taste over salty. The same happens in case of those who give up on sugar. It is better to extend such concepts to foodstuffs made of white flour. Here, people may find themselves losing on taste or cravings – for bagels, pasta, rolls and white breads.


Apart from the above mentioned tips, it is also important for obese people to do more of yoga and other meditation techniques. This proves to be extremely beneficial for the body and mind.


Even five to ten minutes of regular exercise also helps to reduce the weight. Obese people have to understand that crash dieting and weight loss pills are the temporary solution to their weight problems. These things may cause unnecessary side effects. Hence, the best option is to keep a regular watch on the weight and thereafter, decide on the foods.


Proper check on the diet combined with mild exercise and meditation is the key tip towards a healthy and prosperous life.

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Jun 2, 2009

Exercise and Weight Loss

by George Best

While is is well-known that exercise is a necessity for effective weight loss, there is quite a bit of conflicting information as to what kind of exercise and how much of it will produce optimal fat burning. Experts often disagree as to what the “correct” exercise is for maximum weight loss. This disagreement is often due to a misinterpretation of research that only gives a part of the whole story. In addition, different individuals will actually benefit from different exercise programs, so universal exercise recommendations really cannot be made.

Let’s begin with what the current research on exercise physiology tells us. It is well-established that it takes approximately 30 minutes of any kind of exercise for the body to burn off its glycogen (stored sugar) reserves and begin burning fat. So, most experts recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise, and generally 60 minutes or more may be recommended to get a good amount of fat burning. Now, if you are going to be exercising for 30 to 60 minutes, or maybe more, what type of exercise would you be able to do for that length of time? It probably would have to be low to medium intensity. In other words, you’re probably not going to be able to run full speed or do any other type of high-intensity exercise for 30 to 60 minutes without a rest, unless you happen to be an elite athlete, and even then you’d be struggling. So, by default, the common recommendation for exercise to lose weight has been 30 to 60 minutes of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise. Aerobic translates to “in the presence of oxygen”, which in common language means that aerobic exercise is any type of activity that you can do without gasping for breath.

In recent years, some experts have changed their recommendations to using a more intense anaerobic (”without oxygen”) exercise program for weight loss. This would include things like intense weight lifting, and something called “interval training”. Interval training involves brief bursts of high intensity activity with periods of rest or low intensity activity in between. For instance, your could sprint at full speed for 30 to 60 seconds and once you were winded, you could walk at an easy pace for a couple of minutes until you could catch your breath, then repeat the cycle several more times.. Since this type of exercise is much more physically demanding, it is done over a much shorter overall workout period - perhaps 20 to 40 minutes (with half or more of that time being rest or low intensity activity), as compared to the 30 to 60 minutes of continuous activity as recommended for aerobic exercise. The question is, how do the two types of exercise compare in terms of their ability to promote fat burning?

The aerobic exercise promoters point to the research that was mentioned earlier that has shown that any exercise, no matter how intense requires at least 30 minutes to use up the body’s stored glycogen (the body will normally burn glycogen before it will burn fat) before fat burning can begin. So, they say, short periods of even highly intense exercise won’t burn much fat and is therefore not a good choice for promoting weight loss. But they are only seeing part of the story.

It is true that you must exercise for at least 30 minutes to begin to achieve fat burning - but that’s at the time you are exercising. Brief bursts of intense anaerobic exercise does something that even quite a lot of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise does not. Intense anaerobic exercise stimulates the production of growth hormone, which is a strong stimulator of fat burning. The thing is, the release of growth hormone triggered by intense anaerobic exercise comes 24 to 48 hours AFTER the exercise, and then it produces considerably more fat burning than is possible with all but extremely long periods of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise.

Because of this effect, most people will lose weight much more easily by doing shorter periods of more intense exercise. 20 to 40 minutes of heavy weightlifting, interval training (which could be done on foot, on a bicycle, swimming, kickboxing, etc.Any kind of activity in which there are periodic bursts of intense exertion interspersed with rest periods, or periods of low intensity activity is typically preferable in the long run for weight control than even long hours of lower intensity aerobic exercise.

Now, you’ll notice that I said “most people”. There is an exception to the rule. People under considerable stress, either emotional or physical, or both, in their daily lives are prone to overworked adrenal glands. The adrenal glands do a lot of things in the body, but with regards to weight loss, they produce two hormones. One hormone is cortisol, which promotes fat deposition in the lower abdomen. This is typically a saggy, pendulous fat held below the waistline. The other hormone the adrenals produce is adrenaline (also called epinephrine), which actually promotes fat burning. Since the adrenals produce cortisol which causes fat deposition and adrenaline which promotes fat burning, you might assume that these two hormones cancel each other out. Unfortunately, cortisol production can be carried out by a much longer time by the adrenal glands than can the production of adrenaline, so long-term, the effects of high cortisol production (deposition of fat in the lower belly), will overcome whatever fat burning might occur from the short-term adrenaline production.

The adrenals are influenced by physical stress as well as mental stress, so for someone who is under a lot of stress in general in his or her life, high-intensity exercise will only add to the total stress and will tend to make the adrenals produce a lot of cortisol, and therefore will tend to promote lower abdomen weight gain. Yes, you read that right - excessive exercise for someone under a lot of stress can actually cause that person to deposit MORE fat around the lower belly! This can result in the frustrating situation in which one exercises more and more and harder and harder to try to get rid of that lower abdomen stomach “pooch”, but never can seem to get rid of it. Because the intense exercise is stimulating more cortisol production, that person is fighting a losing battle. Because of this effect, it is recommended that people under a lot of stress and/or who have most of their weight held in the lower abdomen stick to relatively low intensity aerobic exercise. This kind of activity is usually helpful for controlling stress and reducing the level of cortisol, thereby making it easier to get rid of the deposition of fat around the lower abdomen.

I hope that this article has given you a better concept of how to maximize your exercise routine for the best possible weight loss results.

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